Chapter 704
"Your Majesty, this matter has nothing to do with the Empress. It's the servant girl who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. It's the maidservant who made her own claims. Please don't implicate the empress. Please forgive the maidservant!"

In this matter, Ning'er also knew that the queen's intercession was fruitless, and she arbitrarily advocated false transmission of the imperial decree, which was already a dead end.

But she doesn't even know where she was born, so as long as she doesn't implicate the queen, she is no longer worried about the incident.

"You still know that it has nothing to do with the queen, but what's the use of knowing it? Today, you are using the queen token, do you understand?"

Ying Shou snorted coldly, and said: "Even if I kill you thousands of times today, it's not enough to atone for your crime. Tell me, what do you think is more appropriate for me to deal with you?"

While speaking, Ying Shou couldn't help but look at Nan Yan who was sitting beside him.

At this time, although Ying Shou was angry, he still considered the queen's feelings after all.

The queen and the two dowry maids, Chunxiang and Ning'er, have been in love with sisters since childhood. At this moment, Nan Yan said nothing, but looked at Ning'er with deep sadness.

She clenched her small hands tightly, looking towards Ying Shou from time to time, as if she wanted to say something, but she held back after all.

Ying Shou could tell that she was struggling.

One side is the iron law of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the other side is the relationship between master and servant.

In Iron Law and Feelings, she can only choose one.

Once she begged for mercy, she would choose Ning'er. At that time, it would be Da Qin and Ying Shou who would betray her.

But if she doesn't intercede, Ning'er will die today, how can she bear to watch this happen?
She is struggling, not knowing what to do.

Seeing this scene, Ying Shou couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"Your Majesty, the maidservant is guilty and deserves to die. I beg your majesty to come down and put her to death!"

Ning'er's eyes were red, she looked at the emperor, her voice was hoarse and desperate, and she made a request.

Today's crime, she can't implicate others, so she would rather Ling Chi.


The moment she heard her say the word Ling Chi, Nan Yan's delicate body trembled, and she couldn't stop crying.

This sound was heart-rending, but she still couldn't bear to watch it anymore. She turned to look at Ying Shou and shouted, "Your Majesty..."

Ying Shou raised his hand to stop her intercession, stood up slowly, and said, "Queen, you are the master of the harem, and the affairs of the harem should be left to you to handle."

"Now, this Ning'er is a harem maid. She has committed such a heinous crime. I entrust her to you. I hope you can give everyone in the world a satisfactory explanation!"

With that said, Ying Shou waved his sleeves and turned his back to everyone.

Nan Yan suddenly raised her head, looked at Ying Shou, and said, "Your Majesty..."

Ying Shou turned his back to everyone, and looked at her without the attention of others, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "How to deal with it, the queen decides. I will never interfere with the affairs of the harem!"

This smile warmed Nan Yan's heart, as if giving her a reassurance.

Ning'er couldn't help but her eyes turned red, she was moved in her heart.

How could she not see that the emperor was thinking about himself and his feelings.

Otherwise, false preaching of the imperial decree is a serious crime in the world, how can she, a queen, handle it?

However, thinking about his own feelings, the emperor finally made a step back and handed over the man to himself.

She knew that from this moment on, Ning'er's life and death were completely under her control.

She also knew that whether she forgave Ning'er or killed Ning'er, the emperor would not have any complaints, and even, he would resist everything for herself.

But, can he really forgive Ning'er?

I really want to forgive, I am afraid that if this matter spreads to Xianyang, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty will be the first person who cannot forgive me. At that time, the emperor will be in the middle, how should I face the criticism of the world?

If you don't forgive me, do you want to kill her?

How can I bear it? In this life, she has saved countless people, but she has never killed anyone!
For a while, although Nanyan got the emperor's support, Nan Yan fell into a dilemma unknowingly.

She discovered that it turned out that being in power was so difficult.There is only one choice for anything, and every choice may not be what you want.

I don't know what kind of mind the emperor is facing every day with such a verdict!
Thinking of this, Nan Yan took a deep breath, suddenly looked down at Ning'er, and shouted: "Ning'er, you have served me since childhood, and I have treated you like a brother and sister, and I have never been wary of you. In order to take care of Empress Yinyue , I will even deliver a personal token to you."

"However, you don't know the weight of the token in your hand, so you dare to use it at will, falsely preaching the imperial decree, it can be called a heinous crime, an unforgivable crime!"

"However, before you, Nian followed Empress Yinyue and took care of her in every possible way, which is considered considerate. Although I, Daqin, have a lot of meritorious service."

"However, for the sake of Empress Yinyue today, I will not kill you. From now on, I will sever brotherhood with you and drive you out of the palace. From now on, you will live or die, and you will depend on fate. The palace can no longer protect you!"

A few words were spoken, sonorous and forceful, but it seemed to have exhausted all of Nan Yan's strength.

She couldn't help raising her head and looking at the emperor, as if she wanted to know whether the emperor was satisfied with the way she dealt with it.

Looking up, the emperor shook his head, seemingly disappointed.

Just when Nanyan's heart tightened, Ying Shou smiled at her, as if telling her that this way of dealing with it was enough.

Immediately, Nan Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that the emperor was not satisfied with her handling method, but the emperor supported her, everything was enough.

"Your Majesty, don't you kill your slaves?"

When Ning'er heard about Nan Yan's treatment, she looked at the Queen in disbelief.

She is not a woman who doesn't understand anything, and she understands that if the queen does this, she will be criticized by the world.

In the end, it seemed that she did not implicate the queen, but in fact she did. This was not the ending she wanted to see.

"The royal family is full of promises. If the king has no jokes, how can the queen joke? Today, since I have entrusted you to the queen to deal with, it is natural for the queen to say whatever she wants."

"Now the Queen has made a ruling. This matter is certain. You can feel lucky, but this is the end of the matter, and it will never be changed!"

"Come here, drag this servant girl down. From now on, she will be expelled from the palace, and if she dares to appear in front of me again, she will be killed without mercy!"

At this moment, Ying Shou turned his head abruptly and raised his big hand, as if the heavens had made a ruling on this matter, which could not be refuted.


The guard agreed, stepped forward and dragged Ning'er, and left.

Ning'er didn't cry out for injustice, nor begged for mercy. She just looked at the aloof emperor and empress, and at the empress who was gradually moving away, her tears welled up. After all, it was the empress who saved him regardless.

Finally, she looked at the seriously injured Shi Potian on the stretcher.

He is still alive, it's good to be alive, and his dedication has finally been rewarded as it should be.

Thinking about it, Ning'er slowly closed her eyes and was thrown out of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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