Chapter 676
In the middle of the night, the sea surface was undulating, and the torch was like a fire dragon, heading straight towards a small island among the archipelago.

"My lord, this is the South China Sea Islands!"

On the fishing boat that Ren Xiao and Wuhuan were on, a fisherman said respectfully: "More than ten years ago, when Nanhai County was still the Nanyue Kingdom, the villain went fishing with my father and came to this small island once. That time, the villain was Landed here!"

During the conversation, three thousand fishing boats had gathered and all stopped on the shallows of the small island.

"Well, I got it, pass the order, everyone abandons the ship and lands, no matter what the cost, even if the islands are turned over, they must be the first to find His Majesty the Emperor!"

With sharp eyes, Ren Xiao ordered in a deep voice.

"But my lord, what should I do if I encounter bandits? Should I deal with the bandits first, or seek His Majesty the Emperor first?"

On the side, Wuhuan couldn't help but said.

"His Majesty the Emperor is more important. As for the bandits, it doesn't matter when they are eliminated. Of course, if the bandits dare to show up, kill them! If you can kill the bandits and find your majesty at the same time, that would be the best!"

Ren Xiao stood with his hands behind his back, and while speaking, he leaped onto the shallows.

Seeing this, Wuhuan didn't hesitate, and passed on Ren Xiao's order. The [-] troops immediately went ashore and lined up all the boats to avoid being swept away by the waves.

Then, everyone practiced in a row, searched everywhere in a carpet-like search, and moved overnight.

At this moment, virtually all soldiers were exhausted.

After all, before, they had been traveling day and night for three consecutive days, and everyone had almost no time to rest. Then they went to the sea. Until now, it was late at night and early in the morning. Everyone's tired eyelids were trembling, and they wanted to find a place to take a good rest.

If Ren Xiao, who was sympathetic to his subordinates, naturally couldn't bear the hard work of the soldiers on weekdays, but in this critical period, he would rather let these people work harder, or even die from exhaustion. He also had to find the emperor as quickly as possible. Keep the emperor safe.

Therefore, along the way, almost only Ren Xiao's constant urging was heard, and everyone could only drag their tired bodies to carry out the order to the end.

When the time passed and the sky was slightly bright, someone finally couldn't bear the exhaustion of running around for days, and passed out on the spot.

The rest of the soldiers also fell down one after another, and many of them couldn't get up even if they wanted to.

"What are you doing? Let's guard them one by one. His Majesty hasn't found them yet. How can you rest?"

Seeing this, Ren Xiao frowned and shouted angrily.

"My lord, it's too late, the soldiers are really too tired. If we continue, I'm afraid we won't be able to go very far, and everyone will have to get down!"

"If we encounter rebels at this moment, even though we have an army of [-], we will be reduced to a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. We have no power to fight back, and we can only let people try their swords!"

Wuhuan came to Ren Xiao's side, frowned, and tried to persuade him, "My lord, I know that finding His Majesty the Emperor is the most important thing now, but there are some things that I can't remember, so I have to be careful at every step!"

"Since we are here to protect His Majesty the Emperor, we must first have the strength to protect His Majesty the Emperor. If we continue like this, we may not be able to protect ourselves. My lord, let the soldiers rest first!"

Hearing this, Ren Xiao's face became extremely ugly.

He looked around, the sky was getting brighter and brighter at this moment, and he watched everyone lying on the ground.

Some people even wish they could close their eyes for a moment, and pass out directly. His heart is really mixed.


Ren Xiao let out a long sigh. He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that at this moment, it was really not suitable to continue on his way.

After all, they are not only as simple as finding someone, but also deal with bandits, or prevent them from being dealt with by bandits.

If everyone is too tired to stand up, how can they have the strength to fight back when the bandits really come to kill them?

Thinking up to this point, Ren Xiao waved his hands and said: "Okay, let's pass on the order and let all the soldiers thank you on the spot for three hours."

"After three hours, everyone get up, eat some dry food, set off immediately, and continue to search!"

Wuhuan was overjoyed, clasped his fists quickly, and said, "No!"

After agreeing to the promise, Wuhuan immediately shouted at the top of his voice: "The Lord Sheriff ordered everyone to rest on the spot for three hours. After three hours, get up, eat, and set off again!"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, some people laughed twice, turned their heads and fell asleep immediately.

In less than a hundred breaths, all the [-] troops fell into a coma, not even one standing guard.

It can be seen from this that these people are really too exhausted, even so exhausted that they have even forgotten Jiebei.

Ren Xiao's two ten thousand generals and twenty thousand commanders came over and bowed to Ren Xiao, only to see one of the ten thousand generals smiled wryly, "My lord, it seems that today, the last general can only wait and wait." It's time to whistle, my lord should also rest first, leave this place to the general to wait, and make sure nothing goes wrong!"

Ren Xiao looked around and saw that everyone was really tired, so he didn't make things difficult for them, he shook his head and said, "I'm fine, you should rest first, tomorrow, the army will still rely on you to lead, go quickly, This is Ben Shou's order!"

While talking, Ren Xiao didn't have time to slowly decline with these people, and ordered directly.

Everyone was taken aback, they were afraid that the sheriff would be tired, but they didn't expect the sheriff to have no room for discussion, and he gave the order directly, which made them dare not refute at all.

What's more, they were already very tired, and immediately, each of them hesitated for a moment, responded, each found a place, lay down and got into the water.

"My lord, you should rest first. The army has been on the road for three days in a row, and they are already exhausted, and your lord will be tired too. On the contrary, the last general has been resting fairly well. It is not a big problem not to sleep this day. Let the last general guard Bar!"

Seeing that everyone was sleeping soundly, Wuhuan looked at the silent Ren Xiao and said in a deep voice.

Ren Xiao was taken aback for a moment, turned his head to look at Wuhuan, seeing that Wuhuan was full of energy, he didn't bother to try to be brave, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, I'll leave this place to you!"

With that said, Ren Xiao walked aside, walked under a big tree, and fell asleep too.

For Wuhuan, he seemed very relieved.

At this moment, everyone's lives were even entrusted to Wuhuan's hands.

Seeing that Ren Xiao was asleep, Wuhuan shook his head, sighed, turned over and climbed onto a big tree, watched all directions, listened to all directions, and made eyes for everyone.

He would wake anyone up at the first sign of trouble.

But as time passed, everyone slept more and more soundly, but nothing happened.

When the sky was bright, everyone slept more soundly, while on the other side, in the cave, Ying Shou opened his eyes in a daze.

The sun didn't rise today, but Ying Shou, who had slept for several days in a row, his eyes seemed to have adapted to the darkness. Even the bright light on a cloudy day made him feel glaring.

(End of this chapter)

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