Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 684 Conquering the Sea

Chapter 684 Conquering the Sea
The sea breeze blows, the cold air hits, and the sound of the waves resounds non-stop.

On the reef, Nanyan stood there quietly. As time passed, her eyes were fixed on the sea water, and unconsciously, her eyes became worried.

It was almost half the time for Ying Shou to enter the water. Calculated with the time of later generations, one stick of incense lasts for 10 minutes, which means 10 minutes have passed.

There is no shortage of masters in this world, and there are even some masters who can hold their breath for half a stick of incense, but at most it is only half a stick of incense. If it exceeds this time, no matter how strong they are, they will not be able to bear it.

And until now, Ying Shou still hasn't surfaced, which makes Nanyan's heart gradually lift up, as if someone is tightly pinching him.

I don't know how long it has passed. At this moment, even the concept of time has become blurred in front of Nan Yan. Every breath seems to last as long as a century.

After all, she couldn't hold back anymore, her face was full of worry, and she exclaimed: "Your Majesty!"

The next moment, she moved and quickly jumped into the sea.

The icy sea water invaded, but she couldn't care about it anymore, rushed to the place where Yingshou was submerged just now, looking for Yingshou's existence everywhere.

This era is not as destructive as the later generations, and the ecological environment is far cleaner than the later generations.

Especially on this small island, it has been uninhabited for several years, and there is no artificial confusion in the ocean. Under the water, the line of sight is not as good as that on land, but it is still very clear.

Countless fish are constantly swimming in all directions, as if they are playing, and when they encounter people, they immediately start to flee in all directions.

Holding her breath, Nan Yan looked around in the water, and suddenly saw a figure farther away in the deep sea, stretching her arms and legs on the bottom several feet deep, making herself more flexible.

In front of him, a school of fish was constantly chasing and fleeing.

Seeing this scene, Nan Yan was stunned, who else could it be if it wasn't Ying Shou?
She never imagined that the emperor could still be so relaxed after holding back in the water for so long, and he could even chase him underwater.

This scene is really too surprising.

Everyone knows that if you want to hold your breath, the most important thing is to concentrate.The calmer the mind, the less physical movement and the more relaxed the body, the longer the breath will be held.

On the contrary, no matter how much you can hold your breath, once you have a strenuous exercise, no matter how strong you take a breath, you will be exhausted in the shortest time, and you can't help but want to take a big breath and pant.

Therefore, when ordinary people hold their breath, they will try their best to keep themselves without exercise rules.

But Ying Shou seemed born to break the rules of heaven and earth, and he completely broke this normality.

Not only was he exercising on the bottom of the sea, but he was also exercising violently, that's all, after half a stick of incense passed, he was still acting as if nothing had happened.

This level of lung capacity is simply amazing.Such a person, if you say that he is afraid of water, if you say it, it will be the biggest joke in the world.

The skill of playing with water lies in controlling and using water, but no matter how powerful a person's skills are, they will be speechless when faced with absolute talent.

What you have practiced for ten years, a truly talented person may be able to practice in just a few days.

This breath holding is the greatest talent for playing with water.

If a person can stay in the water for a stick of incense, this is an unprecedented talent for soldiers.

And this person, while exercising, can still last for a stick of incense, he is simply called the overlord of the sea deliberately.

It is really too easy for such a person to adapt to the water.

At this moment, Ying Shou was adapting to the water, groping for it.

He himself is not a stupid person. The moment he entered the sea, he completely saw the essence of the sea. This is a more active world.

He possesses unparalleled fighting strength, and his whole body functions, except for Li Yuanba who can compare with him, no one in this world can fight against him.

This powerful organ function made his lung vitality ten times, even a hundred times that of ordinary people.

Others can hold their breath for 1 minute, but as long as he can control it, he can forcibly hold his breath for 10 minutes, or even [-] minutes.

This is a bit exaggerated. In fact, this is also a theory. One hundred minutes is almost impossible, but one or two ten minutes is not a problem for him.

10 minutes is not long or short, but it is enough to make people like or hate it, and even get a certain sense of adaptation.

At this moment, Ying Shou has adapted to this kind of underwater roaming, and he loves the sea that he resisted very much from the bottom of his heart.

The appearance of the seabed is different from that of mountains, rivers and land, but when a person really dives into the seabed without worrying about life and death, he will find another world view that is particularly beautiful.

Why do people like to travel?The so-called travel is to see more beautiful scenes, and once the wish is fulfilled, everyone will like it. This is the most original love in the heart.

Ying Shou at this moment is exactly like this.

Looking at Ying Shou playing on the bottom of the sea, Nan Yan finally let go of her heart. She quickly floated over to come to Ying Shou's side, and patted Ying Shou on the shoulder.

Looking back, Ying Shou was shocked first, then smiled, grabbed her little hand, and chased a group of fish in the water.

Ying Shou's speed is getting faster and faster, to the point where Nan Yan's floating speed can't catch up with him, so he can only be dragged around by him.

After a while, Ying Shou caught two Jiang Tuan in a row, and rushed towards the sky, surfacing out of sleep, and found that they were already a mile or two away from the coast.

"Hahaha, the sea, that's all!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly, looking at the sea now, it was like standing on land and watching in all directions.

Although the sea is big, it can only be allowed to run freely, just like the sky and the earth are so big, it can only be allowed to gallop and play with it.

There is nothing in the world that cannot be overcome. The so-called insurmountable is just a difference in worldview and vision.

When you accept it, you will blend in, your vision will expand accordingly, the worldview will change, and everything will no longer be difficult.


Nan Yan paid the water, came to Ying Shou, hugged Ying Shou, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you finally overcome it! I didn't expect Your Majesty to be so fast!"

Ying Shou turned his head and said with a smile: "In the past, there was a queen who poked a hornet's nest in the forest and provoked all the beasts in the forest to overcome fear. Now there is an emperor's dragon exploring the sea, chasing fish and learning water skills. It's an eternal story, hahaha!"

As he said that, Ying Shou thought of something, and said, "By the way, what is the queen doing in the water? Now there is only such a set of clothes, and there is no need to change when it gets wet!"

Nan Yan was very dissatisfied when she heard the words, and said: "Your Majesty has been diving for so long, and the concubine is also worried? If your majesty came out earlier, why would the concubine be so cold? No, your majesty has to find a way for the concubine!"

Ying Shou was stunned, and said with a wry smile: "I hope to report to the queen that she is safe. It is my fault, it is my fault, I will take responsibility, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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