Chapter 702

In the stone house where Ning'er was recuperating, when Nan Yan walked back, she suddenly found that Ning'er was no longer in the room.


Nanyan's expression changed, she hurried out, summoned Wuhuan, and said, "General Wuhuan, have you seen Ning'er?"

Wuhuan hurriedly cupped his hands, and said: "I will report to the empress, the general has never seen Miss Ning'er!"

"What's going on, where did Ning'er go? Look for it, look for it quickly!"

Nan Yan's face was a little ugly, and she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

She was a little afraid that when she went to the emperor to intercede, Nan Yan couldn't wait, and went to the battlefield first to let the army do it.

If so, this is the crime of falsely spreading the imperial decree, and the end will be miserable.

But she knew that Ning'er was a very sensible person, so she shouldn't have done such a thing.

Of course, even so, she couldn't help but suspect that after asking everyone to find her, she instinctively headed towards the battlefield.

At this moment, Ning'er was just as Nan Yan expected, when Nan Yan agreed to intercede with the emperor, she had already sneaked out and rushed to the battlefield.

She couldn't wait, really couldn't wait.

Even if the queen doesn't go to the emperor to intercede, she still has the queen's token in her hand, which was specially given to her by the queen to make it easier for her to take care of Yinyue.

Now, holding this token and pulling out the emperor's banner, the army will surely move with the wind.

At that time, as long as Shi Potian is saved, even if she commits a serious crime and dies, she doesn't care.It's just a life for a life.

What's more, the queen empress has agreed to intercede, she believes that with the emperor's love for the queen, it shouldn't be a problem.From her point of view, she was just sending an order in advance.

She didn't know that all of this was the result of taking it for granted.

On the battlefield, the sound of shouts and screams is still continuous.

The corpses were piled up like a mountain, and Shi Potian was already unable to stand up.

In front of him, several long swords stabbed out suddenly, directly lifted his whole body, and smashed on the mountain of corpses behind him.

More than 500 people were killed by him, and nearly [-]% of them were killed. At this moment, less than [-] people are still standing.

But facing 500 people, at this moment, he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

On his body, wounds were densely distributed vertically and horizontally, which was horrible, and his whole body was completely stained red with blood.

These bloods belonged to the enemy as well as him.

"Heroic spirits are immortal, Haotian is eternal!"

At this moment, the four or five hundred thieves in front of him have also come to a dead end. They have beaten Shi Potian like this, and Qin Jun has no plans to save anyone.

They knew that if they wanted to use Shi Potian to escape today, they had no chance.

For a moment, everyone seemed to have made up their minds, vowing to follow Haotian and die in battle to fall into Haotian's arms.

With roars and oaths of allegiance to God, these thieves stepped onto the mountain of corpses step by step and walked towards Shi Potian, who was powerless and collapsed in the pile of corpses.

Shi Potian still held the meteor hammer tightly in his hand, but at this moment, he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers, his whole body was limp, as if he had no bones, and he couldn't use his unparalleled hammering technique at all.

Seeing the thief approaching step by step, he looked towards the sky and muttered to himself: "Ying Shou, Ying Shou, I have underestimated you after all. You really intend to let me die in such a humiliating way, you are so vicious!" heart!"

"When did you find out, or did you really never trust me? Now, how do you confirm all this?"

When a person is about to die, there are thousands of resentments and sorrows in his heart, which can no longer be hidden.

Shi Potian couldn't figure out when the emperor began to confirm his identity.

He would never believe that without confirming his identity, the emperor would decide to put him to death so easily, and it was such a humiliating death.

These people are all his subordinates.

As the Red Emperor, fighting with his own subordinates, and finally perishing together, is really a big joke.

Those Shi Potian's original subordinates, all the thieves from Tianmen, walked towards Shi Potian step by step. Death kept approaching, and the iron eagle swordsman who had been hiding in the dark frowned slightly.

He was ordered by the emperor to monitor everything, and at the last moment, let the army take action, leaving Shi Potian's life behind.

At this moment, Shi Potian had no way to break through, he finally couldn't sit still, and slowly walked towards Ren Xiao not far away.

At the same time, Ren Xiao and all the soldiers under his command couldn't help but worry when they saw this scene.

All the soldiers took out their crossbows and arrows, and only waited for an order, and immediately shot, rescued General Shi Potian, and killed all the bandits.

These soldiers were waiting for orders, and Ren Xiao was also waiting for the emperor's orders.

He didn't dare to disobey the emperor's imperial decree. Seeing the bloody scene in front of him, the famous general of the Great Qin Dynasty came to an end. He wanted to give the order several times, but in the end, he could only endure it and wait for the emperor's order.

Seeing that Shi Potian was about to die, those thieves had already come to Shi Potian, Ren Xiao's heart was completely raised in his throat, and he wished he had no choice but to give orders to save people.

At the same time, Iron Eagle Swordsman was also approaching.

But at this moment, a sharp and somewhat weak voice sounded: "Your Majesty has an order to save people. The army is dispatched to kill the bandits and save the general. This is the token given by His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ren Xiao suddenly turned his head to look, and saw a woman trotting towards her. She was seriously injured, and she fell ten feet away from her.

But the token in her hand rolled down in front of her.

Ren Xiao's eyes were fixed, and he could tell at a glance that it was the queen's token, not the emperor's token.

But at this time, he no longer cared whether the token belonged to the emperor or the empress, all he wanted was a breakthrough.

As soon as the token came out, he waved his hand, and in an instant, arrows shot out overwhelmingly.

As soon as those hundreds of thieves came to Shi Potian, they were shrouded in prison all over the sky.

The next moment, they heard Ren Xiao's voice: "Kill..."

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

In an instant, the sound of countless arrows entering the body sounded, and all the thieves were shot to death in an instant, and the dead could not die again.

All this happened too fast, too fluidly.

All the soldiers who had been waiting for the order pulled the triggers of their crossbows simultaneously at the moment Ren Xiao waved his hand.

The moment Ren Xiao's voice sounded, their crossbow arrows had already been fired.

Ren Xiao's order was completely accompanied by the screams of the thieves. For a moment, it was extremely tragic.

All the thieves were wiped out, and Shi Potian was finally saved.

"General, general..."

Shi Potian only felt that the sky and the earth were dark for a while, and he almost passed out.

Suddenly, an anxious voice sounded, and not far away, a delicate figure rolled and crawled, climbed up the mountain of corpses, came to him, fell down in a tumble, and quickly hugged his arm, With an excited smile on his face, he said:
"It's okay, it's okay... the general is fine... as long as the general is fine. His Majesty the Emperor is kind, and finally ordered to save people!"

(End of this chapter)

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