Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 682 Acceptance

Chapter 682 Acceptance

Ying Shou muttered these two words to himself, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

His eyes were fixed on the sea in front of him, and suddenly, he had a feeling that before the sea, he didn't seem to be really dizzy like that.

It cannot be said that his current feeling is not dizziness, he is still dizzy, but this kind of dizziness, experienced at this moment, is different from before.

Looking around, the vast sea is boundless, standing in front of the sea, or standing in the sea, as if suddenly falling into a world without any life.

The sea doesn't seem to be that scary, but at this moment, the horror it gives people is frightening.

Because it is too big, so big that people can't find their direction, don't know what to do, and finally fall into endless confusion.


Ying Shou kept thinking. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he called out these two words in a low voice.

On the side, Nan Yan nodded slightly after hearing these two words, with a flowery smile on her face, looking at Ying Shou.

She knew that the emperor's resistance to the flood was too deep, and once she got rid of this layer of resistance, relying on the emperor's wisdom, it would not be a big problem to find the source of the truth.

Sometimes, that's just how people are.

In this world, some people may be smarter and some people are more stupid, but whether they are smart people or stupid people, they all have their own wisdom.

Wisdom comes from the brain, and wisdom comes from the heart. The saying that small cleverness comes from great wisdom is exactly the case.

The ancients said that books are the inheritance of wisdom. To put it simply, reading is the best shortcut to enlighten wisdom.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone who reads is a wise person, let alone that everyone who reads can achieve great things.

Real reading does not mean that you have learned something!Everything learned in books is always a trail.

Reading, the real knowledge is not in the books, but in the two words of reading.

There are tens of thousands of books in the world, and they are memorized by rote. No one, including saints, can learn all the knowledge in them, and all journalists who rote by rote are elms and cannot become masters.

Therefore, learning knowledge is not as good as learning to read.

This may sound contradictory, but in fact, all knowledge in this world comes from contradictions.

Just because there are conflicts, we must find a way to solve them. After solving the conflicts, it is naturally a new knowledge.

The word reading is the greatest knowledge in the world.

First of all, you have to understand whether you are willing to study, like reading or not, and why you study, this is the first step of reading and learning.

A person who doesn't even know why he wants to study, who doesn't even know whether he likes to read, what knowledge can he learn?
Of course, some people have said that studying is for the sake of getting ahead, but in fact, how many people rely on reading to get ahead?
The people who can really stand out from the crowd and become famous are actually people who understand what reading is.

For example, Confucius, as a Confucian sage, sounds very famous, but in fact, among the courts of various countries, he can't even compare with his worst disciples, but this proves that he is better than his own disciples. Poor disciple?

Confucius has always been good. Of course, Confucius is not a natural talent. He is no different from ordinary people.

Just because he spent his whole life learning the word reading, he became a Confucian sage.When he was learning to read, three thousand disciples also followed him to study.

Confucian rituals of the week, the first item that really caught Confucius' attention was actually the sacrificial rituals.

At that time, after the war in the state of Lu, the soldiers died, and there were wizards who rescued the souls of the dead soldiers.

At this time, Confucius thought of his dead father, and he also wanted to see his father off, so he wanted to learn sacrificial rituals.

Learning sacrificial rites was the first step for Confucius to study. No one forced him, but he wanted to learn, was eager to learn, and he knew why he wanted to learn.

Then, he lamented the beauty and goodness of Zhouli, so gradually, he began to study everywhere, hoping to carry forward Zhouli, govern the world with Zhouli, and bring the world where the rituals collapsed and the music is ruined, back to beauty.

It's a pity that the time is not with me. Confucius traveled to various countries, but he couldn't get any reuse. No one was willing to give him a half-official job.

Confucius could not accept a world where rites and music were broken, let alone such a result.

In fact, at this time, Confucius has already become obsessed. If this continues, Confucius will end his life.

Even if he has three thousand disciples under him, he can only do nothing. At most, no one will remember Confucius for a hundred years.

But at the last moment of his holy life, he walked into despair, and then into epiphany. He accepted the reality, accepted the result, returned to the original, opened up boundless wisdom, and left a great book, Spring and Autumn. , all take Confucius as their teacher.

This is what Confucius learned to read all his life. He actually learned to read at the beginning.

But later, I was confused in the knowledge of Zhou Li, until finally, I broke away from the shackles of Zhou Li culture, understood reading again, and created a new Confucian way.

Therefore, the word "reading" is, in fact, simply put, it is acceptance.

Would you like to read?If you are willing from the bottom of your heart, you accept it from the bottom of your heart. Once you accept reading, you will discover many abnormal things in the world!

If it is not normal, if you feel contradictory and unfair, you will ask.Ask others, ask yourself, ask your heart, and finally find the answer and learn the answer. This is called real knowledge.

And a person who accepts reading on the surface but resists in his heart, how can he understand what true learning is.

Ying Shou at this moment fell into such a demonic obstacle.

He wanted to conquer the sea. Similarly, he also knew why he wanted to conquer the sea, but what was the use of knowing it? Deep down in his heart, he had always resisted the sea.

Just because he was almost buried in the flood, he experienced the power of the flood, so he would be inexplicably afraid of anything related to water.

Especially the sea, the place where the world's currents gather, makes him instinctively resist.

It was his brain that accepted the reason to conquer the sea, not his real heart, so he was doomed to never see through the sea.

What's more, he couldn't understand why he could never conquer the fear of water in his heart, so he was destined not to learn the ability to conquer the sea.

But Nanyan's words made her understand the root of the problem, she suddenly became enlightened, her inner wisdom seemed to be developed, and she immediately saw a different world.

What I am afraid of has never been water, let alone the sea.Standing in front of the sea, the reason why I feel dizzy is not really dizziness, but more confusion and helplessness.

The feeling of not going where to go will eventually make people confused, dizzy, lose all self-ability, and be manipulated by nature.

(End of this chapter)

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