Chapter 696
The autumn wind is sweeping, the world is chilling, the vegetation is withered and yellow, and the leaves are withered.

A mighty murderous intent sprints across the universe, in all directions.

Ying Shou walked out step by step, all the murderous intentions came together, but it seemed that he couldn't get close to him at all.

He took Xue Ning by the hand, and the second daughter of Nanyan walked step by step, until they were less than ten feet away from the sword formation of thousands of people, and finally stopped.

"Take it seriously, it seems that none of you have ever thought about escaping, very good!"

Looking at the thousands of people in front of him, the corners of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly, not paying attention to them at all.

"Ying Shou, let you escape before, this time will not repeat the same mistakes, stop talking nonsense, you can die!"


The leader of the den of thieves had cold eyes, and his voice was like a poisonous snake spitting out letters, which was creepy.

As soon as his words fell, thousands of people below roared and were about to kill Ying Shou.

"I see who dares!"

But right here, an earth-shattering roar sounded.

This figure resounded through the heavens and the earth, full of aura, as if the sky and the earth exploded like thunder, resounding in everyone's ears, making everyone tremble.

The next moment, everyone saw a figure walking slowly on the mountain.

He carried one person on each side, and walked step by step among thousands of people.

His body was full of bloody and murderous aura, and for a while, he entered among thousands of people, as if he had entered a land of no one.

Under his strong murderous intent, thousands of people held their breath for a while, not daring to take the opportunity to make a move.

"Shi Potian... Qin Guohu Ben Zhonglang, Shi Potian!"

The leader's eyes were fixed, and the moment he saw Shi Potian, his heart suddenly lifted.

For some reason, at this moment, he felt an inexplicable fear.

This fear was stronger than the first time he saw Ying Shou.

It seems that somewhere, he missed it.

When he realized it, Shi Potian had brought Yinyue, who was unconscious, and Ning'er, who was seriously injured, to Ying Shou.

"Sister Yinyue..."


Nanyan and Xue Ning exclaimed at the same time, and hurried forward to help Yinyue and Xue Ning.

Yinyue is the imperial concubine of Great Qin, and Ning'er, to Nanyan, is also a sister.

Looking at the current situation of the two of them, deep anger flashed in Nan Yan's eyes.

Ying Shou also narrowed his eyes slightly, killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Shi Potian.

"Shi Potian sees my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

"Shi Potian came late to rescue him, and I hope His Majesty will punish him!"

Shi Potian knelt on one knee, clasped his hands and cupped his fists, and shouted in a deep voice.

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly, he turned around abruptly, and said, "Yan'er, Xue'er, take care of them both!"

As he spoke, Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back and shouted: "Shi Potian, I want everyone present, if not one stays, all of them will die!"

Shi Potian suddenly raised his head, looked at Ying Shou, his eyes flickered, and said, "No..."

The next moment, Shi Potian got up slowly and turned his head to look.

His eyes were piercing, and he said: "Why, you are still waiting for the so-called Red Emperor to stop my Daqin iron cavalry for you, right?"

"Hehe, stop wishful thinking. The head of the Scarlet Emperor is looking at you from the top of the mountain. He can't help you. For the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, he will arrive in no time!"

"How dare you dare to touch my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, today is the day you will be exterminated!"

As soon as Shi Potian finished speaking, everyone's hearts trembled.

"What, the Red Emperor is dead?"

"How is it possible, the Red Emperor is dead?"

Everyone is full of disbelief. Who is the Red Emperor? Those are the four emperors under Haotian. In fact, they can be killed if they are killed?
In today's world, how many people can deal with Chidi?

And when everyone was exclaiming, suddenly, one after another roared.

On another mountain top, thousands of soldiers appeared.

The leader was none other than Ren Xiao, who had already seen the stern battle here, and immediately shouted: "Everyone follows the rules and kills, strangle the bandits, and save Emperor Wu!"


Immediately afterwards, everyone seemed to be going crazy, and started all over again in this direction.


The leader also panicked at this moment, he finally understood where the fear in his heart came from.

The Red Emperor is dead, and the Qin army has killed them, and they have no chance.

"What a...what a state of Qin...what a Yingshou...what a Shi Potian..."

The leader gritted his teeth, waved his hand violently, and shouted: "Kill..."

At the same time, on the other side, Ying Shou's voice sounded, saying: "The army is not allowed to participate in the battle today, Shi Potian, others have said that you are invincible in the world, today, these thousands of people will be handed over to you."

"If they are all wiped out, I will reward you very much. If you escape one, you can choose to die, or you can choose to grow old!"

Hearing this, Shi Potian looked at Ying Shou suddenly, and said, "Your Majesty, leave it all to your servants?"

While speaking, Shi Potian's heart was shaken. He thought that the so-called extermination of everyone was an army, but now the emperor wants to hand it over to him alone.

Are you kidding me? Although Shi Potian has the courage that is inappropriate for all men, the so-called inappropriate courage does not mean that he is invincible.

If he makes a move, wants to kill someone, or wants to snatch something, even if there are thousands of troops in front of him, he can come and go freely, and no one can stop him.

But to come and go freely, for ordinary people, although it is as difficult as reaching the sky, it is not the same compared to the hard-hitting thousands of troops.

It is difficult to be a man, as long as the speed is fast enough and the strength is strong enough, many people can do it.

For example, Daqin Xu Chu, Daqin Lieyang, Daqin Renxiao, Daqin Tushi, etc., all have such strength.

However, if you want to say that you are fighting thousands of troops, it is an act of courting death.

It is said that two fists are no match for four hands. Among thousands of troops, you only kill one person, or in other words, just to save your life. Although it is difficult, you can barely do it.

But it's different if you want to kill thousands of troops, because you don't even have a chance to escape.

Shi Potian never denied his own strength, but he couldn't do it alone against thousands of troops.

Although there are only 3000 people in front of you, these people are the elite of the elite. With a little training, they are put into the army, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of troops.

Isn't it a joke to rely on him to wipe out it alone?
Just when Shi Potian questioned, the other half shouted to kill, and thousands of swordsmen came at the same time.

Shi Potian looked at Ying Shou, and saw Ying Shou standing with his hands behind his back, facing him sideways, his eyes high above him, squinting at him, those eyes were indifferent and ruthless, it seemed that in Ying Shou's eyes, he was something that could be used, just If it is used, if it cannot be used, it is the same as a weapon that is directly scrapped.

Shi Potian gritted his teeth violently, cupped his hands and said, "No!"

At this time, thousands of people have rushed to the front.

Following Shi Potian's promise, the next moment, I saw his palm stroking his waist, and the chain of Potian hammer was tied in the palm of his hand.

With a movement of his body, the hammer and stone startled the autumn rain, cut through the void and startled everything, and forced thousands of swordsmen to go.

(End of this chapter)

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