Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 700 Questioning the Emperor

Chapter 700 Questioning the Emperor
"come in!"

Ying Shou said indifferently without turning his head.

Nan Yan pushed the door open from the outside, came to Ying Shou, knelt down and paid homage: "The concubine pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ying Shou continued to look at the unconscious Yinyue, and said, "Stay flat, what's the matter with the queen?"

Nan Yan kowtowed and stood up, saying: "Your Majesty, the soldiers came to report just now. General Shi Potian is exhausted. If the army doesn't attack, General Shi Potian's life may be in danger!"

Ying Shou frowned, looked at Nan Yan sharply, and said, "Are you here to ask me to send troops?"

At this time, Ying Shou had already put on a brand new robe, but his black hair looked a little messy and hadn't been taken care of.

When she turned her head, the fierce look in her eyes made Nan Yan jump.

"Chen and concubine dare not!"

Nan Yan's delicate body trembled, and she quickly knelt down and said.

"Don't dare to be the best, empress, remember what I said, in this life, don't try to meddle in the government affairs."

"You are too kind. This imperial court is dangerous. You cannot control it. I am tired now, and you should be tired too. Take a good rest!"

Ying Shou's eyes softened, and he said solemnly.

"I understand, but Your Majesty, what you did today is completely different from the past. I still want to know why Your Majesty has to treat General Shi Potian like this!"

"General Shi Potian is a hero of our Great Qin Dynasty! Not to mention what kind of person he was in the previous dynasty, just say that a few days ago, our Great Qin Mission suffered humiliation and suffering in the Huns. It was General Shi Potian who led an army of [-] tigers. , kill one hundred thousand enemies, save my Great Qin's face, and save my Great Qin Mission!"

"At the time of return, His Majesty the Emperor not only refused to reward him, but deprived General Shi Potian of his military power. Does Your Majesty know that this matter has already aroused discussion in the court?"

"Today, General Shi Potian is alone, and he has given credit to His Majesty the Emperor for saving Sister Yinyue."

"At this moment, His Majesty treats General Shi Potian like this. If this matter is reported back to Xianyang, how will the people of the world treat His Majesty, and how will the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty treat His Majesty?"

"The courtiers dare not interfere in the government, but your majesty, the courtiers have to care about your majesty's reputation! If I am a meritorious minister in the Great Qin Dynasty, I can only be treated accordingly. People in the world, who would dare to fight for your majesty? Dare to spare your life for His Majesty and serve the imperial court?"

"Your Majesty, let the general go!"

Nanyan gritted her teeth tightly, and said the words that had been in her heart for a long time, without hiding them.

Today, no matter what, she needs an explanation.


When Ying Shou heard this, his eyes were filled with murderous intent. In an instant, the temperature in the whole stone house seemed to drop several degrees.

He stared at Nan Yan, and said with a sneer: "I can see that the queen has come to question me and ask me for an explanation after such a long speech!"

"In the words of the queen, the current Zhen has become a fool, a tyrant, and a sinner, right?"

Nan Yan's tender body trembled, she quickly prostrated herself on the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "I dare not!"

"Don't you dare? You almost pointed at my nose and asked me, you stupid king, why do you treat the meritorious city like this?"

"You are a tyrant, you are a sinner, you tell me that you dare not, in that world, who else would dare?"

Ying Shou slapped the stone bed with his big hand, and shouted angrily: "Queen, I always thought that those who didn't understand me were the courtiers, but I didn't care, at least you knew me and understood me. But now, you have come to question me I shouldn't, do you understand?"

"I have warned you again and again, don't try to meddle in the affairs of the government, don't try to meddle in the affairs of the government, how many times do you need me to tell you before you can remember?"

"You think that what you asked today is very reasonable, and that you have spoken out the thoughts of the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty and the people of the world, right?"

"There are some things that I don't need to explain. Even if the court is civil and military, people all over the world are here, they can't understand, and I don't need to explain. But you come to ask me, tell me, what should I say, and how should I do it?"

During the conversation, he seldom got angry, especially Ying Shou who never got angry with his own women, this was the first time he was so furious.

"His Majesty……"

Nan Yan was completely frightened by Ying Shou's anger. For a moment, her face was extremely pale, and she prostrated herself on the ground, trembling all over, not daring to say a word.

Outside the door, Wuhuan and a group of soldiers also heard the emperor's roar, and for a moment, Wuhuan's face changed drastically.

After hesitating for a moment, Wuhuan shouted in a low voice: "Everyone close their ears, and those who block their steps, immediately go as far as they can!"

The harem must not interfere with government affairs, and the imperial court must also not interfere with the harem. This is an eternal iron law.

The emperor quarreled with his queen and concubines. As a courtier, no one could hear it.

After all, family ugliness should not be publicized. Ordinary people know the truth. How can the royal family not know it?

No one can ask about the family affairs of the royal family, and they can't even listen to them.

I heard that if the emperor made a fool of himself, everyone would die.

Immediately, Wuhuan went straight out of the courtyard, and didn't stop until the emperor's voice could no longer be heard.

And in that stone house, Ying Shou took a deep breath, tried to calm down the killing intent in his heart, looked at Nanyan and said in a calm voice: "Queen, do you know that if someone comes to question me today, even if he is anyone from the Sangong and Six Divisions?" , I will take his head off without hesitation to vent my hatred!"

"But now, it's not someone else who comes to question me, but you. What do you think I should do? What can I do?"

"You think I'm deliberately targeting Shi Potian and treating him unfairly, but I'll tell you right now that he can live until now because I still don't want to kill him, and I'm still enduring him."

"Otherwise, even if he has thousands of heads, I will show him one by one, and not keep any!"

"You think Shi Potian is very wronged, very wronged. I will tell you now that he is not wronged at all. Ten thousand deaths are not enough to appease his crime."

"I thought who he was, I told him, he is the Scarlet Emperor of Tianmen, do you understand?"

"My Yinyue was tortured to such an extent by him that I was almost buried in his hands. He came to kill me, to destroy me, Daqin, me. Do you know now?"

As he spoke, Ying Shou's voice was almost roaring, which made Nan Yan's mind go blank.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at Ying Shou with an expression of disbelief. She said incredulously, "Why, how... Your Majesty... how... how..."

At this moment, Nan Yan really couldn't believe what Ying Shou said.

After all, all of this is really shocking.

"Hmph, it's unbelievable, right? Tell me about something that you find unbelievable. If I mention it to others, who can believe it?"

Ying Shou snorted coldly, looked up at the ceiling, and sighed: "The Central Plains has been influenced by Confucian Zhou etiquette for generations. Although everyone respects each other as guests, sometimes, being too gentlemanly, benevolent, and kind is not good in the end. You can only let it go." People take advantage of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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