Chapter 701 Tired
"It is said that it is shameful to use the heart of a villain to pass the belly of a gentleman. However, it is not deceitful to use the heart of a gentleman to pass the belly of a villain?"

"Everyone in my Daqin is a gentleman, but I am a villain. Everyone thinks it is wrong for me to start a war, and everyone is dignified. Only I, for the sake of these gentlemen, resorted to military force!"

"However, who would have thought that just when their gentlemen treat their enemies with courtesy, the enemy is racking their brains, thinking of how to destroy these polite gentlemen and rob them of everything!"

Ying Shou's voice was low and helpless, and he said, "Just as everyone thinks that Shi Potian is the hero of Daqin and my hero, I should reward him, not punish him!"

"It's a pity that no one doubted him. They only think that he is an indomitable hero in today's world."

"Only I, only I have never believed in him. As the saying goes, don't use doubtful people, employ people without doubting, why did I suppress Shi Potian time and time again? Isn't it because of you people who complained about him?"

"I'm afraid that one day, you will be beaten so hard that you can't get up, and you will continue to sing praises for others!"

"You never think about it. After the death of the first emperor, the world was in chaos, and the disbanded army of Daqin, how many people joined the rebel army, and why there were none of the [-] tiger troops!"

"You don't even think about it. It's been three years. An army will disperse whenever it wants to, and gather when it wants to. Is there really such a simple thing in the world?"

"At the beginning, I personally asked Shi Potian to stay, hoping that he would assist me. But he didn't choose that way. All these years, I always wanted to find him, but I couldn't find him. Where did he go?"

"If he really wants to assist me, he can come after I ascend the throne, and I will treat him sincerely."

"But he didn't come sooner or later, and he came when the Huns were watching. Isn't it too coincidental?"


As he spoke, Ying Shou was full of helplessness, and his heart was full of grief and anger, which turned into a sigh, and let out a long sigh.

"Queen, get up, I'm a little impatient, I shouldn't be so angry, my heart aches!"

After uttering the words in one breath, Ying Shou felt a lot better in his heart.

He got up and helped Nan Yan up, looked at Nan Yan's pale face, and said gently: "Queen, you have to remember that in this world, no one understands me, and I am not afraid, but if even you look at me with strange eyes Tell me, how many confidantes can I still have!"

"Remember, don't repeat what others say in the future. Shi Potian, I have given him enough opportunities."

"I didn't let him lead the army because I gave him a chance to survive, but he didn't want to seize it. He asked to go south this time, and he was out of his mind! I still gave him a chance, but he still doesn't want it!"

"Before I got on the boat, I gave him another chance, but what did he do? The main purpose I got on the boat that day was to give him a chance to choose."

"But in the end, what I saw was Shi Potian, who was known as the Red Emperor and dared not see anyone, instead of Shi Potian who came to rescue him. He has already made his choice!"

"Queen, I am kind enough to ask myself, tell me, what should I do to satisfy you and the world. Do I really want me to watch him ruin Daqin?"

Ying Shou spoke word by word, Nan Yan's heart trembled, and she listened with horror on her face.

She never expected that there would be so many undercurrents hidden under the disagreement between the monarch and his ministers.

Perhaps Shi Potian hid too deeply, so deep that the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty never doubted him, including Nanyan herself.

Now, listening to the emperor's words, my heart is full of inconceivable, unbelievable, unimaginable.

After all, no matter how much the emperor said, he never really saw the face of the Red Emperor, so how could he dare to conclude that the Red Emperor was Shi Potian?
Furthermore, if Shi Potian is really the Red Emperor, what kind of earth-shattering news will it be?
But if he is not, how many people will be shocked if the emperor treats him like this?

At this moment, Nan Yan couldn't believe that Shi Potian was the Red Emperor, and neither could she.

But seeing the emaciated look on the emperor's face, she had no choice but to believe it.

In this world, anyone would lie to her, but why did the emperor lie to him?
In this world, anyone can turn a corner and hurt others, but as an emperor, what reason does he have to hurt his loyal ministers?

If the emperor is not suspicious, why should the emperor hurt him?Just like an ordinary family, parents, have no reason to hurt their children at all.

All the subjects in this world are the emperor's subjects!
"Your Majesty, the concubine knows that she is wrong!"

Nan Yan's tears couldn't stop rolling down. At this moment, looking at Ying Shou's face, she was really scared, very scared.

Ying Shou's face was too haggard. At this moment, after venting all the depression in his heart, Ying Shou seemed to have released his own cowardice, and his expression really made people dare not look directly at him.

"Queen, this is your first time interfering in government affairs, and I hope this is also the last time, don't do it again!"

Ying Shou sat back on the stone bed. At this moment, he felt endless exhaustion. For more than a year, all the important affairs of the government, the depression accumulated in his chest, vented out, and the whole person seemed to breathe out his last breath. Take a break.

"Your Majesty, will Shi Potian die today?"

Nan Yan hesitated, but finally couldn't help asking.

Although she chose to believe in the emperor's judgment, there was no evidence after all. Once something happened to Shi Potianzhen, it would be difficult for Ying Shou to explain to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

"Don't worry, he won't die. I'm just using him to vent my anger. As I said before, no matter how powerful the enemy is, if I don't give him a chance, he will never dare to set foot in Daqin."

"Similarly, for some people, I don't want him to die. Even if his crime is unforgivable and heaven and earth are unforgiving, I can still let him die. Shi Potian, it is still useful for me to keep it!"

Ying Shou waved his hand. He could see and hear Nan Yan's change.

He was questioning himself before, but in the last words, he seemed to care about Shi Potian's life and death, but in fact he was really concerned about himself, so this is not an interference in the government, and Ying Shou will not care about him too much.

"The concubine understands. Your majesty, please rest. Your majesty is tired too. I'm tired. If you don't disturb your majesty, this concubine will leave!"

Nan Yan got up and left.

Ying Shou ignored it, but lay down on the stone bed suddenly.

He was very tired, but couldn't fall asleep, so he could only lie on the bed like this, looking at the ceiling, feeling dizzy.

In a daze, he saw millions of troops crossing the Great Wall, killing corpses all over the territory of Daqin, blood flowing like rivers.

That's everything in his plan, and why he's been hesitating.

Sometimes, only pain can awaken people's blood, especially for descendants of Yanhuang, pain is always the best way to awaken people.

However, as the emperor, should he really use such a heavy price to awaken the blood of all people?

(End of this chapter)

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