Chapter 693

After finishing his speech, the old man turned around leisurely and left, leaving Ying Shou standing here alone.

This conversation shocked Ying Shou's heart for a long time and could not be calmed down.

Today's Ying Shou, there is hardly anything that can shock him in this world, but the content mentioned today is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and they all shake the world. How can Ying Shou not be shocked?
At this moment, Ying Shou couldn't help but think of countless wars in history.

Historically, the North has always used troops against the Central Plains.

Calculating carefully, it seems that it has not been a few years since the Xiongnu began to use troops against the Han Dynasty endlessly. It was a fight that caused the Han Dynasty to retreat steadily, and they could only use peace to resolve the war with extreme humiliation.

Until the rise of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Huns were finally destroyed.

But after the Xiongnu, there was the rise of the Hu people, who once again dealt with the Central Plains.

This kind of war is endless. Thinking about it now, Ying Shou even doubts whether the countless wars in history were initiated by Tianmen on purpose.

This conjecture is too shocking and frightening, and it is even more unacceptable.

In addition, the old man's last words when he left made Ying Shou feel as if he had been seen through.

Ying Shou has indeed already thought of a countermeasure. When he received Guiguzi's message before, he had already made up his mind, but he was not yet ready to implement it.

As a result, this person is like Guiguzi, it seems that both of them know what they are thinking.

This feeling of being spied on made Ying Shou uncomfortable, but also had lingering fears in his heart.

Ying Shou just stood there quietly, pondering for a long time, countless pictures flashed in his mind, and every person who appeared in these pictures was the key to his plan.

The last person to appear was the Tianmen Red Emperor wearing a flame mask.

As the old man said, he has already grasped the identity of this person, and even going back this time, he is going to destroy this person.

But this meditation suddenly made him change his mind.

Control people's hearts and control the world.

The eight-character proverb gave Yingshou a sense of enlightenment and a sense of enlightenment.

"Friend King Zhou You!"

Finally, the corners of Ying Shou's mouth were raised slightly, a smile appeared, and he looked towards the direction of the cave, where two figures sprang out and left without a sound.

Seeing this, Ying Shou's smile became even brighter. It seemed that he had figured out many things at the first time, so he turned around and left the place straight away.

"They left?"

Back in the cave, the old man and Jian Yun were gone, only Nan Yan and Xue Ning were left, and Ying Shou asked knowingly.

"Return to Your Majesty, the old gentleman has already left. Before leaving, he asked his concubine to deliver this letter to His Majesty!"

Nan Yan got up, took out a letter and handed it to Ying Shoudao.

Ying Shou reached out to take it, opened the envelope, and saw that the letter read: "The army of 260 million people in the northern part of the country, spring plowing into the country, it's war or peace, make plans early!"

Ying Shou's palm trembled, and the letter fell into the bonfire in front of him, turning into ashes in an instant.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Nan Yan couldn't help asking.


Ying Shou waved his hands, shook his head and smiled, and said, "Do you know who that old gentleman is? What's the matter with him coming this time!"

On the side, Xue Ning couldn't help opening her mouth and said: "I don't know, please ask Your Majesty to clarify!"

Ying Shou looked up to the north, and said with a smile, "This person represents Tianmen and the countries in the northern part of the Great Wall. This time, he is here to send a letter of war to me!"

"War book?"

Nan Yan and Xue Ning were taken aback, only to hear Nan Yan whisper: "Could it be that letter just now..."

Ying Shou nodded and said, "That's right, the letter just now is a letter of war. The army of more than 260 million people in the north of the Great Wall is ready. Whether it is war or peace, it depends on how I decide!"

Xue Ning's heart twitched. The moment Ying Shou said that the old man represented Tianmen, she had already realized the importance of this matter.

Nan Yan may not know Tianmen, but Xue Ning is the daughter of Haotian, how can she know nothing?
Tianmen controls more than 20 countries including Donghu, Xiongnu, and Loulan in the northern part of the country. Among them, the Xiongnu and Donghu join forces, at least 70 million or more, plus other countries, nearly 300 million troops.

These people usually act independently, but as long as Tianmen gives an order, they can join forces in an instant, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, no one can fight against them.

Not to mention the Great Qin at this moment, even in the peak period of the former Qin Dynasty, millions of troops followed the first emperor, they may not be the opponent of this force.

Now, Tianmen is going to fight, and a world-shattering battle is destined to be inevitable.

Xue Ning is not only a celestial maiden from the Heavenly Clan, but also the imperial concubine of the Great Qin Dynasty. For a while, she was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

"Your Majesty, how should we fight the war, and how should we reconcile?"

After a long silence, Xue Ning finally couldn't help asking.

"If I don't give Tianmen a chance, I will fight naturally... If I give Tianmen a chance, I will fight naturally!"

Ying Shou said sharply.

"So, this battle depends on how His Majesty decides? So what is His Majesty going to do?"

Nan Yan asked.

"A person without a goal can easily fall, and a nation without a heart can easily decay."

"Since he wants to fight, how can I not give him a chance. It's just that the price paid is too heavy. Now, I still hesitate."

"However, this person is very smart. He resolved the hesitation in my heart. If this is the case, I will become the whole heaven!"

Ying Shou took a deep breath, and had no objection to the previous decision.

"Iron Eagle Swordsman obey orders!"

Suddenly, Ying Shou gave an order.

"Iron Eagle Swordsman obey!"

A figure passed by, and Iron Eagle Swordsman came quickly, knelt in front of Ying Shou, and said respectfully.

"Do you know where Empress Yinyue is at the moment?"

Ying Shou stared at Iron Eagle Swordsman and asked.

"Report to Your Majesty, this subordinate knows!"

The iron eagle swordsman quickly replied.

"Okay, take me to rescue the empress immediately tomorrow. In addition, the army should have already landed on the islands. Tell Lin Dajun to go there immediately tomorrow!"

Ying Shou nodded and ordered.


The iron eagle swordsman responded and turned to leave.

In the early morning of the next day, Ying Shou took Nan Yan and Xue Ning, led by the Tie Ying swordsman, left this place and rushed to the place where the Tianmen Thieves' Den was located.

At the same time, on another small island, the army has also received orders from the Iron Eagle Swordsman.

For the first time, Ren Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the emperor is fine, Daqin will be safe and sound, and he has nothing to worry about.

"Pass the order, the army moves forward at top speed!"

Then, Ren Xiao gave an order, and the army set off and quickly moved towards the Tianmen Den of Thieves.

Everyone began to gather, and at the same time, Tianmen Den of Thieves also received an order, and the Great Qin Emperor was coming here.

Immediately, all the Tianmen thieves, a total of more than [-] people, withdrew and waited for the rabbit, preparing to take down Yingshou after Yingshou arrived and before the Qin army arrived.

At that time, the world will be settled, the universe will be unified, and Qin will no longer exist!
(End of this chapter)

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