Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 686 The Red Emperor's Thoughts

Chapter 686 The Red Emperor's Thoughts

"What are you doing?"

Xue Ning turned her head, only to see that the person who came was Chidi, her eyes suddenly turned cold, and her voice said indifferently.

"The heavenly girl seems to dislike seeing this emperor very much!"

Chidi shook his head and smiled, went straight to the stone bench and sat down, looked at Xue Ning and said.

"I don't know whether my husband is alive or dead now. Everything is thanks to you. Do you think I should treat you?"

Xue Ning's voice was cold, and while speaking, a pair of thin white hands couldn't help but clenched tightly, and her eyes were full of hatred.

"Hehe, thanks to me? The goddess is wrong. I don't care whether Ying Shou lives or dies now, but he will die sooner or later. And this is not thanks to the emperor, but to your father, Haotian." Give."

"It is not the emperor who wants to kill Yingshou, but Haotian. In the final analysis, the emperor is just a pawn of Haotian. If you want to blame, the heavenly girl should also blame Haotian!"

"It's just that Tiannv really turned against her father for an outsider?"

Chidi sneered, and spoke to Haotian one by one, and even claimed that he was a chess piece of Haotian, but from his tone, he could not hear his respect for Haotian at all.

At his level, no one in this position is a fool, and no one is willing to be someone else's pawn.

Now, he is indeed a pawn, but only because he does not have enough strength to resist. Once he has the opportunity, he will not hesitate to be the first to escape Haotian's control.

For him, Haotian is using his pawn, but why isn't he using Haotian's power?

Hearing Chidi's words, Xue Ning's tender body trembled, her face suddenly changed, and she couldn't help thinking of her biological father, Haotian, who had only existed in imagination but had never met before.

Yes, can I really turn against my father for Ying Shou?
Wasn't she married to Daqin so that one day she could see her father with her own eyes? Wasn't it for her father that she approached Ying Shou in every possible way?

Now she has to choose between her father and Ying Shou, how should she choose?

"Shut up, His Majesty the Emperor is the husband of my palace, how can you be an outsider. There is a saying in Central Plains Confucianism that filial piety comes first, and Haotian has no kindness in nurturing this palace."

"But with the feeling of childbearing and the thought of protection, it is indeed impossible for me to turn against my father, but even if Haotian comes in person, I will never allow him to hurt my husband!"

Suddenly, Xue Ning raised her head and shouted angrily.

"Hehe, it sounds nice. With your ability, in this life, besides letting others protect you, who else can you protect? In the Xiongnu, if there is no Heavenly Gate, you would have died without a place to bury you."

"In Daqin, how could you stand without Qinhuang Yingshou's protection in every possible way? Without Qinhuang's protection, you can't even deal with this emperor, so what can you do against Haotian?"

Chidi sneered, as if he came here just to ridicule and attack Xue Ning.

For a while, Xue Ning was silent.

She didn't want to admit it, but she had to admit that what Chidi said was the truth.

What can I do with my own strength?
If you want power but no power, if you want strength but no strength, how can you interfere with the ups and downs of this world?

Thinking about it, Xue Ning couldn't help showing a look of sadness.

In this world of the weak and the strong, the greatest tragedy is that without enough strength, one can only become a fish on someone else's chopping board.

"Why, speechless, nothing to say? Hehe, in fact, sometimes, the emperor also rushes to mourn for the celestial daughter. She has a noble status. She is not only the princess of the Xiongnu, but also the imperial concubine of the Great Qin Dynasty, and even the supreme celestial daughter of the Tianmen. "

"Of course, sometimes, the more noble the status, the more you need enough power balance. The status of a celestial girl is too high, but unfortunately, the power of a celestial girl is not enough to support this status!"

"Ying couldn't protect Tiannv, Mo Dun wanted to kill Tiannv, but Haotian just regarded Tiannv as a pawn, why did Tiannv obey such a fate?"

"In this way, if you are the emperor's woman, no one else can protect you, but the emperor will protect you."

"When this emperor wins Daqin and becomes the emperor of Daqin, then he will send troops to destroy the Huns, attack Tianmen, and take down Haotian. At that time, who in this world will be able to embarrass the heavenly girl?"

"At that time, the emperor will let the heavenly girl be the noblest and most beloved person in the world. The heavenly girl will not only be the concubine of Daqin, but the queen of Daqin, how about it?"

Seeing Nanyan's struggle, Chidi suddenly laughed, and said in a tone full of temptation.

"What did you say, let me be your woman?"

Xue Ning raised her head abruptly, staring at Chidi, her voice was full of anger, and shouted in a low voice.

She already loves the culture of the Central Plains, how can she not understand the truth that a loyal minister does not serve two masters, and a strong woman does not serve two husbands.

Even if ordinary people are like this, as an imperial concubine, wouldn't she not be insulted by the world?At that time, how can I be worthy of the only man who treats her sincerely?

"So, is the celestial girl unwilling? But the celestial girl has to think about it. Now that the celestial girl is in the hands of the emperor, whether she is willing or not is no longer up to the celestial girl to make a choice!"

Chidi sneered, his voice suddenly turned cold, he stood up abruptly, and walked to Xue Ning in an instant.

"What do you want to do?"

Xue Ning was taken aback, and quickly backed away, looking at Chidi warily.

"Hehe, isn't it obvious what the emperor wants to do?"

Chidi's eyes were cold, and he said: "Haotian is high above, and no one can see his true face. He thinks he controls the world and plays with people's hearts. He really thinks that this emperor can let him control him, and he can play with him as he wants. In fact, Everyone understands his thoughts!"

"He's not looking at the emperor at all, but Ying Shou, but he can't control Ying Shou."

"Haotian is high above, but Yingshou is even more arrogant than him. If the two face each other, only one person can exist in this world."

"He is not sure how to deal with Ying Shou, so he uses this emperor. It would be best if this emperor can win Ying Shou, but if he can't, he still has a plan for the next step, and that is you!"

Xue Ning was startled, and said: "I...impossible, I will never help him hurt my husband!"

Chi Di shook his head and smiled, and said: "It's not up to you, from the moment you entered the Qin Palace, everything has been preordained."

"From the beginning to the end, this is Haotian's game of chess. This emperor is Haotian's chess piece, you are Haotian's chess piece, and Ying Shou is also Haotian's chess piece."

"The only difference is that the emperor can resist, and Ying Shou can resist. Only you, from the beginning to the end, have no ability to resist. This is your sorrow!"

Speaking of this, Chidi suddenly moved his head closer to Xue Ning, took a deep breath of Xue Ning's body fragrance, and said with a smile:

"Zhenxiang, Tiannv, do you know what role this chess piece of yours represents in this game? Do you want to know how Haotian will use you?"

Xue Ning frowned, and was about to ask, but only heard a slightly old voice: "How to deal with other people's family affairs, it seems that it is not up to you, an outsider, to dictate here?"

"As long as you dare to say a word today, I don't know if Haotian will go around you, but Emperor Qin will not disturb you. As a Qin person, I will kill you now!"

(End of this chapter)

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