Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 692 Haotian's Life Experience

Chapter 692 Haotian's Life Experience
"Of course I won't ruin my country for a woman!"

Faced with the old man's question, Ying Shou said without hesitation.

Although Ying Shou can give everything for his woman, but if he really wants to lose the whole world for a woman, he can't do it.

The emperor has the responsibility of the emperor. There are many things, even if you are willing, but you can't do it just because you want.

"Your Majesty can't do it, how can you be sure that others will?"

Hearing Ying Shou's answer, the old man mocked: "The world is always full of crimes, and history is always filled with bloody crimes. Every crime needs someone to stand up."

"The crime of the Xia Dynasty's demise requires Xia Jie to resist, and the crime of the Shang Dynasty's demise requires King Zhou to resist. The crime of the Great Zhou's decline naturally needs someone to resist. If King You of Zhou does not resist, who can resist?"

While speaking, the old man sighed, as if lamenting the disgusting historical cycle between heaven and earth.

I only heard him say: "When the former Qin Dynasty perished, the world shouted that the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty must perish. The people who bear the crimes are not the first emperor and the second Qin emperor, who else can they be?"

"That's right, Qin II is indeed absurd, but it is the first emperor who is really guilty. What did the first emperor do wrong?"

"Because he has violated everyone's interests, no one can contend with him when he is around, and no one will let him go when he dies. Could it be that His Majesty has not seen through all this?"

"That's right, the feudal lords did exist back then. But in fact, it was the bonfires that raged and the flames of war raged, not just for a woman to play feudal lords!"

"King Zhou You has the ambition to swallow the wilderness. He lit the beacon fire repeatedly, and the smoke of the war swept across the world. The soldiers pointed directly at the dog army. But the results are often heart-stopping!"

"In the final analysis, he is just a son of heaven. The princes are in charge of their own affairs. Who is willing to harm themselves for the ambition of a son of heaven? Therefore, the flames of war are a joke after all!"

"This made King You of Zhou understand the truth that one must first secure the interior when fighting against the outside world, so he is going to aim his blade at the princes. Only by destroying the princes, unifying the world, and controlling the power of the world can we truly unify the outside world!"

"It's a pity that he failed. The princes united with the dog army and beat him by surprise. In the end, he was defeated. Since the Spring and Autumn Period, the world has been chaotic, and the rituals have collapsed. Later, the emperor of Zhou can only be reduced to the princes. He has no right to the Son of Heaven. He went through the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and finally, the Zhou Dynasty continued to decline and perish!"

At the end, the old man's voice trembled, as if he was sighing for a generation of Tianjiao.

After hearing this, Ying Shou was also shocked. He didn't expect that the princes of Fenghuo Opera had such a saying.

He didn't know if what the old man said was true or not, but from Zhou Youwang's body this week, he seemed to feel his own shadow.

King Zhou You's experience is similar to his own and Zeng's, but fortunately, King Zhou You had a bad ending, and his own ending has not yet appeared.

"Sir, do you think I will follow Zhou Youwang's back path?"

Ying Shou looked at the old man and said with a smile.

"It depends on your majesty's choice! Does your majesty think that King Zhou You's life has come to an end?"

The old man sat down and picked up a leaf from the ground. Although it was in the dark, he seemed to be able to see the leaf clearly.

"Could it be that King Zhou You's life has not ended yet?"

Ying Shou said strangely.

"Of course there is no ending. If there is an ending, how can we come to Tianmen after that!"

The old man laughed.


Ying Shou's heart skipped a beat, what does Tianmen have to do with King Zhou You?
I just heard the old man laughing and said: "The princes thought that everything would be fine after King Zhou You was destroyed, but they didn't know that King Zhou You was not dead, he was inherited by Peng Zu, King Zhou You was almost immortal, and he established a gate of heaven outside the Great Wall. For hundreds of years, he controlled the countries outside the Great Wall. , an invisible net has already enveloped the Central Plains."

"King Zhou You is not reconciled, he wants to take back everything that belongs to him, but he didn't expect that before he did it, he would meet you, Great Qin Wudi Yingshou!"

"This old man had the honor to drink wine with King Zhou You and play chess with his son. I know King Zhou You well. This person has hated and feared the Central Plains all his life."

"The land of the Central Plains is home to outstanding people, a hundred schools of thought, talents and sages are endless. If you are separated from your virtue, with King Zhou You's current strength, it is not difficult to take it down in one fell swoop."

"But His Majesty's appearance destroyed everything. It is His Majesty who gathered the power of the Central Plains. Don't be fooled by wishing the world would not want to fight again. But if there is a large-scale attack from outside the Great Wall, the current power of the Central Plains will be enough to destroy the world. Even King Zhou You, I have no confidence in defeating you!"

"So, you have to die. Only after you die can King Zhou You make a move!"

Having said that, the old man looked at Ying Shou sharply, as if he was warning Ying Shou.

"So you came here today to tell me this on purpose?"

Ying Shou was shocked, he couldn't believe it until now, Haotian can really live for hundreds of years, isn't this immortal?
How could such a thing happen in the world?
But now that he knows that Haotian is King Zhou You, even if he doesn't believe it, he can't do it anymore.

From the old man's words, he could hear that the old man did not intend to deceive him.

"The old man is also from the Central Plains, so I don't want the Central Plains to suffer all the hardships of swords and soldiers, but King Zhou You's life has taught me a truth. In this world where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive, if you don't beat someone, you will always be beaten. "

"For hundreds of years, King Zhou You has never made a move against the Central Plains. He is just making arrangements. But in these hundreds of years, has the Central Plains encountered fewer foreign enemies?"

"A lot, really a lot. Now that King Zhou You is ready to make a move, the threat to the Central Plains will be tens of thousands of times. With the ability of King Zhou You, if he can't take the Central Plains in a year, he can fight for another ten years, a hundred years." , and even millennia."

"One generation after another in the Central Plains, they can only suffer the humiliation of being beaten in the endless flames of war!"

"Just now His Majesty suspects that the old man is from the Tianmen. The old man does not deny it, but he does not admit it either."

"I have a lot of ties with Tianmen, just like Guiguzi and Tianmen. Guiguzi can fight against Tianmen for the Central Plains, but I can't."

"But in the final analysis, I don't want the Central Plains to be destroyed forever, so I won't help His Majesty, nor King Zhou You."

"Let's talk now, what will happen to His Majesty and King Zhou You in the future, each will live in peace, and I will never interfere!"

"Here, the old man has something to say, I hope His Majesty will keep it in mind. There is no dynasty in the world that does not decline, and there is no country that does not get beaten."

"If you want to avoid being beaten, the only way is to fight until there is no opponent in the world. If your Majesty's ambition to rule the world is to be displayed, there is only one way. Your Majesty, in a moment of thought!"

"I have said everything I can say, how to do it, I believe that His Majesty has already planned, and that's the same sentence, do what His Majesty thinks."

"It's convenient for others, and it's also convenient for myself. Of course, the premise is that Your Majesty must have enough strength and courage!"

(End of this chapter)

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