Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 680 Fear of heights and water

Chapter 680 Fear of heights and water
Heaven and earth have yin and yang, and all things have spirituality.

The spiritual person has the seven emotions and six desires!
Life is the primate of all things, and it is even more impossible to escape the control of the seven emotions and six desires.

The human ethics and morality of etiquette seem to restrain people's seven emotions and six desires, and prevent people from indulging in behavior. In fact, etiquette suppresses only desires, not emotions.

Those who want, ask for it.

In order to obtain, many people will not hesitate to embark on the road of harming the interests of others. Therefore, there are laws in heaven and earth, and laws in the family and country, in order to suppress such endless demands.

Lovers, pay also.

The feelings of all living beings are a kind of dedication in themselves, which is a very beautiful thing, with etiquette and morality, and will never be restrained.

For example, maternal love, when a child is born, will give everything for her child unconditionally, whether it is physical or psychological, and never ask for it. This is called the love of a mother.

Father's love, for the sake of children, give everything, even for a lifetime, never give up.This is the love of the biological father.

Whether it is mother's love or father's love, it is all family affection.

The relationship between men and women, also known as love.

The two do not acquire each other, but give each other, protect each other, and maintain each other. This is love.

At this moment, Nan Yan, married to the emperor's family, seems to have been prosperous and wealthy all her life, aloof and superior.

In fact, she never thought about it that way.On the contrary, the status of the queen is a heavy burden and a responsibility to her.

Therefore, between heaven and earth, love can also be called responsibility.

Responsibility does not come from one side. As a woman, no matter what the situation is, maintaining the dignity of her husband is the most basic. This is the responsibility.

Ordinary couples, supporting each other, working hard outside, cooking and weaving in the workshop after they come back, it is unavoidable to be ridiculed and sissy. At this time, what a woman should do is not to refute, but to accept the situation. everything.

Similarly, if a woman does what a man does, the man will be ridiculed and unworthy of being a husband.

Therefore, since ancient times, there has been such a saying that the heavens and the earth are yin and yang, and all things are in the universe.

This is not to say that men are superior to women. People who really think this means that men are superior to women are often villains.

In the final analysis, this is actually men farming and women weaving, living in harmony, maintaining each other, and taking responsibility for each other.This is the love between husband and wife, the love between men and women.

Nan Yan and Ying Shou at this moment are exactly like this.

When Ying Shou wakes up, it is impossible for his woman to suffer again, this is a man's responsibility.

In Nan Yan's eyes, Ying Shou is not an ordinary man. As an emperor, she does not allow any trampling. Therefore, she must protect everything about the emperor. Therefore, there will be many twists and turns between each other.

This also corresponds to the sentence, feelings are the most troublesome thing, always twists and turns, it is exhausting.

But in fact, how can it be unforgettable and moving without the twists and turns of feelings?
In love, you know it is hard work, and she knows you are sad. This is mutual understanding, mutual responsibility, and mutual affection.

"Okay, okay, I will accept you as a primary school student today, go!"

Seeing Ying Shou's serious and sincere appearance, Nan Yan burst into a smile, feeling very warm in her heart.

She had all kinds of reasons in her heart to prevent Ying Shou from going into the sea for herself, but she couldn't refute Ying Shou's words.

If the emperor went into the sea just for her, he certainly wouldn't want to, after all, the emperor is supreme and cannot be trampled on.But the emperor went to sea for the sake of the world, how could she stop it?

If you don't talk about her, no one in the world can stop her.

So, she can only agree.

"Thank you teacher, Ying Shou is going!"

Seeing Nan Yan smiling like a flower, Ying Shou smiled slightly and saluted again. His appearance was really like a student visiting a teacher.

After all, such a big gift, is it not a kind of flirting between husband and wife, which adds freshness?

"Go, go, study hard, if you don't study well, the teacher will punish the students physically!"

Looking at Ying Shou's appearance, Nan Yan rarely relaxed. She hadn't joked for a long time, but at this very moment, she put aside her identity and started role-playing with Ying Shou.

Ying Shou got up, turned his head and looked towards the sea again.

Seeing this, another inexplicable sense of dizziness hit him, causing his body to shake uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Nan Yan got up instinctively and came behind her, but forcibly stopped herself from reaching out to support Ying Shou.

She also understands now that in fact, Ying Shou has a bigger idea for going into the sea this time, which is to overcome the fear of water in her heart.

She once saw Ying Shou falling into a nightmare because of his fear of water on a rainy night. That feeling made her heartbroken. If she could really change Ying Shou's fear of water, she would be very happy.

So at this moment, she is not only role-playing, but also wants to help Yingshou to defeat the water and the sea.

Feeling dizzy and afraid of water, it seems hopeless, but Nan Yan knows very well that nothing in this world is truly unsolvable.

Young eagles still need tempering to fly, how can people be strong without tempering?

Even if others can overcome hardships, how can the emperor be an exception?

"Your Majesty, are you afraid of heights?"

Nan Yan walked around to Ying Shou's side, seeing that Ying Shou was staring at the sea in front of him, as if he was competing with the sea, she couldn't help but said softly.

"what for?"

Ying Shou was puzzled.

"Actually, Your Majesty, being afraid of heights and being afraid of water are actually the same. People think that their thoughts are controlled by their minds, but in fact, a person's whole body is controlled by their hearts, including their brains and thoughts, which are all controlled by their hearts." In fear!"

"Fear comes from the heart, not the brain, or even thoughts. So many people think that as long as they force themselves not to be afraid, they are really not afraid. In fact, even if a person's thoughts tell himself that he is not afraid, But as long as the heart disagrees, this person's mind will never be able to control the body!"

"For example, jumping off a cliff, even if there is a rope tied to the body, everyone knows that jumping off this cliff will not kill you. However, the brain knows that it is useless. The heart controls everything, but it is also the most irrational."

"It doesn't care whether it will die or not. It only knows that it is afraid of heights, fears heights, and hates heights. Therefore, no matter how much protection is done, when a person who is afraid of heights stands on a cliff, he will instinctively feel dizzy, fear, Keep retreating!"

"At this time, reason cannot control people, because the fear comes from the heart, and the body only listens to the heart, not reason!"

Nan Yan smiled slightly, as if thinking of something, and used the cliff to explain to Ying Shou.

"Oh, heart and mind?"

Ying Shou's heart moved, these words moved him not only.

All schools of thought are a quack, but anyone who understands history knows that the beliefs of all schools of thought are actually ideas and philosophies.

All the ideas of the schools of thought are philosophical knowledge explored by generations of wise men. The disciples of the schools of thought were born to prove the right or wrong of these philosophical ideas in reality.

(End of this chapter)

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