Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 690 Strange Old Man

Chapter 690 Strange Old Man

Jian Yun hurriedly responded, took out a torch and ignited it, and suddenly, a bright light shone.

On the ground beside him, the torch was prepared at some unknown time, but Jian Yun grabbed it and lit it to brighten the light.

"His Majesty!"

Not far away, an old man in Tsing Yi led Xue Ning, walking step by step.

The old man's eyes seemed to be able to see at night, and he didn't need any light when walking in the bushes late at night.

Even holding Xue Ning, she didn't take half a step wrong.

As he approached, the torch was lit, and Xue Ning also saw Ying Shou, and immediately exclaimed, trotted over, and bumped into Ying Shou's arms, tears rolling down his face.

"Your Majesty, it's great that you're fine. I thought... I'll never see Your Majesty again in this life!"

While speaking, tears already rolled down Ying Shou's chest.

Ying Shou's heart softened, he stretched out his big hand, hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile, "It's hard work for my concubine, there are some things that I have to do, and it's my fault for worrying my concubine."

"Okay, now I'm safe and my concubine is safe, everyone is happy, don't cry. Royal men can bleed, but women can't cry either!"

Xue Ning nodded, but couldn't stop sobbing, and said: "Well, this concubine knows, this concubine knows!"

As she said that, she got up from Ying Shou's arms, wiped away her tears vigorously, nodded and said: "The concubine will not cry, the concubine will not cry, and the concubine will not lose the royal face!"

Ying Shou stretched out his big hand, gently wiped the last drop of tears on her cheek, and said with a smile, "That's right, as the royal family, everyone in the world will watch, if the royal family is crying, how will the people in the world think about it?"


Xue Ning nodded again, obediently walked to Ying Shou and stood still, and said softly: "Your Majesty, this time the concubine was able to escape from the thief, thanks to this gentleman's rescue!"

Ying Shou raised his head and looked at the old man in blue. At first glance, Ying Shou frowned.

For some reason, he always had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this old man.

This sense of familiarity was so strong that Ying Shou felt as if he was looking in a mirror, as if the old man in front of him was another self.

This strange feeling made Ying Shou inexplicably weird.

When he was looking at the old man, the old man was also looking at him, with a smile on his face, he bowed slightly, cupped his hands and said, "I am a wild man from the mountains, and I greet His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

"Seeing the death of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor today, I didn't want to get involved in worldly matters, but I had to take action. I present to His Majesty the imperial concubine, I hope His Majesty likes it!"

Ying Shou said with a smile: "I like the gift of the gentleman very much. If the gentleman is interested, you can go back to Xianyang with me. I will definitely reward you... No, it is a big thank you!"

Hearing the words, the old man waved his hand and said, "No, please Your Majesty to worry about it. Unfortunately, the old man doesn't want to be an official, and secondly, he doesn't want to collect money. He is quite old, and he prefers to walk around and relax."

"Today, I have a predestined relationship with His Majesty. If His Majesty appreciates you, I can chat with you for a while. I wonder what Your Majesty would like?"

While speaking, the old man carried an invitation in his tone.

Ying Shou looked around, and said with a smile, "Mr. is also kind to me. I am very happy to invite you, but this barren mountain and wild forest is full of autumn rain and cold wind. A shelter from the rain, it would be inappropriate to talk like this is commonplace!"

Hearing this, the old man looked at Jian Yun and shouted: "Jian Yun, you are so ignorant of etiquette that you let His Majesty the Emperor wait here. I'll see if I punish you later!"

Jian Yun trembled all over, and hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed, saying: "Sir, forgive me, Shu Jianyun didn't think carefully, Jian Yun should be punished!"

The old man snorted coldly, ignored Jian Yun, turned to look at Ying Shou, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, come with me!"

With that said, the old man led the way, and led Ying Shou and others towards a bush not far away.

In this mountain forest, there are many mountains, many waters and many caves.

Behind the bushes, there is a huge cave.

In the cave, there are a lot of firewood and some food, such as dried fish.

"Your Majesty, this lonely mountain, the old man, I have only traveled here a few months ago, and I plan to live here for a while, so I have prepared such a place. It is not as magnificent and majestic as the imperial palace. I hope that Your Majesty will not dislike it." good!"

The old man led Ying Shou into the cave and said with a smile.

Ying Shou led the Queen and Concubine Xue into the cave, one on the left and one on the right, and saw the sword cloud circling around, and immediately lit more than a dozen torches, illuminating the cave as bright as day.

"You are welcome, sir. There is elegance in the mountains, and there is the hustle and bustle in the imperial city. Each is different, and each is better than the other!"

Ying Shou smiled slightly.

While talking, the old man asked Jian Yun to bring over some stone benches, and said with a smile, "Please sit down, Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou took Nan Yan and Xue Ning to sit down one after another, and the old man ordered Jian Yun to prepare some food, then looked at Ying Shou, and said with a smile:
"Looking at His Majesty's expression, it seems that there is depression in his heart, but he is worried about the recent state affairs? If the old man's guess is correct, it should be Tianmen that worries His Majesty the most?"

Ying Shou smiled and said: "Since you saved my concubine from Tianmen, you know about Tianmen by comparison. Could it be that Mr. invited me today to talk about Tianmen?"

The old man looked not far away, lit a bonfire, and Jian Yun who was preparing food, then looked at Ying Shou, and said with a smile: "It depends on whether your majesty wants to hear it, or what your majesty wants to hear, I will do it for the old man What does His Majesty say?"

"After traveling around the world for many years, this old man failed to achieve this important event, but he has seen many important events. This Tianmen Gate is one of them. I wonder if His Majesty is interested?"

While speaking, the old man seemed to be sent by heaven to answer the emperor's questions.These words, obviously, as long as the emperor wants to know, he can tell the emperor.

There's no limit to it, it's talking about anything.

Hearing this, Ying Shou's eyes flashed, and he stared at the old man with some doubts.

In this world, there are probably no more than three people who dare to speak like this. This old man is very strange. He seems to be here specially to wait for him, and he mentions Tianmen as soon as they meet, as if he is here to send some news for him.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It's not that Ying Shou is suspicious, but that Ying Shou pays more attention to details.

"Sir, can you really answer anything for me?"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth twitched, and he asked with a smile.

"Today is destined, see you next time, I don't know when."

"The old man is used to enjoying his leisure and doesn't want to get involved in too many important matters, but if he can answer one or two questions for His Majesty today, the old man will be very satisfied, and I will ask His Majesty the Emperor to ask questions!"

The old man nodded, and as he spoke, it seemed that the emperor would not ask questions.

"Okay, since that's the case, sir, I would like to ask you, sir. You should know that this den of thieves is headed by the Red Emperor of Tianmen, and you think that this red concubine What is the true face of the emperor, and who is he?"

Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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