Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 695 Unable to fight back

Chapter 695 Unable to fight back
"call out!"

The sword pierced the sky, and there was a sound of the sword breaking the wind. The long sword pointed directly at Shi Potian's throat, and it was already in front of Shi Potian in an instant.

Shi Potian's eyes were fixed, his feet moved, and his whole body immediately stuck to the ground, and quickly faded behind him.

One advance and one retreat, in an instant, Shi Potian returned to the grotto again.

Suddenly, Shi Potian leaned back, hugged the two people, and flew up.

"call out……"

The long sword almost slid across his face, and the wind-piercing air brought by the long sword directly cut a small wound on his face.

But at this moment, Shi Potian's legs were chained together, and he kept proposing.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of muffled sounds sounded, and the person holding the sword felt a sudden sharp pain in the arm holding the sword. The next moment, his chest was hit repeatedly, and the whole person flew out.


When the person landed, a mouthful of blood spewed out immediately, his face full of shock.

It has always been known that the famous Qin general Shi Potian is very strong, but no one thought that Shi Potian could be so strong.

This is simply beyond the ranks of the top experts, and the average first-rate experts have no power to fight back in front of him.

Just now, when Shi Potian was unable to fight back, if Shi Potian had no one to hinder him, the power he would display would be unimaginable.

"Take care of your mother!"

When this person was shocked, on the other side, Shi Potian put down Ning'er, put Yinyue in Ning'er's arms, and said in a low voice.

"General be careful!"

Ning'er looked at Shi Potian worriedly, with endless worry and tenderness in her eyes.

Shi Potian didn't say any more nonsense, stood up slowly, and looked at the sword-wielding man who was kicked out by him.

Outside the cave, more than 20 people also rushed into the grotto, each of them was serious, and helped the man with the sword up.

"Those who stand in my way will die. Since you have made a move, no one needs to go back today!"

Shi Potian's face was indifferent, looking at the people in front of him as if he was looking at a dead person.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly took off the meteor hammer from his waist, twisted the iron chain in the palm of his hand, and held it tightly together.

At this moment, in order to save Nanyan and Ning'er, he had thrown his long spear deep in the grotto, so he could only use his natal weapon, the meteor hammer.

Otherwise, how could he take out his Meteor Hammer because of such a group of young people?
At least, it must be said that those top experts are worthy of his pair of meteor hammers.

"You will die today, but you will also be honored!"

Looking at the meteor hammer in his hand, Shi Potian had a look of affectionate yearning on his face, which was his friendship for the meteor hammer.

I don't know how many years this pair of meteor hammers have been following him. Whenever there is a crisis, as long as the meteor hammers are around, he can always block and kill gods and gods, and no one can match them.

This is his best combat partner, and he has followed him all his life. The relationship between the two has long been beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Today, in his opinion, taking out the meteor hammer to deal with such a group of minions is the biggest insult to the meteor hammer.

If it wasn't for him still needing to save people, get out of here quickly, even with his bare hands, he wouldn't let the blood of these people insult the Meteor Hammer.

"Potian, I'm so sorry for you!"

Shi Potian muttered in a low voice.

His name is Shi Potian, and he named this pair of meteor hammers, also called Potian Hammer, which shows the depth of his affection.

"To kill!"

Just as Shi Potian was still looking at the pair of meteor hammers in his hand, there was a sound of scolding, and the next moment, the first-class sword-wielding master led more than 20 people to kill Shi Potian at the same time.

Their speed was very fast, and they rushed within three zhang in front of Shi Potian in an instant.

However, at this moment, Shi Potian suddenly looked up, and a ray of light flashed across his eyes.


The next moment, the sky-shattering meteor hammer swung out, piercing the sky, and swept towards everyone like a pop falling.

As the saying goes, an inch is long and an inch is strong, Shi Potian's meteor hammer is almost longer than all long weapons, even the long whip is almost not as long as his meteor hammer.

The Sky-shattering Hammer came fast, swiftly and furiously, and the first person, before he could even react, was hit by the Sky-shattering Hammer and his brains burst.

The rest of the people reacted quickly and made various dodges, but the Sky Hammer came fiercely, even though everyone was dodging.

But at the first moment, there were still four or five people who were directly smashed by the sky-shattering hammer, either their brains were cracked, or their bones were broken, and they vomited blood and died.

This is just the first blow of the shot, and it has already turned everyone on their backs.

The next moment, Shi Potian made a complete attack, and it was destined that everyone would be powerless to fight back.

I saw that he hadn't retracted this hammer yet, but the other hammer had already been thrown out.

An iron chain was pulled back and forth in his hand, and the two hammers were exchanged, and the angle was reversed, which was very strange.

"Bang bang bang..."

For a while, I only heard the sound of bang bang bang on the scene.

A pair of meteor hammers were in Shi Potian's hands, and they swung them imperviously, with great power and without any flaws.

Moreover, the characteristic of the meteor hammer is that the more it hits, the more powerful it becomes. It was okay at first, but it just cracked the brains of people or broke their bones.

But gradually, the power on the hammer continued to superimpose, and any touch would cause the whole body to shatter.


Finally, the hammer hit the first-rate master's chest, carrying the first-rate master abruptly, crashing into the grotto to dodge.

On that mountain wall is a smooth stone wall, the stone wall is very thick, however, this hammer with the body of that first-class expert, forcibly smashed a deep hole half a meter deep on the stone wall.

At this moment, the entire grotto seemed to shake.

After killing everyone in an instant, Shi Potian took back the Sky-Breaking Hammer. Seeing the blood on the hammer, he swung it violently, blood spilled all over the ground, and then trapped the Sky-Breaking Hammer around his waist.

Looking back, I saw that Ning'er was already stunned at this moment, and there was a look in her eyes.

At this moment, Shi Potian's power, in Ning'er's view, is the true invincible God of War.


Ignoring Ning'er's surprised gaze, Shi Potian hugged Yinyue, pulled Ning'er up, and walked straight outside.


On the outside, thousands of remnants of the Heavenly Gate still don't know the news from the grotto, so they are all taking it seriously.

Suddenly, someone came to report: "Report to the leader, Ying Shou appears in the valley ahead, and he will be there in a moment!"

Hearing the words, the leader wearing the mask of the demon god flashed a look of coldness in his eyes, and said: "Everyone prepare, Ying Shou appears, kill without pardon!"

The moment his voice fell, three figures appeared little by little on the steep slope in front of him.

Ying Shou led Nan Yan and Xue Ning from left to right, stepped up the steep slope step by step, and appeared in front of everyone.

"Clang clang clang..."

In an instant, there was a clanging sound, and thousands of people drew out their long swords at the same time, pointing at the three of Ying Shou, waiting for the leader to give an order, they immediately rushed out without mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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