Chapter 678
Ying Shou's heart was trembling. He had always known that Nan Yan was suppressing himself, but he never thought that she would be so unhappy and suppressed to such an extent.

For a moment, Shu Suntong's kind but serious face appeared in his mind.

That old man, the first impression he gives people, is always kind, gentle and polite, but as long as he gets in touch with him deeply, anyone can't help but develop a heart of resistance.

But as long as you treat people sincerely and take etiquette seriously, you will find that he is still that kind-hearted old man, gentle and kind to people.

Such a person is like a monster in front of him.

Thinking of it now, Ying Shou realized that not only Nan Yan, but even himself wanted to kick the old man hard.

You say that if you care about etiquette, you should care about etiquette, but you just care about outsiders, and you have to manage the palace, which is called the son of heaven and the mother of the country, and should set an example for the world.

That's all, your control over the palace must be stricter than outside.

Sometimes Ying Shou doubts about etiquette, whether it was designed for those subjects, or for the emperor's family.

Ordinary people treat etiquette as long as they treat others with courtesy and do not break the law. As for the freedom of others, they are never restricted by etiquette.

But the royal family is different. The royal family can't help but need to treat people with courtesy, and every move, word and deed is strictly regulated.

Once you relax a little bit, it's okay not to be seen by others, but when Shu Suntong hears it, the old man won't care about 21, and will directly kill him in the palace.

Not to mention the queen, even the emperor, he can talk about it non-stop for three days and three nights.

But even if it was Ying Shou, there was nothing he could do about it. Who made him have to give him the position of Taifu?
The so-called Taifu is the master of the prince, even the emperor's teacher, and the teacher of the world.

The whole world, including the emperor, can be regarded as his student.A teacher who spreads the etiquette, after his students violated the etiquette, a few words of duty, a few words of correction, who can do it?
Even if it's the emperor, he can't just kick him away, right?If you really want to do this, you have to be poked in the spine by the people of the world.

Thinking of this, Ying Shou felt very helpless, and even he could understand the feelings of those stupid kings in history.

As a high-ranking king, being nagged like this all day, anyone would become brutal and go crazy.

Fortunately, it was him that Shusun Tong met. If it were someone else, even the first emperor of the previous dynasty would have slaughtered him long ago.

"No, it seems that when I go back this time, I have to formulate the rules of the palace, otherwise, the whole palace will be driven crazy by this little old man sooner or later!"

With a move in my heart, I couldn't help thinking to myself.

At this moment, his stomach suddenly made a sound of drumming.

Nan Yan, who was lying in his arms and complaining in a low voice, suddenly closed her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Nan Yan slowly got up, and the corners of her mouth, which had been complaining before, suddenly lifted into a beautiful smile.

"Hee hee, so you still know you're hungry. It's so heartless that you can sleep so comfortably even though your stomach is growling!"

"Forget it, whoever will give it to my girl's man, I can't let you go hungry. For the sake of your hard work, the Japanese general will go get some food first, so that you won't wake up later. Come on, it hurts to be hungry!"

Saying that, Nan Yan lifted the clothes covering her body and got up, but she trembled instinctively.

He got up from the hot blanket, and suddenly faced the cold environment. For a while, no one could stand it.

Nan Yan quickly grabbed the obscene clothes and trousers on the side, and put them on, but she couldn't resist the cold wind at all, and the severe cold air was still whipping her body continuously.

"Huh...don't say it, the sea wind is biting, it's really cold!"

Nanyan's teeth were chattering from the cold, she was breathing hot air, stomping her feet constantly, and walking towards the outside of the mountain tremblingly.

Ying Shou Huanhuan opened her eyes, looking at her flimsy clothes that were not resistant to cold, plus the obscene clothes that were constantly torn by thorns and polluted by dirt, her heart trembled.

In his eyes, the trembling body seemed as if what she stomped on was not the ground, but her own heart.

Ying Shou looked at what was covered on his body, and the cushions under him were all this little woman's clothes.

At this moment, Ying Shou felt pain in his heart as if someone was pinching him hard. She actually spent the past few days like this.

When Ying Shou came back to his senses, Nan Yan had disappeared into the cave.

He turned around quickly, bare-chested, packed Nanyan's clothes in his arms, and chased after her barefoot.

Walking out of the cave, only the sound of the waves kept ringing. Ying Shou looked up and saw the endless ocean, and the waves came one after another.

His mind was dizzy. At this moment, facing the sea, he was still dizzy, but this dizziness seemed to be much lighter than before.

His eyes were concentrated on the beach, and there he saw a delicate figure, carrying a sharpened wooden stick, came to the seashore, the sea breeze was blowing towards her face, blowing her long hair fluttering, making her whole body shiver.

Because of the intense cold, she couldn't help but squat down, put the wooden stick aside, and hugged her whole body into a ball to keep warm.

"Hiss... the wind seems to be getting stronger today, it's really cold!"

Nan Yan's pretty face was instantly turned purple by the cold wind, her lips trembled, her silver teeth chattered, her skin was constantly changing color, and even her body seemed to have lost consciousness.

"No, you can't keep squatting here, or you will be frozen sooner or later. First catch the fish, and then... regenerate the fire..."

Nanyan's voice was trembling, and she murmured in a low voice. She stood up forcefully, ignored the cold, grabbed the stick, looked at the sea with a challenging face, and suddenly shouted: "Fish, this girl is here to warm you up!"

As he said that, he took a small step and ran towards the shallows, towards the sea ahead.

But at this moment, all of a sudden, she only felt her arms tense, and a strong force hit her, which immediately pulled her backwards and flew her out, turned her body, and directly bumped into a hot body.


Nan Yan exclaimed, raised her head suddenly, and suddenly met Ying Shou's deep and bright eyes.

In an instant, she trembled all over, as if she had been immobilized, she stood dumbly in front of Ying Shou, motionless.

Ying Shou waved her big hand and hugged her in his arms. At the same time, the dress wrapped around her from behind.

Ying Shou's body was very warm. Although his clothes had already been given to Xue Ning, except for a pair of pajama pants, the cold sea breeze did not affect his body temperature at all. Hot as a furnace.

Nan Yan lay in his arms, and quickly dispelled all the coldness. She felt warm all over her body. An invisible sense of security filled the woman's weak heart at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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