Chapter 705 Helpless
"Shi Potian, I said, today, either you destroy all the enemies, and I will make you the Great General of the Qin Dynasty, or the enemy escapes, and you die!"

"Right now, you haven't killed all the enemies for me, which makes me very disappointed. But because someone falsely preached the imperial decree and you didn't know it, I don't have to execute you. You can go down and recover from your wounds."

"Remember, the Daqin Temple does not support useless people. I hope you can show me your value as soon as possible, otherwise, you will grow old yourself!"

As Ning'er was carried out of the hall, Ying Shou's judgment sounded again in the hall.

"Your Majesty...cough cough, thank you Your Majesty...the emperor's kindness is mighty..."

Shi Potian was unable to get up, so he could only lie on a stretcher to respond to the emperor's great grace.

He talked about the great grace of the emperor, but at this moment, his heart was already full of killing intent.

Under the eaves, he had to bow his head. When Haotian's plan was implemented, he vowed to take down Daqin Jiangshan. At that time, he would definitely watch Yingshou prostrate in front of him.

He knew very well that Ying Shou at this moment already knew his identity.

The reason why he didn't kill himself was because he had gradually embarked on the road prepared for him by Haotian.

This is a game path, Ying Shou has no way to refuse, no one knows what the acceptable result will be.

Whoever wins depends on who plays better.

"Send General Shi down to recuperate!"

Ying Shou didn't pay attention to whether Shi Potian's words were sincere or false. He no longer cared about the so-called sincerity.

As the old man said before, those who kneel in front of you are not necessarily submissive, and those who stand in front of you are not necessarily disobedient.

Submission or disobedience is not so important in front of the emperor.

The important thing is that the emperor must have the ability to control the world and the means to use the hearts of the world.

Shi Potian was taken away, and for a while, in the entire hall, apart from Ying Shou, the Queen, and Concubine Xue, there was only Ren Xiao who was still crawling below.

Ying Shou watched Ren Xiao without saying a word for a long time, and the atmosphere gradually became serious.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ying Shou suddenly sighed, got up and walked down the high platform, came to Ren Xiao's side, looked at Ren Xiao, then at Wuhuan who was guarding in front of the hall, and said: "Ren Aiqing, General Wuhuan, come out to accompany me Let me go!"

After all, Ying Shou was still too lazy to punish Ren Xiao, so he gave an order and took the two of them alone, left the hall and came to the beach at the foot of the mountain.

"His Majesty……"

Ren Xiao respectfully followed behind Ying Shou, seeing Ying Shou stopped on the shallows, standing with his hands behind his back, he couldn't help clasping his hands and shouting.

"Ren Xiao, you know very well that although you have some excuses in the case of falsely preaching the imperial decree, if I pursue it, you will definitely be punished severely. You should be very puzzled now, why didn't I punish you?"

Ying Shou turned his back to Ren Xiao, and suddenly smiled.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, at that time the subject had already given up on other thoughts, but it was not that the subject could not recognize the Emperor's Token and the Queen's Token, therefore, the subject did not shirk this matter, and it was up to His Majesty to punish him!"

Ren Xiao bowed his head and said seriously.

"Ren Xiao, Ren Xiao, it's enough for you to have this thought. No matter how tyrannical I am, how can I be a loyal and good general of the Great Qin, and tyrannical to all the people?"

Ying Shou shook his head, turned to look at Ren Xiao and Wu Huan beside him, and said, "I know very well, although you don't ask, but you already have doubts in your heart, why should I treat Shi Potian like this, this kind of tyranny is not what Mingjun said, Am I right?"

Ren Xiao and Wuhuan raised their heads at the same time, looking at Ying Shou.

The two didn't dare to say more, but there was doubt in their eyes, just like what Ying Shou said, they really didn't understand why Ying Shou was targeting Shi Potian so much.

That is a famous general in the former dynasty, if he makes good use of it, he will definitely be the mainstay of the current court.The emperor's actions clearly violated the hearts of the world.

"Hehehe, I already knew that you have long been dissatisfied with my actions!"

Looking at the questioning eyes of the two, Ying Shou couldn't help smiling, and said very bitterly.

"My subordinate dare not!"

Ren Xiao trembled all over, quickly knelt down and clasped his fists, claiming that he didn't dare.

"The last will not dare!"

Wuhuan quickly knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, okay, let's all get up, there is nothing to dare or not to dare. As an important court minister, it is good to obey the emperor in everything, but if you have doubts in your heart, you should raise them!"

Ying Shou bent down, helped the two of them up, patted their shoulders, and said: "You two lovers, do you know that there are some things that I have no one to say! They say that the heights are too cold, but this How many people in the world can experience this feeling?"

"Some things, even if I say them today, you two will find it hard to believe. Therefore, I don't want to explain too much. All the truth will be revealed to the world in the future."

"You have to remember that Shi Potian is not here to assist me, he intends for the world, and sooner or later he will turn against him!"

"Now the territory of Great Qin is his layout. He has prepared all the plans, and when I am in a trance, he will be able to cause chaos in the world!"

"All of this should sound incredible to you, right?"

As he spoke, Ying Shou looked at the two of them with a wry smile.

Ren Xiao and Wuhuan looked at each other, they could hardly believe what the emperor said.

Seeing this, Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, "I knew it, you couldn't believe it.

But this is also normal, after all, I know all the truth, but I have no evidence, otherwise, I would have killed him long ago, how can I let him show off in the temple? "

While speaking, Ying Shou's words were filled with bitterness, and his heart was even more helpless.

Today's temples are like this, everyone is a gentleman, everyone respects rules and etiquette, no evidence, no conclusions.

This is good, but in many cases, it is easy to be taken advantage of.

It is precisely because of these reasons that in many cases, Ying Shou is really unable to use his strength and can only follow the trend.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter. I have a hunch that the Great Qin crisis is just around the corner. Ren Xiao, the 30 army I asked you to prepare should be ready, right?"

Suddenly, Ying Shou changed the subject and said in a deep voice.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, 30 troops have been recruited and are currently being trained. Within three years, they will surely become the main force of our new Qin army!"

When Ren Xiao heard the words, he quickly responded.

"Three years? No, three years is too long. Now Daqin is heading north to the border, and the Huns are expanding wildly. Together with Donghu, they are eyeing Daqin."

"I believe it won't be long before there will be more than 200 million, nearly 300 million troops approaching the Great Qin Great Wall. The 20 Great Wall guards can't stand it, so fresh blood must be injected as quickly as possible!"

"At the same time, on the southwestern border, the Yelang Kingdom's hatred of Great Qin is as deep as the sea, and it is now expanding. It won't be long before the Southwest is unified, and at least 70 to [-] troops will gather, and our Great Qin will be even more passive."

"These are just external worries, as well as internal troubles. Shi Potian, his [-] tiger and ben army seems to be taken down by me, but as long as he gives an order, the [-] tiger and ben army will cooperate with millions of enemy troops, and the Great Qin is at stake!"

Ying Shou shook his head and said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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