Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 694 Breaking into the Grotto to Save People

Chapter 694 Breaking into the Grotto to Save People

"Where is the Red Emperor!"

On the small island, the leader of the den of thieves wore a mask of a demon god and looked around, but there was no trace of the Red Emperor, so he couldn't help but asked with a frown.

This time when they gathered together, they got the order of the Red Emperor, but when everyone gathered together, there was no sign of the Red Emperor, which made him a little dissatisfied.

"Reporting to the leader, the Red Emperor just sent the news that he will go ahead to stop the Qin army, and let me deal with Ying Shou with peace of mind!"

Under the leader of Tianmen Den of Thieves, a plain-clothed man cupped his hands and said.

"Okay, as long as the Red Emperor can stop the Qin army, it's nothing to win and defend!"

Hearing that, the leader breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't question Chidi too much.

Immediately, he only heard him shout: "Go, tie the Queen of Qin here, and I will have a showdown today. I want to see how Ying Shou should choose. The Queen of Qin has lived here for so many days , should also come in handy!"

Hearing this, the men under his command had won, and then dozens of people left straight away.

Not far from where the crowd gathered, on the back of the mountain, there was a grotto. The grotto was dark and damp, and the depths were pitch black, and the depths were illuminated by torches.

Although Xue Ning also fell into the hands of the den of thieves, in the final analysis, she is a heavenly maiden and a thief of the Tianmen, so she dare not neglect her.

But Yinyue is different from Ning'er, this Ning'er is, after all, a servant of the Qin Palace, and the people of Tianmen don't care about her life or death at all.

And Yinyue, to everyone in the den of thieves, is even more of a traitor, and no one can wait for her to die.

After all, the former Zhao Tuo was the Red Emperor of Tianmen.Although Yinyue and Zhao Tuo are using each other, they are still doing things for Zhao Tuo after all.

But with the appearance of Yingshou, Yinyue completely betrayed Zhao Tuo and helped Yingshou unify the southern border. From the perspective of the remnants of Tianmen stationed in the northern border, it was treason, which was not tolerated by heaven.

Therefore, Yinyue and Ning'er's life in Tianmen was not easy.

In the depths of the grotto, in an ice pool, Xue Ning covered her body with iron chains. In the ice pool, the bitingly cold water submerged up to her neck.

The strong cold air had already made Xue Ning's complexion black and blue, and she passed out in the pool water.

Fortunately, the iron chain was locked, otherwise, at this moment, she might have been drowned by the red water and died.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

A weak voice sounded, and in front of the ice pool, Ning'er was covered in blood and tied to a stone pillar.

On her body, at a glance, there are welts everywhere, and the white and tender skin is bruised everywhere, which makes people look at it and can't help but feel anxious.

She was very weak and powerless, looking at Yinyue who was once again hit by the cold and passed out, she couldn't help calling out, but her voice was unusually small and very hoarse, she seemed powerless, she was already unconscious when she couldn't wake up silver moon.

"Your can't's so cold, you won't be able to wake up if you fall asleep!"

Ning'er closed her eyes in pain. Right now, her whole body was in pain and she was very tired, but she was still worried about Yinyue when she was tired.

"Miss... Empress Empress, Ning'er is sorry for you, I can't take good care of Empress Yinyue!"

The corners of Ning'er's lips trembled slightly, and two lines of tears rolled down uncontrollably, with despair appearing in her eyes.

It's been ten days, and ten days of torture is enough to make anyone despair.

At first, Ning'er fantasized that someone would come to rescue her, but until now, she hadn't seen any rescue, and she really couldn't hold on anymore.

Just when Ning'er was in despair, suddenly, screams sounded in the cave.

On the aisle of the cave, people and shadows staggered, and the fire was shining.

The next moment, more than a dozen figures flew upside down and landed in front of Ning'er.

Ning'er suddenly opened her eyes wide, and saw a burly man with a full beard and full of domineering arrogance slowly walking in step by step from the outside under the light of torches.

This person was holding a long gun and had two meteor hammers pinned to his waist, his eyes looked extremely cold.

His appearance, to Ning'er, was like the god of war descending into the world and returning with his true destiny.

"Strong man!"

Ning'er had never seen this person before, but at this moment, she couldn't stop shouting in a trembling voice.

The visitor looked up at Ning'er and said, "Are you Ning'er?"


Ning'er nodded.

The next moment, the man suddenly stepped forward, swiped the spear in his hand, and cut off the rope on her body.

Ning'er's whole body went limp, and she immediately lay down in the man's arms, feeling powerless all over her body.

"Quick... quickly save Empress Yinyue!"

Ning'er tried her best to get up from the man's arms, but found that she didn't feel any other sensations except pain, so she could only beg in a low voice.

"Hold on!"

Seeing this, the man put Ning'er aside and sat down, came to the ice pond, cupped his hands and said: "The last general Shi Potian, pay homage to Empress Yinyue!"

This man is none other than Shi Potian.

It's a pity that Yinyue is already in a coma at this moment, so where can I hear his voice.

Seeing that no one responded, Shi Potian said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty is in a coma, and she is eager to save people in the end. I hope you will forgive me for being rude!"

As he said that, Shi Potian leaped into the ice pool, suddenly felt the cold hit his bones.


Taking a breath, Shi Potian hurried forward, grabbed the iron chains, and pulled them out of the stone wall one by one with all his strength.

Yinyue's whole body went limp, and she was about to fall into the pool water.

Shi Potian hurriedly hugged her, and with a pair of iron chains, leaped out of the ice pool. After landing on the ground, he held Yinyue with his right hand, and stretched out his left hand to Ning'er, saying: "I am the emperor!" Your Majesty sits down on the military plane and breaks the sky, you and your mother have suffered, now go with this general!"

Ning'er's heart trembled, women are all emotional animals, and they need to be protected when they are in a desperate situation.

The hero saves the beauty, nothing more than this.

"Thank you... General..."

With tears in her eyes, Ning'er was caught by Shi Potian in her small hands, and then, holding her under his arms, she rushed out of the grotto at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as he arrived outside the grotto, Shi Potian stopped immediately, and saw dozens of people coming from the path in front of him, and suddenly saw that he was carrying people to leave, these people suddenly drew out their long swords, pointed at Shi Potian, and all of them Seriously.

"Who is coming!"

The leader was not weak, obviously a first-class master, pointing his long sword at Shi Potian, and shouted coldly.

"This general, Shi Potian, if you don't want to die, get out immediately, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

Shi Potian stared at the thirty or so people in front of him with cold eyes, and said coldly.

"What, General Qin Shi Potian?"

Obviously, these people had all heard of Shi Potiandu's name, and all of them looked at each other in blank dismay for a moment, with solemn expressions in their eyes.

After being shocked, the leader suddenly sneered and said: "Shi Potian, a famous general of the Great Qin Dynasty, unfortunately, this is not the world of the Qin Kingdom today. Since you have thrown yourself into a trap, then go die!"

As soon as the words fell, this person moved, and when Shi Potian was still holding Yinyue and Ning'er, unable to fight back, he pointed his long sword straight at Shi Potian.

(End of this chapter)

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