Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 703 Arrest and seizure

Chapter 703 Arrest and seizure
"It's you...cough cough cough...poof..."

Looking at the woman in front of him, Shi Potian was stunned for a while, and his body was so uncomfortable that he couldn't help coughing violently, and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"It's me, General, it's me..."

Ning'er nodded quickly, with a miserable smile on her face.

"The emperor really let me go..."

Shi Potian murmured to himself, he didn't believe that the emperor would let him go.

Unless the emperor didn't know his identity, but if he didn't know his identity, why should he treat him like this?
At this moment, he was suspicious.

But soon, the army stepped forward and took him away without leaving him the slightest chance to ask.

The iron eagle swordsman who was secretly watching this scene did not go out to deliver orders. Seeing that Shi Potian was rescued, he turned around and left here to report the matter to His Majesty the Emperor.

"The Black Ice Terrace Iron Eagle Swordsman begs to see His Majesty the Emperor!"

The voice of the iron eagle swordsman sounded outside the stone house where Ying Shou was, and said loudly.

Ying Shou's thoughts were wandering, he came back to his senses, and said, "It's over?"

Outside, Iron Eagle Swordsman responded: "Report to Your Majesty, it's over!"

Ying Shou said again: "How many did Shi Potian kill?"

Iron Eagle Swordsman replied: "More than 400 people! Even more than a dozen first-class masters!"

Ying Shou's eyebrows twitched, and he sat up slowly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said with a smile, "Okay, what a Shi Potian, he really deserves to be a general of the previous dynasty. In today's Great Qin, there are only a handful of people who can match him. I'm afraid. Only Yuwen Chengdu and Lie Yang can compete with him!"

While speaking, it was obvious that in Ying Shou's view, even Tu Shi was no longer Shi Potian's opponent.

Of course, including the general he summoned, Xu Chu, could not be Shi Potian's opponent.

In today's Great Qin, there is only one person who can be compared with the former Xiang Yu, and this person is Lie Yang.

Shi Potian is so powerful that he is already comparable to Xiang Yu, and Lie Yang can compete with him. In addition, Yuwen Chengdu may also be able to fight with him for a few times, but whether Yuwen Chengdu is his opponent is still a question.

As for Li Yuanba, Ying Shou was not counted.

In this world, there are no more than three fingers who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Li Yuanba.

He counts as one, and maybe that person also counts as one.As for Lie Yang, Shi Potian and the like, no one can go through three rounds under Li Yuanba's hands if they really need to fight with sharp swords and sharp guns.

This is Ying Shou's opinion, and it is also the undoubted result.

Li Yuanba's power is unparalleled in ancient times. At least so far, apart from him, there is no second person who can restrain Li Yuanba.

As for Tianmen Haotian, he hadn't really done anything, and Ying Shou was just an assessment of his strength.

"Okay, I see, you did a good job!"

Thinking of Ying Shou, he said in a deep voice, shouting back at the iron eagle swordsman.

However, the iron eagle swordsman did not leave immediately, but said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, although this matter has ended, but my subordinates did not order the army to do it. The person who delivered the decree is someone else! Dare to ask Your Majesty, what is the matter now?" Has His Majesty explained to others?"

While speaking, Iron Eagle Swordsman raised doubts in his heart, afraid of missing something.

This is not a question, but just a question. After all, it would be fine if the person passing the imperial decree really got the emperor's decree. If he falsely passed the imperial decree, it would be an unforgivable heinous crime.

"What, someone conveyed the imperial decree?"

When Ying Shou heard this, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted, "Who dares to offend the next and pass the imperial decree!"

The iron eagle swordsman trembled all over, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, it's a false imperial decree!"

Thinking about it, he quickly said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the person who falsely preached the imperial decree is Ning'er, the queen's personal maid!"


As soon as Iron Eagle Swordsman finished speaking, the door in front of him suddenly opened, Ying Shou stepped out, and said coldly: "Send the order, immediately take Ning'er and come to see me, anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy!"

Iron Eagle Swordsman hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "No..."

Then, Iron Eagle Swordsman turned and left.

At this moment, the army was returning triumphantly, and just after reaching the peninsula, Ning'er was still being carried on a stretcher.

After all, Ning'er was seriously injured, and after running around, she was already unable to walk.

But at this moment, Iron Eagle Swordsman suddenly came with Wuhuan and hundreds of soldiers.

Wuhuan and these soldiers stopped in front of the army, just when everyone was wondering, Wuhuan suddenly issued an order and shouted: "The maid Ning'er dares to falsely preach the imperial decree, His Majesty has an order, take it down immediately, don't be disgusted!"


A hundred soldiers behind Wuhuan agreed, rushed forward, and detained Ning'er in spite of everything.

Ning'er's complexion changed, but she quickly recovered. She knew that from the moment she falsely preached the imperial decree, her fate was already doomed.

If the queen's intercession is successful, maybe I will feel better. If the queen's intercession is fruitless, I will face the cruel punishment of this crime.

"Wuhuan, what's going on here?"

Before the army, Ren Xiao looked at Wuhuan and couldn't help frowning.

"My lord Ren Xiao, this maid falsely preached the imperial decree and should be executed according to the law. At this moment, His Majesty the Emperor's Long Yan is furious. My lord should think about how to explain to His Majesty the Emperor!"

"As an important minister of the imperial court, he doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, yet he obeys a woman's false imperial decree. Don't you know that the harem is not allowed to meddle in politics?"

"Even if the emperor wants to deliver an edict, no one will give it, and there are still eunuchs, when will they talk about a maid!"

Wuhuan was not allowed to speak, and all he could see was the iron eagle swordsman who was invisible in the crowd and said coldly.


Ren Xiao's face changed. In fact, he had already thought of this key point before, but he didn't say it out loud.

At this moment the emperor began to pursue, he knew that this matter would be difficult to explain.

Soon, Ren Xiao, Ning'er, who was bound by five flowers, and Shi Potian, who was covered in blood and seriously injured, were all brought to the hall in front of the stone house.

Ying Shougao sat at the head, and the queen also came, sitting on Ying Shou's left and right, even Xue Ning had already arrived.

"My servant, Ren Xiao, please refer to my emperor's long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live to the empress, thousand live, thousand live, thousand live to the empress, and thousand live, thousand live to the empress Xuefei!"

Ren Xiao paid homage to the emperor, empress and concubine Xue one after another.

Ning'er, who was tied up and knelt on the ground, also paid homage.

Only Shi Potian, at this moment, can hold on and not pass out is already very remarkable, he doesn't have any strength to salute at all, he can only lie on the stretcher and cough up blood continuously.

"Bold Maid Ning'er, as the Empress's personal maid, the Empress treats you well, and even passed the personal token to you before."

"It's fine if you don't know how to be grateful, but you dare to use the queen's personal badge to falsely pass on the imperial decree. Do you know that this is a crime of treason? Today I know the whole story, but if I don't know all this, what should I do about this matter? "

"Do you know that the empress may be impeached by the civil and military officials of the Manchu court because of your actions today. In the lightest cases, she will interfere in the handling of the government affairs. In the worst case, the empress's empress will falsely pass on the imperial decree. "

Ying Shou slapped the table, glared at Ning'er, and shouted angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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