Chapter 677

Ying Shou squeezed his eyes hard, opened them slowly, and finally got used to the bright light.

For a while, I felt extremely sore and limp all over, as if I had been lying down for a long time without moving.

Zheng Xiang was lazy, but felt a softness in his arms, looked down, and saw a woman with fluffy hair and very messy in his arms.

Not to mention, at this sight, even Ying Shou was almost taken aback, but he soon saw that the woman's little messy face was not his queen, but who was it?

"So embarrassed?"

At this moment, Ying Shou couldn't help feeling a little silly.

He looked up and down, only to feel that what was lying in his arms at the moment was not the majestic Mother of Qin, but a little beggar woman!
In his memory, Nanyan might be very casual sometimes, and didn't like to dress up that much, and even compared to those beautiful women's dresses, he preferred to wear some casual clothes.

It's not that she doesn't love beauty, it's just that she prefers that relaxed feeling.But no matter what she wears, Nan Yan has always been very particular about cleanliness, which can almost be called cleanliness.

It was hard for him to imagine how Nan Yan could bear it.

Just as Ying Shou was looking at Nan Yan, Nan Yan suddenly turned over. The slender jade arm, no, it should be said to be slender and covered with dirt, and the arm with countless scars was directly on his chest.

Ying Shou followed suit and couldn't help trembling.

He didn't know how long he had been in a coma, but at this moment, the scar on Nanyan's hand, and the exhaustion that could not even take care of the mess, really pulled his heartstrings and trembled.

It's hard to imagine what this little woman did while she was in a coma to suffer so much.


Ying Shou couldn't help feeling distressed, but saw Nanyan poking her small mouth and putting her little head in his arms, drooling. I don't know if he suddenly saw something delicious.

That small appearance is both charming and cute, but also heart-rending.

Is this really the queen of a country?
Looking at Nan Yan who was sleeping soundly, Ying Shou couldn't bear to wake her up. For a while, resisting the discomfort in his body, he lay quietly like this, creating a warm and comfortable environment for her, so that she could continue to sleep soundly.

As time passed, Ying Shou slowly closed his eyes and began to sort out all the things that happened that day.

After sorting out his thoughts like this, time passed quickly, and before he knew it, half an hour had passed.

He suddenly felt the person in his arms move. He thought it was just turning over, but he didn't care.

But the next moment, he noticed that the person in his arms got up and leaned in front of him.

Ying Shou's thoughts were thrown into confusion. He was about to open his eyes when he heard Nan Yan's hoarse voice: "Still sleeping, what a lazy pig!"

There was a hint of complaint in this voice, but also a hint of playfulness, which made Ying Shou reluctant to open his eyes for a while.

Ever since he and Nan Yan got married, he couldn't remember hearing Nan Yan speak in such a tone for a long time.

She was a very cheerful, lively and kind-hearted girl. However, after entering the palace, in order not to be criticized by others, she forcibly disguised herself as a noble and elegant woman.

She is really not suitable for that nobility, that nobility is a bondage to her, and the pressure it brings is really too great.

Relatively speaking, she is more suitable to be the elf who is graceful and beautiful, with green mountains and green waters, lively and unrestrained, beautiful and charming, who can bring different happiness to people every day.

Her cleansing and anger are all so charming and touch people's hearts.

It's a pity that all of this has been hidden under the queen's cloak. It can't help but be hidden from outsiders, and it's completely hidden from Ying Shou.

At this moment, Ying Shou didn't want to open his eyes. He was afraid that once he opened his eyes, he would put a shackle on this lively girl and make her lose all her freedom.

Although this moment will come sooner or later, but it can make her relax for a while, so try to relax for a while.

Thinking this way in his heart, Ying Shou continued to lie quietly with his eyes closed.

In such silence, Nan Yan gently lay in his arms, feeling that his body had returned to normal.

But the body temperature was still hotter than ordinary people. Nan Yan couldn't help being in her little hand, drawing small circles on his chest, and muttered in a low voice: "Sleep is so sweet, sweeter than lazy pigs, at least lazy pigs know It's time to get up and eat!"

"But that's fine too. When you're alone, sometimes you worry too much, so you should take a good rest."

"Go to sleep, anyway, your injury is healed now, the longer you sleep, the better, and sleep away the exhaustion of these hours, and when you wake up, you will be your emperor full of energy, this is the spirit that the Great Qin Emperor should have! "

"Now that your injury is healed, let me relax too. I have to say, it's really uncomfortable to feel that everyone who sees me will be kowtowed all day long!"

While speaking, Nan Yan completely pressed her small face against Ying Shou's body, as if she was recalling something.

After a long time, perhaps because Ying Shou's injury suddenly recovered, she breathed a sigh of relief, and because she had enough rest, she felt relieved and began to complain on the spot.

"Qin Wu, don't say this name again now, it's weird, it sounds better like Ying Shou. But on weekdays, people don't dare to call you by your name!"

"When we got married before, this girl just wanted to be nice to the court ladies. In the end, I almost didn't scare people to death. I had to let this girl call herself my palace and treat them according to court etiquette!"

"Later, it was just a few wrong words, who knew that the stern little old man Shusuntong overheard me and scolded me!"

"Do you know how he reprimanded me? This little old man is really annoying. While calling the empress respectfully, he reprimanded the girl like a daughter. It really made the girl not know how to listen to his advice as a queen. , or listen to his lessons as a student!"

"Since then, although you have said nicely that I don't have to suppress it on purpose, in reality, how dare I."

"Not to mention anything else, even if this girl calls your name, if people hear you, you will be reprimanded!"

"Hey, life like this is very boring, do you know it? It's better now, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty can't control it, and the people in the world can't see it."

"Of course, you can't hear what this girl said. If you don't vent, this girl will suffocate to death!"

"Well, you can't say the word death in the palace, but now this girl can say whatever she wants. Ying Shou, you used Qin Wu's identity to deceive this girl, you are mad at me, do you know that?"

"This matter, do you think that you are the emperor, and this girl will let you go? Now it's just to give the name of the emperor some face. Sooner or later, if you can't make this girl happy, let's see if I can beat you to death." You're done!"

A whisper to himself, like a shrew venting, was heard in Ying Shou's ears, but it made Ying Shou's heart twitch continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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