Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 698 Bloody Air

Chapter 698 Bloody Air
Time passed and the war continued.

On the battlefield, there were nearly a thousand corpses. Shi Potian's eyes were already red, and he roared and charged back and forth among the swordsmen who came forward. The ground he passed was stained red with blood.

There were gradually more wounds on his body.

This supreme demeanor is so domineering that it frightens the enemy and shocks the surrounding Qin army. It is unimaginable. This is the power a person should have.

But when you see the wounds that are constantly emerging on his body, you can't help but feel heartbroken.

Not far away, Ren Xiao was riding on a war horse, frowning, watching this scene.

Looking at the fierce battlefield, his palms trembled.

But he didn't dare to send troops rashly, he had to wait for the order, the emperor's order.

However, until this time, the emperor's order was still not issued, and he could already see that Shi Potian's strength had begun to weaken.

Shi Potian's strength is beyond Ren Xiao's imagination after all.

According to his thinking, Shi Potian can withstand such a fierce battle for half an hour, which is already the best in the world.

However, after half an hour passed, Shi Potian's strength was only weakened.

But even Shi Potian, who has weakened, still moves freely, unmatched.

All the people who stand in front of him, or those who attack him, can't beat the next second.

The corpses around him are still accumulating, one thousand corpses, gradually, two thousand corpses.

Before he knew it, most of the 3000 people were killed by him.

The remaining people lost the courage to continue to charge after all, and for a while, the entire battlefield calmed down rarely.

Everyone retreated instinctively, looking at Shi Potian, who was covered in bright red and looked like a hell Shura, his eyes were full of horror.

Including the leader of the thieves, at this time, his eyes were full of deep horror.

" this still human?"

At this moment, he wanted to retreat, but when he looked up, there were Qin troops in all directions. He knew that today, he had no way to retreat.

"Kill... all for why, for Haotian, dedicate your life!"

The leader of the bandits was heartbroken and roared loudly.

However, what he said at this time only greeted everyone in his subordinates looking at each other in blank dismay. For a while, their morale was completely lost, and no one dared to step forward.


Seeing this, the bandit leader was heartbroken.

At this moment, the first-rate masters under him were almost killed in battle. Seeing that everyone was standing still, he roared loudly, leaped forward, and said, "Follow me!"

After the words fell, he was the first to rush directly to Shi Potian.

At this moment, Shi Potian felt a burst of weakness all over his body, kneeling on the ground with one knee, breathing in the fishy and salty air.

The smell of blood in the air was disgusting.

If he hadn't gotten used to it long ago, the smell of blood could make people lose consciousness without fighting.

"Clang clang..."

Suddenly, Shi Potian's eyes froze, and he saw the bandit leader brandishing a long sword, and he had already rushed to him.

His sword was coming fiercely. At this moment, Shi Potian saw it with his own eyes, as if it was no longer a sword, but a beam of light.

The speed of this light is too fast, so fast that even Shi Potian in his heyday needs to be on full alert. At this moment, Shi Potian has no time to react.


There was only a sound of tearing, and the long sword in the hand of the bandit leader directly pierced Shi Potian's shoulder.

Originally, this sword was aimed directly at Shi Potian's heart, but Shi Potian exerted all his strength, and it was difficult to avoid it.

As the long sword pierced through his shoulder, blood appeared and splashed out on Shi Potian's shoulder.

"What a powerful sword!"

Shi Potian's heart trembled, he could tell that this bandit leader was not a top expert, but this sword already possessed a power that almost surpassed that of a top expert.

This sword, even if it is an ordinary top master, is difficult to resist if it is not fully concentrated.

This reminded him of a person, a master who seldom made shots among the various schools of thought, his name was Ji Tianhou.

According to legend, Ji Tianhou is the descendant of Guigu, and he himself is a super-class master. His sword can be as fast as it goes out, and once it is out, a shocking sword is enough to kill anyone.

During the battle against the Huns in Huishui City, Ji Tianhou almost took the head of the Huns, Man Shanyu Xiangshang, out of hundreds of thousands of troops.

If it weren't for the last moment, countless people resisted desperately, and the top blood masters fought to block that blow, Touman Shanyu would have died.

Now, the sword of the leader of the thieves had the power of Ji Tianhou's shocking sword.

But this is only similar, and this soldier's sword with all his strength is also the last sword.

After all, he is just a first-class master.

At the moment when a sword pierced through Shi Potian's shoulder, and the bandit leader retreated with his sword, Shi Potian kicked out his foot and kicked on the Potian hammer.


The Sky Hammer flew by like a shooting star, and chased after it.


With a bang, the huge hammer directly smashed into the back of the bandit leader's heart, punching a huge blood hole from his body.


The bandit leader spat out a mouthful of blood, looked down at the Sky Hammer piercing through his chest, with a look of despair on his face.

I thought that Shi Potian was already so weak that he was unable to fight back, but why is he still so strong?
Shrouded in a strong breath of death, the leader of the bandits could only look up to the sky and scream at the last moment: "Dedicate your life to Haotian!"

His roar was so small that no one else could hear him, and he fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the surrounding thieves were even more frightened.

They looked at each other and looked at Shi Potian, as if they were wary of the devil.

At this moment, they couldn't remember what Haotian was, and the only thing they thought about was running for their lives.

But in all directions, the Qin army encircled and suppressed them, where can they use it?
"Brothers, I can't go away, take down Shi Potian first, grab him, and rush out!"

Suddenly, someone interrupted, and the next moment, everyone agreed, and now they want to survive, and this is the only way.

So, all the fearful people rushed out again, sweeping towards Shi Potian.

After a short pause, the battle started again.

On the other side, Ren Xiao looked at this scene and felt that his heart was pulled together.

He stretched out his hand to summon someone, and said, "Go quickly to His Majesty Tong Bing, and report the situation here to His Majesty, so that His Majesty can make a decision!"

They are all generals of Daqin. At this moment, Ren Xiao really couldn't bear to fall into such a desperate situation.

But the emperor didn't give orders, so he didn't dare to act rashly. For a while, he couldn't sit still anymore, and was going to ask the emperor to send troops.

However, the people he sent out were directly stopped when they arrived at the place where Ying Shou was.

"Your Majesty has ordered that no one will be seen!"

It was Wuhuan who stopped him, and said coldly.

"General Wuhuan, the governor of the county asked his subordinates to report to the emperor that General Shi Potian has been seriously injured. If he does not save people, General Shi Potian will die. Please also report to the general!"

The messenger who came to see the emperor said quickly.

"Understood, His Majesty has an order, Shi Potian must die, or kill all the thieves, there is no third way, go!"

Wuhuan looked a little weird, he didn't know what the emperor was thinking.But since the emperor ordered, he could only obey.

(End of this chapter)

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