Chapter 697

"Bang bang bang..."

Sword lights criss-crossed, meteors streaked across, bringing the sound of roaring all over the sky, and the earth roared like a bomb exploding.

Shi Potian's body was covered with sword light, however, where his pair of sky-breaking hammers passed, the sky was indeed shaking, and no one could get up close.




Thousands of people, shouts of killing, screams, and the sound of vomiting blood and flying upside down, came one after another, and a bloody killing was completely staged.

Shi Potian is like the nine-day god of war, wielding double hammers, like picking up the stars and picking up the moon, he is extremely powerful.

Ying Shou looked at this scene indifferently, waved his hands, and a figure appeared silently, cupped his hands and said, "See Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Ying Shou turned his back to this person, and said coldly: "Send the order to Ren Xiao, and the army can surround it. Without my order, no one can participate in the battle. Otherwise, there will be no mercy!"

The iron eagle swordsman who was kneeling behind was taken aback, and couldn't help but look at His Majesty the Emperor.

He didn't know why the emperor issued such an order. This order was obviously aimed at Shi Potian.

But he didn't say much, as iron eagle swordsmen, they didn't even have the qualifications to participate in the war, let alone question the emperor's order.

Since the emperor ordered them to deliver the message according to the emperor's words, this is their only mission.


Iron Eagle Swordsman clasped his fists in agreement, turned and left.

On the other side, Nan Yan was taking Yinyue's pulse and checking her body.

Ying Shou turned his head to look, Jian Nanyan frowned, and said in a deep voice, "How is Yue'er?"

Nan Yan raised her head and said softly: "Your Majesty, Sister Yinyue's condition is not very good. She was lightly attacked by the cold air, and now her internal organs have been damaged, and her consciousness has sunk. If you don't expel the cold air and take good care of your body, you may wake up forever. Don't come!"

Ying Shou heard the words, the palm behind his back trembled slightly, and said, "Is there a way?"

Nan Yan nodded and said respectfully: "Reporting to Your Majesty, there is a way, but I'm not sure how sure it is!"

A flash of guilt flashed in Ying Shou's eyes, looking at the unconscious Yinyue.

Although after Yinyue was brought back, he made people take good care of him, but as the country became stronger and stronger, his position became more and more stable, and he thought about more and more things, so that he didn't have time to spend time with Yinyue. moon.

Now, it was precisely because of her absence that she was treated like this.

Ying Shou's eyes slowly turned to the battlefield ahead. At this moment, the battle had already awakened and heated up. Shi Potian was alone in charge, and thousands of people rushed to Ying Shou's side, but he abruptly blocked them all.

Looking at this scene, Ying Shou's eyes became more murderous.

He knew that he had always overestimated the integrity of some people.

Before, he didn't worry about the safety of Yinyue and Ning'er at all, because he believed that some people were already low enough, and it was impossible for them to do anything wrong again.

But the facts have proved that he thinks too well of others, or in other words, he has forgotten that not everyone is as bright and aboveboard as he is.

"No matter how sure I am, and whether I can do anything about it, from now on, at all costs, I want Yue'er to wake up, and I really want her to recover her memory!"

Ying Shou said in a cold voice.

"Chen and concubine follow the order!"

Nan Yan's tender body trembled slightly, looking at Ying Shou, she knew that the emperor was really angry at this moment.

Whenever the emperor is angry, he can only obey his words, and no one can refute them, including her, the empress.

The fighting continued ahead, and around Shi Potian, hundreds of corpses had already fallen, however, there were still more people, like a torrent, sweeping towards them, killing them endlessly.

Shi Potian's shots became faster and faster, more and more fierce, and his strength has been exerted to the maximum.

Every mistake made will always bring bloody pieces of flesh all over the sky, resulting in heavy casualties.

The soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty climbed over the hill and came here, just as Ren Xiao waved his hand to kill the culprits, a figure suddenly rushed up to Ren Xiao and said: "Your Majesty has an order, the army can surround it, without His Majesty's order, Do not make a move!"

Ren Xiao was stunned for a moment, seeing that the person in front of him was Iron Eagle Swordsman, he couldn't help frowning, and said, "How could Your Majesty issue such an order?

At this moment, Shi Potian is still fighting ahead, but he is the general of Daqin.

Ren Xiao knew a little about the emperor's disposition, he would never believe that the emperor would issue such an order, which would put Shi Potian to death.

At this moment, he also saw Shi Potian's majesty, it can be said that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

But when manpower is limited, don't look at Shi Potian's invincible battlefield at this moment, but the more you play like this, the more energy you will consume.

Shi Potian may not be able to get close to anyone at the beginning, but if he continues to fight like this, at most two quarters, he will be powerless to fight back.

At that time, even if he killed 1000 people, even 2000 people, the remaining people would kill him in an instant.

This is the danger of the battlefield, sometimes on the battlefield, not only must be strong, but also durable enough, otherwise, whoever gets weak first will die.

How wise the emperor is, Ren Xiao never thought that the emperor would treat his subjects like this.

But now that this order came out, Ren Xiao also had to frown.

But he didn't say much, waved his sleeves, and said: "Send down the order to surround the thieves, without orders, don't act rashly!"


As promised, the army dispersed immediately, and the [-] army formed a huge encirclement circle, directly surrounding the scene completely.

"My lord, is it inappropriate for His Majesty to do this?"

Behind Ren Xiao, Wuhuan frowned, and couldn't help saying.

"Whether your majesty is right or wrong is not for us and other courtiers to make unreasonable comments. Since your majesty has done this, you have your own reasons. I just follow orders and act, don't talk nonsense!"

Ren Xiao's eyes were piercing, and he said in a deep voice, "Wuhuan, immediately lead a hundred people over there, protect His Majesty's surroundings, and obey His Majesty's orders at any time!"

While speaking, Ren Xiao gave an order that could not be resisted.


Wuhuan clasped his fists as he promised, and immediately led others forward.

"Long live my majesty, long live, long live, the imperial concubine is wet and cold, and the general will immediately send people to the thief's residence to find a bedding, first to protect the empress from the cold!"

When he came to Ying Shou, Wu Huan immediately knelt down and paid homage.

"No, bring someone with you, let's stay on the island first, and lead the way!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and gave an order. Hundreds of soldiers surrounded the surrounding area to block the cold wind. Ying Shou hugged Yinyue, led by Wuhuan, to the other side of the mountain, and saw the civil engineering building where the Tianmen bandits lived. architecture.

Ying Shou brought Yinyue to a large hall in the middle, ordered people to boil water, changed Yinyue's clothes, and directly wrapped Yinyue in the bed.

This side started to get busy, everyone's thoughts were on the emperor and the imperial concubine, it seemed that they had forgotten that Shi Potian was still rushing to kill on the battlefield.

After the hot water was ready, Ying Shou asked Nan Yan and Xue Ning to bring Yinyue, who was in a coma, to the bathtub, and took a hot bath first. This time, Yinyue's body that was as cold as ice, Finally got some warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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