Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 691 Talking about King Zhou You

Chapter 691 Talking about King Zhou You

"The Red Emperor?"

The old man was taken aback, as if he hadn't thought that the emperor would ask about the Red Emperor as soon as he opened his mouth, which surprised him a bit.

"That's right, it is said that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Now in my Great Qin, besides Zhen, there is another emperor. Sir, how can such a thing be tolerated?"

"But so far, I haven't seen the true face of the Red Emperor. For this person, I don't know how to deal with it for a while. Mister, why not answer one or two questions!"

Ying Shou nodded, looked at the old man with a smile and said.

"Hehe, Your Majesty is testing the old man, and this is not an ordinary test. Your Majesty doesn't need to beat around the bush like this. In fact, His Majesty is right about many things. You just need to believe in yourself."

"As for the Red Emperor, His Majesty knows who it is, so why bother to ask?"

The old man smiled when he heard the words, and said with a look of indifference.

"Oh, if it is determined according to my mind, is it possible that Mr. Fei is not afraid of me doing something out of the ordinary?"

Ying Shou's eyes turned cold, he stared at the old man and said.

Sure enough, the weirdness of the old man was not a hallucination he had.The old man's words were obviously responding to his doubts, telling him that what he doubted was what it was.

What the two said was a bit convoluted, so that Nan Yan and Xue Ning on the side were a little inexplicable.

"The old man believes that His Majesty will not do any unwise things, and he is not worried about His Majesty doing any unwise things. If you are destined today, how about your Majesty, how about going out for a walk with this old man?"

The old man looked at Nan Yan and Xue Ning at the side, he seemed to have something to say, he didn't want to tell the third person, and immediately invited Ying Shou.

"Sir please!"

Ying Shou got up and said with a gesture of invitation.

"Please, Your Majesty!"

The old man got up, made a gesture of invitation, walked out of the cave with Ying Shou, and stood still under a big tree outside the cave.

"You know that I have never been suspicious, but I will not easily choose to trust anyone. Now, I suspect that you are from Tianmen, but you let me believe in yourself. Are you telling me your true identity?"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back and said coldly.

"Your Majesty, what about the people of Tianmen, and the people of Daqin? Could it be that Your Majesty really thinks that it is a good thing if the division is so clear?"

The old man shook his head and smiled.

"Some things, I really like to distinguish clearly. In front of me, there will always be only two kinds of people. One, those who follow me, those who follow me will prosper. Second, those who go against me, those who go against me will perish!"

Ying Shou's voice was calm, but it gave off an invisible aura, which made people feel physically and mentally oppressed.

"Such boldness, this is the aura that an emperor should have, but some words are too easy, how does your majesty distinguish, what is obedient and what is rebellious? Could it be that your majesty thinks that only those who prostrate in front of you are obedient ?”

The old man applauded, looked at Ying Shou with interest and said.

"Is there a second explanation?"

Ying Shou looked sideways at the old man and said coldly.

"There is no absolute loyalty in this world. There are only eternal interests and boundless ambitions. For some people, he kneels, but it does not mean submission. For some people, he stands, and it does not mean rebellion."

"A real king should not care about making people kneel down to show loyalty, but should make people standing up loyal too."

"In front of a true king, there will never be any enemies. There are only those who cannot be controlled!"

"Your Majesty's words were once said by someone, but the biggest betrayal that this person suffered in the end came from the person who knelt before him."

"This person has the heart to unify the universe, but he is always stopped by his princes. Is His Majesty's current situation the same as this person?"

The old man gazed into the distance, and said with a sigh in his tone.

When Ying Shou heard this, his heart trembled. These words immediately made him feel sympathetic.

He didn't know who the old man was talking about, but he was in the same situation as himself.

But he knew that the old man should be talking about the Great Zhou Dynasty, or the Shang Dynasty, or even a certain emperor of the Xia Dynasty.

In the land of Yanhuang, the civilization history of the Yanhuang people mainly went through several stages, and finally formed an ancient civilization.

The first one is the stage of maternity society, then transition to the stage of slave society, and then transition to the stage of feudal society.

The source of the concept of these countries was formed from the stage of slave society. From the Xia Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty, it can be said to be a slave society stage. Knowing the Warring States period, it slowly changed, so that now the Great Qin dominates the world. Finally, it completely transitioned to the stage of feudal society.

The countries before the Great Qin Dynasty were all called Bangguo. The so-called Bangguo meant that there was an emperor, but there were more independent countries under the emperor.

This was true of the Xia Dynasty, Shang Chao, and the Great Zhou Dynasty.

And it was precisely because of the many kingdoms under Zhou Tianzi that the situation of Spring and Autumn and Warring States was finally created.

At that time, these states were also called vassal states. Until now, in Daqin City, the era of states has passed, and the era of empires has ushered in.

Under the Great Qin Emperor, there are no states, only counties.Any existence that dares to respect the country will be wiped out under the Great Qin Iron Cavalry.

And when the old man talked about that person, he talked about the princes under his command, and what Ying Shou thought of was naturally a certain emperor from the Shang Dynasty or the Zhou Dynasty.

Only the Son of Heaven can have princes.

"I don't know who the gentleman is talking about?"

Ying Shou became interested and couldn't help asking.

"This person's name doesn't sound good, but I think His Majesty should know that this person's name is Ji Gongli!"

The old man looked at Ying Shou, stared at Ying Shou and said, "This man is notorious through the ages. Your Majesty shouldn't know about it. I wonder how His Majesty judges this man?"

Ying Shou's expression changed, and he said, "It's him?"

Of course this person Ying Shou knew, not only did he not know, but he was often mentioned by others, and only heard him say: "Fenghuo plays with the princes, burns himself with fire, kills himself, ruins the fate of the country, sir, how can you compare this person with me?"

This Ji Gonghui is none other than King You of Zhou, the most famous and incompetent king in history who is comparable to Jie of Xia and Zhou of Shang.

The Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties all had infamous and infamous emperors through the ages, and all three had the same infamy, all of which came from women.

King Zhou You of this Zhou Dynasty was the third one. He was infamous because of Bao Si, just like King Zhou of Shang was scolded for thousands of years by pointing at the spine for Su Daji.

"Hehe, the lords of the Fenghuo drama are right. Those who judge their own destiny are ridiculous. I didn't expect His Majesty the Emperor to look at the predecessors with the eyes of ordinary people!"

The old man sneered and said disdainfully.

"Oh, so, is it true that King Zhou You has been wronged in this world?"

Ying Shou sneered.

"Hehe, as the Son of Heaven, does His Majesty think it is possible to harm himself for a woman? No matter how much you care about a woman, dare to ask Your Majesty, would you really do such absurd things as Fenghuo and feudal lords for a woman?"

The old man shook his head, and when he spoke, his face was full of sneers, as if he was laughing at the stupidity of the people in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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