Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 683 The Queen's Absurdity

Chapter 683 The Queen's Absurdity
"I understand that the so-called fear comes from loneliness. Overcoming loneliness will resolve everything naturally!"

"And all loneliness comes from my resistance, so if I want to overcome my fear, I have to accept what I resist!"

"Resistance has always been the most useless objection, only acceptance can change!"

Ying Shou took a deep breath and turned to look at Nan Yan with a relieved smile on his face.

"It seems that Your Majesty has really found the problem. That's right, all fear comes from loneliness. Loneliness produces confusion, and confusion causes fear. This is what a person needs to experience forever in his heart, and it is also what all living beings need to spend their entire lives in. Experience!"

"Your Majesty, looking back at history, will inevitably find that since ancient times, the most industrious rulers have always been the most diligent. However, no matter how strong a country is, it will eventually decline!"

"It cannot be said that the strength of a country is determined by the sky, and that time is also destiny, but that no matter how smart a person is, once he takes that high position, he may be very happy at first, but gradually, he will feel lonely, and then he will be confused. , and finally fear."

"And the more afraid you are, the more you don't know what to do."

"So, the real stupid king is not deliberately stupid, but he doesn't know how to be sober. Deep in his heart, he will never be able to accept the loneliness brought about by his identity!"

"The so-called stupidity is actually confusion. If you want to get rid of confusion, you have to accept it and change it. This is the way."

"I remember once, when my concubines went to Master Xunzi to ask for the Tao, this was the first lesson that Master Xunzi gave to my concubines!"

Nan Yan smiled lightly, recalling the first lesson she had learned when she asked Xunzi to seek Taoism, she said with a playful face.

"Oh, so the Queen used to have something to fear?"

Upon hearing this, Ying Shou couldn't help laughing and joked.

"Hee hee, it's true. The concubine is afraid of grass, afraid of the dark, afraid of the night in the mountains and forests!"

Nan Yan giggled, mentioning what she used to fear, she no longer cared about it.

"Oh, you are afraid of the dark, but also grass? Impossible?"

When Ying Shou heard this, his face was full of astonishment.

She still remembers that the first time she saw this woman was in the mountains and forests, and it was in the dark night, and this woman was chased and killed by wolves. This is called being afraid of the dark nights in the mountains and forests?
"The concubine is a woman, what's wrong with being afraid of the dark? Your Majesty, ask, how many women in this world are not afraid of the dark?"

"Besides, being bitten by a snake once and being afraid of straw ropes for ten years is like being washed by a flood once, isn't your majesty also afraid of water?"

Nan Yan rolled her eyes, a little blaming Ying Shou for making such a fuss.

"It makes sense, but after listening to this lesson, are you not afraid anymore?"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile.

"Of course not. The master leads the door, and the cultivation depends on the individual. How can a person's fear become no longer fearful just because of a few words from others?"

"It was only later that my concubine understood that the so-called fear of the dark was actually the confusion in the darkness of the mountains and forests, and the feeling of being alone without courage."

"Besides, what kind of snake venom can't be detoxified, why should I be afraid of snakes in the grass?"

"Actually, in the mountains, it's not really that lonely. The beasts in the mountains are actually creatures. With so many wild beasts in the mountains, it should be more lively!"

Nan Yan looked serious, as if remembering the scene of her first challenge to the dark forest, her face was filled with excitement, she grabbed Ying Shou's hand and said:

"Your Majesty, do you know that the concubine was actually very scared that night, so the concubine went to poke the hornet's nest, and in an instant, thousands of hornets chased the concubine, not to mention being lonely, it was worse than being in the downtown area." Be lively!"

"Then, the concubine provoked all kinds of rich wolves, tigers and leopards. Ah, that night was really fun, but it was a bit dangerous. In the end, the concubine almost ran away!"

Hearing this, Ying Shou couldn't help being puzzled.

To poke a hornet's nest and provoke wolves, tigers and leopards, is this really something his virtuous and benevolent queen can do?Shouldn't it be those silly kids who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth?
And the average brat doesn't have the guts yet.

At this moment, Ying Shou recalled the scene of Nan Yan being hunted down by wolves that night again. Thinking about it now, how could Nan Yan's voice calling for help at that time have the fear and panic that normal people should have? "

"It's clearly just playing around, that's all, she also held a torch to lure the wolves!
"It's amazing, it's worthy of being my queen, and it's really not an ordinary person!"

At this moment, Ying Shou's admiration for Nan Yan was so great that he was like a hidden witch!
"Your Majesty, the concubine has said all the embarrassing things in the past. Your Majesty will not mock the concubine!"

Nan Yan giggled, thinking of something, fearing that these past events would ruin her image in Ying Shou's mind, she couldn't help but say.

"No, of course not. Anyway, in my eyes, the queen is not a person who looks the same!"

Ying Shou shook his head again and again, and said solemnly.

"That's not too bad... um, no, what is called a concubine is not a person who looks the same on the outside, your majesty is cursing the concubine around the corner, you are good or bad!"

When Nan Yan heard it, she suddenly felt that something was wrong, maybe she had revealed all the scandals, but for a while, she forgot to use the proper mask and acted like a spoiled girl in front of her face.

"Hahaha! Well, I'm just kidding!"

Ying Shou laughed out loud. Before he knew it, he felt much better. Looking at the sea in front of him again, he found that the environment in front of him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, despite the surging waves, the inexplicable dizziness seemed to have disappeared.

I don't know if it's because Nan Yan is by his side, activating the joy in my heart, or because I really look away.

"Hmph, the concubine doesn't joke with His Majesty, how does His Majesty feel now!"

Nan Yan snorted, returned to the topic, and asked Ying Shou.

At this moment, Ying Shou's gaze slowly retracted, and he looked at the nearby sea water. This time, the sense of confusion disappeared, and his own abilities suddenly became active, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

Within ten feet nearby, he could clearly see all the big and small sea fish swimming.

The active appearance of the fish is like a group of children playing in the water, which makes one can't help but want to blend in.

At this moment, Ying Shou suddenly discovered that the sea didn't seem so scary.If water is scary, how can aquatic creatures survive?

Before, in his fear, the flood seemed to represent death, but looking at it now, is it not the divine destiny?
Ying Shou untied his knots, opened his arms, and suddenly accepted the salty sea breeze brought by the sea, walked into the shallows step by step, and finally submerged in the sea.

Nan Yan watched nervously. Seeing that the emperor was walking steadily, she understood that the emperor let go in surprise, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But even so, the emperor is only taking the first step. If he wants to really adapt, he still needs to get used to it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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