Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 679 Mutual Maintenance

Chapter 679 Mutual Maintenance
"How is it, is it still cold?"

On the seashore, the wind is cold and the sound of the waves keeps ringing. A beautiful couple embraces each other on the shore.

After a long time, Ying Shou's voice sounded so magnetic that it made one's heart tremble.

"His Majesty……"

Unspeakable slowly raised her head from Ying Shou's arms, looking at Ying Shou's sharp face, at this moment, she felt that the world was so warm, as if she already had everything.

"The not cold anymore..."

Nan Yan's voice was hoarse and gentle, and she looked at Ying Shou with a smile on her face, with a warm and happy expression.

"Then go back first!"

Ying Shou gently pushed her away, tied her clothes with his own hands, dressed her neatly, then picked her up by the waist, and was about to leave.

"Ah... no, Your Majesty, you haven't eaten for several days, and my concubine is still fishing. Otherwise, what would you eat today?"

Nan Yan came to her senses and struggled quickly.

"I don't need you, a little woman, to worry about my food!"

Seeing Nan Yan struggling out of her arms, Ying Shou rolled his eyes and reproached in a low voice.

Thinking of Nan Yan's thin body just now, shivering in the cold wind, how could he bear to let this little woman go into the sea to catch fish in the cold wind for himself?

"But... but Your Majesty, my concubine... my concubine is also hungry..."

"Your Majesty knows that people depend on food. Could it be that because your concubine is a queen, your majesty doesn't treat her as a human being and wants to make her hungry?"

Nan Yan pursed her mouth and looked at Ying Shou with an aggrieved look, which really made people feel distressed.

She is very clear about the emperor's behavior, the emperor is not too arrogant, but he has always been masculine, and it is fine when he is in a coma. Now that he wakes up, how can he watch her suffer like this as a woman?
The so-called don't let her worry, in the final analysis, I don't want her to suffer, but in order to survive, why would she care about such a little hard work?
She knew that the emperor was afraid of water, and even more afraid of the sea. It was completely impossible for him to go fishing in the sea. In the final analysis, if he wanted to survive in this sea, he had to rely on himself in the end.

"Stupid woman, look behind you. The island is high in mountains and dense in forests. Could it be that you can't even kill a few wild game? Just wait, let me serve you today!"

Ying Shou was a little amused, pointed at the mountains and forests on the island behind, and said with a smile.

He really couldn't do it if he was asked to go fishing in the sea, because he was afraid of the sea.But he can't go in the water, so can't he go in this mountain forest?
Nan Yan was stunned for a while, looked at the forest behind her, and suddenly felt a little silly.

That's right, the mountains are high and the forests are dense, why didn't I think of finding some wild game?

But soon, she realized that it was late autumn and winter was about to begin. Many wild animals would prepare to hibernate at this time.

In the past few days, she has been walking in the mountains and forests, and has hardly seen any game. In the end, she instinctively put all her hopes in the sea.

Nowadays, it is not that simple to go to the forest to find food.

Furthermore, even if he could find it, how could he do such a thing as a mountain man with his identity as the emperor?The most important thing is to do it for yourself, Nan Yan will never allow it.

"No, my concubine doesn't want to eat wild game. I like to eat fish. Your Majesty, my concubine grew up in the state of Chu. She grew up by mountains, forests and rivers, and she loves to eat fish."

"As a result, after going to Xianyang, there was basically no chance to eat fish. Could it be that His Majesty can't satisfy his concubines now that he is at sea?"

Thinking about it, Nan Yan didn't argue with Ying Shou, but acted like a baby, holding Ying Shou's arm and shaking it gently, pouted, looking very pitiful.

"Really, do you want to eat fish so much?"

Ying Shou looked at Nan Yan suspiciously, she didn't think this woman would be so persistent.

"Well, really!"

Nan Yan nodded quickly, with a serious expression on her face.

"Okay, I'll catch fish for you!"

Looking at Nan Yan's big blinking eyes, as if she could speak, Ying Shou's heart trembled, how could he not see what this little woman was thinking?
It's not that she wants to eat fish at all, but that she wants to use her thin body to protect herself, the so-called emperor.

Immediately, Ying Shou didn't expose it, picked up Nanyan again, sat down on a rock not far away, and said, "You wait here, I will catch fish for you!"

"What? Your Majesty, are you going to catch fish?"

Nan Yan was startled, she didn't eat wild game in the mountains, but she didn't want the emperor to jump up and down in the mountains like a wild man.Compared with the comfort of being served by the emperor, she is more willing to maintain the emperor's face.

The emperor should be on top, otherwise it would be a joke to let others know that the emperor is so self-respecting and ruining himself for a woman?
However, now the emperor wants to go fishing for her personally, is that okay?This is not just a matter of face, the emperor's life may be in danger if he is not careful.

Relying on the emperor's mutual restraint of water, such an approach is tantamount to moths flying into the flames, asking for a dead end!

"No...Your Majesty, you can't go..."

Nan Yan quickly grabbed Ying Shou, shook her head with a serious face, and said resolutely: "Your Majesty is afraid of water, how can you let His Majesty do things like catching fish by himself?"

Saying that, Nan Yan got up and said: "Let the concubine come!"

"Stop for me!"

Seeing that Nan Yan was about to run to the sea while speaking, Ying Shou pulled her back and pushed her to sit on the rock.

"As a woman, how can you disobey your husband? What's more, I'm still the emperor, so I can do what I say, so stay here!"

"I can't get used to the water, but it doesn't mean I'm really afraid, and I won't be in contact with rivers, lakes and seas for the rest of my life!"

"I am the emperor. I have mountains and rivers. What are mountains and rivers? Rivers are water. If I can't overcome water, how can I sit on mountains and rivers? By then, there will be mountains but no rivers. Wouldn't I become the emperor of the earth, the king of the mountains?"

Ying Shou pressed Nan Yan tightly, stared at Nan Yan seriously, and said solemnly.


When Nan Yan heard this, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"The King of the Mountain... it seems that this is really the case!"

Nan Yan laughed foolishly.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious. Remember, I want to rule all over the world, the world's mountains and rivers. In this world, there is nothing I can't do, and there is nothing I can't do. You wait, and with you, there is really Whatever the problem, you can also point out one or two!"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes and said seriously.

"Oh, the concubine understands. Your Majesty wants to use the concubine to teach him how to play with water. So, now His Majesty is asking the concubine for advice? Doesn't this way of asking for advice seem wrong?"

Nan Yan was persuaded by Ying Shou, but she was still a little unhappy in her heart, so she laughed and teased immediately.

"That's right, I'm asking the queen for advice. From today on, the queen will be my water training teacher. The student Ying Shou, I'll pay my respects to the teacher, and ask the teacher for advice, okay?"

Ying Shou saw her small thoughts, immediately smiled, bowed his hands together, saluted wantonly, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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