Chapter 685
A bonfire was lit again in the cave, and Nan Yan snuggled into Ying Shou's arms, facing the bonfire to keep warm, and hung all the clothes aside to bake.

On the bonfire, the two fish were almost roasted, Ying Shou tore off a small piece and put it in Nanyan's mouth.

Nan Yan chewed lightly, with a look of enjoyment on her face.

Ying Shou smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

Nan Yan giggled, put her arms around Ying Shou's neck, and said with a smile: "Well, it's delicious. If you can always get along with His Majesty like this, even if the food in the world is not full of flavors, it will be the most beautiful thing!"

Ying Shou's heart trembled, the speaker had no intention, but the listener intended, how could he not understand that he spends too little time with this woman in his daily life.

In the past, almost nine out of ten of each day was spent on court affairs. Even though many things were pushed back later, two or three out of ten of each day was still spent worrying about major affairs in the world. Can't give it all to this woman.

On the contrary, she spends all her time on herself, just so that she can accompany herself for the first time when she needs it.

"Your Majesty, the courtiers and concubines are just talking casually. How can there be only one woman in the heart of a king. Your Majesty must not take it to heart!"

Seeing Ying Shou's silence, Nan Yan suddenly felt that her words were inappropriate, so she quickly sat up, couldn't help but look apologetic, and changed the subject:

"By the way, Your Majesty, are we wasting too much time now? Sister Yinyue and Sister Xuening are still in the hands of thieves!"

Ying Shou came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "The queen is right, this time is too short, I can't give all the time to the queen, but now I have the opportunity, if you can extend it for a moment, let's extend it for a moment!"

As he said that, Ying Shou remembered some poems describing love, and his voice was full of magnetism, and said: "It is said that if the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the same day and night? But if we can treat every moment of being together as life Don't you cherish the last time more?"

"Queen, don't worry, Yue'er and Xue'er will not be in any danger. Instead of us worrying, let the thief catch fire first!"

Nan Yan's heart trembled, she said that women are the most emotional animals, this sentence is absolutely true, Ying Shou's words warmed her heart, but she still couldn't help asking: "Why is Your Majesty so sure that the thief will not return?" Sister Yinyue and Sister Xuening?"

Ying Shou looked out of the cave, smiled coldly, and said, "They dare not, at least, before I die, no one dares to touch my people, even if Haotian comes in person!"

While speaking, Ying Shou's invisible arrogance was revealed again, looking down on the world and looking down on the universe.

This trip into the sea, it seems that he has not done anything until now, but in fact, all his goals have been achieved.

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the Red Emperor he saw that night, with a sneer on his face: "Red Emperor, I have given you too many opportunities, but it is a pity that you still chose to betray, in that case, you can die! "

When Ying Shou and the Queen lived together, everything went as Ying Shou expected. Among the archipelago, there was a more remote island. This island was very large and there were many civil buildings on it.

In one of the main halls, the Scarlet Emperor was wearing a red robe and a flame mask, looking down at the prostrate man wearing a demon mask.

This man wearing a demon mask is the leader of all Tianmen believers on this island, but in front of the Red Emperor, he can only crawl and tremble.

"Reporting to the Red Emperor, the Qin army has landed and is searching for the whereabouts of the Qin Emperor. If the Qin Emperor cannot be killed, we may be surrounded by the Qin army. Please give the order of the Red Emperor, what should we do!"

The voice of the man in the devil mask was as usual, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Hmph, if you can't even do this little thing well, what does this emperor want you to do? This emperor will give you three more days. If you can't find Emperor Qin to kill him within three days, you don't have to live." Already!"

Chidi snorted coldly, his voice was still hoarse, but it felt very awkward, as if the voice should not belong to him, but could be pinned out.

"Yes, Red Emperor!"

The man with the demon mask clasped his fists, but he was very dissatisfied in his heart. Qin Huang clearly escaped from the hands of the Red Emperor, and now he blamed himself instead.

Although he was not there that day, as far as he knew, if Chidi hadn't insisted on following the plan, there would have been many opportunities to kill Ying Shou that day.

But he didn't dare to say these words. After receiving the order, he got up and left. Soon, he led the entire island and thousands of people to shrink around, looking for the trace of Qin Huang Yingshou.

With this posture, you really want to see people when you are born, and you want to see corpses when you die.

On the archipelago, when everyone was looking for the traces of Ying Shou, there was a stone house standing on the top of the mountain at the back of the island.

In the stone house, it is very simple, only a stone table, a stone bench, and a very warm big bed, there is nothing else.

On the wall of the stone house, there is a window. The gap in the window is only as thick as an arm, and no one can pass through the window.

As for the gate, it was tightly sealed. It was a stone gate. Unless the mechanism was activated, even a first-rate expert would not be able to break through the stone gate at all.

Xue Ning was imprisoned in this stone house, or rather, she was not imprisoned, but temporarily confined here.

There were no scars on her body.

Here, three meals a day are always served very attentively. Apart from preventing her from escaping and imprisoning her freedom, the people on the island will respond to almost any request she makes.

After all, in the final analysis, she is still a heavenly daughter of Tianmen, and the people of Tianmen only deal with Ying Shou, but no one dares to target her, Haotian's daughter.

At this moment, Xue Ning was standing quietly in front of the stone window, looking at the sea below the mountain, with deep worry in her eyes.

There were still tears on her face, obviously she hadn't shed any tears in the past few days.

At this moment, standing in front of the window, the scenes she experienced after marrying Daqin kept flashing in her mind.

The more she thought about it, the sadder she became.

In the past, she seemed calm, but in fact, whenever she wanted to become the emperor's woman, all she had in her heart was fear.

But as time passed, what that man gave her was no longer fear, but warmth, as if this was the warmth specially bestowed on her by God after she had experienced countless hardships.

That man was the one who saved her fate.

But, that day, that night...

Every time she thinks of the weakness of that tall and unyielding person, who can only jump into the sea to seek self-protection in the end, she only feels a heart-wrenching pain.

I don't know how he is now, whether he is dead or alive.

What is his fate, and what will happen to the Daqin that he devoted his whole life to protect.

Thinking of this, the tears in Xue Ning's eyes could not help but fall again.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound, the stone door slowly opened, and a figure walked into the stone house.

(End of this chapter)

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