Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 699 The Maid's Request

Chapter 699 The Maid's Request

"Your Majesty, did you hear that General Shi Potian is in danger, Your Majesty... why did Your Majesty force General Shi Potian to death?"

Ning'er was seriously injured, and under Nan Yan's treatment, she personally bandaged her wound.

At this moment, she was in a stone house next to her. Hearing the report from the messenger outside, she couldn't help asking Nan Yan beside her, her eyes full of anxiety.

"Your Majesty has his reasons for doing this. The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, so we must not ask, understand?"

Nan Yan was also worried for a while. Shi Potian was a hero who saved Yinyue after all, but now he was treated like this by Ying Shou. Not to mention others, even she felt very unfair.

"But empress, what if... if General Shi Potian had an accident because of His Majesty's will, what should I do? It's been an hour, and even the hard-pressed people can't stand it, empress!"

Ning'er grabbed Nan Yan's arm, her eyes turned red, tears rolled down uncontrollably, her face looked sad.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of the injuries she had suffered in the grotto in the past few days.

For ten days in a row, Qin's army did not see rescue. She endured exhaustion and pain. She was really too tired.

She had reached the verge of despair, and the moment she saw Empress Yinyue unconscious, she knew that she had also reached the end.

In any case, as long as Empress Yinyue is alive, she still has hope of survival. Even if she suffers the first half of suffering, she has a chance to survive.

But if Empress Yinyue dies, even if she is saved, she must die.

Because Yinyue was entrusted to her to take care of, failing to take good care of her master, this is the only fate, it has been like this since ancient times, even the queen can't protect her.

But just when he was in despair, Shi Potian appeared. For her, Shi Potian was her god, the god of war who protected her.

It is her light, the light that saves her at critical moments.

It's nothing more than a hero saving the beauty.

From that moment on, in her mind, Shi Potian's imprint has been deeply imprinted.

She couldn't tolerate her God of War being treated so unfairly, and she didn't want her God of War to die in the blink of an eye.

"Ning'er, take good care of your wounds. The general is dead. This is government affairs. It has nothing to do with you. Don't say too much!"

Nan Yan frowned slightly, she felt that Ning'er seemed to have changed at this moment, she was different from the innocent Ning'er she used to be.

"Your Majesty, this is a court affair, so the slaves naturally dare not ask more questions, but...but the general is also Ning'er's lifesaver!"

"The method is for the general to save Ning'er and Mistress Yinyue. He is Ning'er's savior, and even Mistress Yinyue's savior!"

"Now, how can His Majesty treat the general like this, and how can Ning'er watch the general die in battle? Madam, no matter what, Ning'er begs Madam, please save the general?"

"Now that Empress Yinyue is in a coma, if Empress Yinyue wakes up and knows that the general who saved her is forced into thinking by Your Majesty, what will Empress think?"

"Empress, you have always advocated that the harem should be of one heart and one mind. The servants do not ask the empress to do anything for the slaves, but ask the empress to think from the perspective of the empress Yinyue, save the general!"

Ning'er burst into tears, while speaking, she got up, threw herself on the ground, and cried to Nan Yan.

"Ning'er, you..."

Nan Yan's face changed, and at this moment, she was so angry that she trembled.

That's right, she also felt that it was unfair for the emperor to treat Shi Potian like this.

But after all, she believed that the emperor had his reasons for doing so.

At this time, Ning'er insisted on interfering with these words, how could it make her not angry?
The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics. This is by no means empty words. The emperor can control the life and death of courtiers, but the queen in the harem must not interfere.

It is impossible to even ask, let alone persuade.

If Ning'er's words reach the ears of the emperor, or the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, no matter how reasonable she is, no one can save her!

"My lady, please!"

Ning'er prostrated herself on the ground, sobbing and begging.

"Ning'er, Ning'er, what do you want me to say about you? That's right, the general saved you, Lady Yinyue, and you. It's his responsibility, not his kindness to you."

"The emperor wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. How can it be your turn to reverse the decision made by His Majesty the Emperor?"

Nan Yan shook her head. In her memory, Ning'er was simple, kind, but also very sensible, but today, why did she become so ignorant?
"Empress, Ning'er, please, please, please!"

Ning'er didn't say anything more, just kowtowed continuously, crying, and in a moment, her forehead was broken and blood was left.

"Okay, you girl, are you forcing me to break the law?"

Nan Yan grabbed her shoulder with pain in her eyes.

She and Ning'er are not biological sisters, but they grew up together, and their relationship is even stronger than that of biological sisters.

Seeing Ning'er's appearance of not sacrificing everything, she couldn't bear the pain in her heart after all.

"Your Majesty, Ning'er... Ning'er has taken care of her all her life, like a cow and a horse, without any complaints or regrets, accepting punishment and accepting punishment, never complaining, never having two hearts."

"In this life, Ning'er asked herself that she had never begged for anything, but Ning'er really didn't want the general to have an accident, so please, please, go to His Majesty to intercede, bypass the general, and beg your mother!"

Ning'er was sobbing. At this moment, his eyes were blurred with tears, but he couldn't stop her firm gaze.

In any case, she must not watch the general die in battle.

"it is good……"

Nan Yan was silent, and after a long time, she said a good word with a trembling voice.

That's right, in this life, whether it's Chunxiang or Ning'er, they have always obeyed her.

As long as she said something, whether it was right or wrong, the two women would do it without hesitation.

Many times, because of some absurd attention she made, the two daughters were punished by their father.

But the two women never made any demands on her.

Although the two girls are just maidservants, everyone has feelings. Even if you don't talk about the sisterhood, the years of master-servant relationship still make her unable to see Ning'er in such pain.

"Okay... Ning'er... I promise you... I will go and tell His Majesty the Emperor. The result will depend on the general's luck!"

"You wait here, I'm going!"

While speaking, Nanyan shook her head, took a deep breath, and looked at the huge stone house not far behind Wuhuan.

It was the largest stone house, and although it was not as large as the main hall cut out of stone in the center, it was still very spacious.

At this time, in the stone house, Yinyue was unconscious, lying quietly on the stone window.

She had already put on a brand new nightgown, her long hair fell on her head, and her face was fair, just like the legendary Sleeping Beauty, which was heart-warming and pitiful.

Ying Shou sat quietly on the edge of the bed, his eyes were filled with tenderness and killing intent.

The more he looked at the Sleeping Beauty in front of him, the deeper the tenderness, the deeper the love, the stronger the pity, and the stronger the killing intent in his eyes.

Suddenly, Nan Yan's voice sounded outside: "Concubine Nan Yan, please see His Majesty the Emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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