Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 707 The Abandoned Woman

Chapter 707 The Abandoned Woman
In the middle of the night, on the desolate island, there are no people in all directions.

Climbing to the top of the mountain, looking around, apart from the mountains and forests, there is the sea, as if there is only one person in the world.

A strong sense of loneliness struck Ning'er in the middle of the night.

In a stone house, Ning'er lit a bright bonfire and sat on the ground with her legs tightly hugged, with a timid and frightened expression on her face.

The army on the island had already left for three days, but she was the only one left on the small island, as if following the emperor's words, the whole world completely abandoned her.

Alone, the longer you live on this small island, the more intense the loneliness that can drive a person crazy.

At this moment, she was unkempt, like a lunatic, staring at the bonfire in front of her, not daring to move away.

As long as she looked away even an inch, she could seem to see countless horrors coming from the darkness, which was unbearable.

In the small island forest at night, birds and insects chirped, making it even more lively, but to her ears, it sounded like ghosts crying and wolves howling, which made people panic.

Human beings have always been social animals, no one can live alone, and never see outsiders.

Being alone like this without anyone's company, it won't be long before a person is either driven mad or driven to death.

Even those sages and great powers are no exception. They are all called hermits. In fact, even if they go back to hermit, they cannot be alone in the mountains.

Therefore, since ancient times, there will be such a phenomenon.Every so-called hermit has a confidant by his side.

Those who like to play chess live in seclusion with their opponents, and those who like music have their bosom friends playing the piano every day.

And in the absence of any friends, many hermits would be accompanied by a few students or boys.

This is an inevitable phenomenon, and no one can avoid it, including Xunzi, who is accompanied by a boy.Another example is Taoist Bai Weng, although there is no boy around him, but most of him will travel around the world, so he will not have this feeling of being abandoned by the world.

What's more, even Guiguzi and other strange people through the ages can't be alone.

Therefore, Guiguzi recruits apprentices all year round.

Every two to thirty years, he will always cultivate a disciple who stirs up the situation in the world, thus continuing the reputation of Guigu.

But in this matter, Ning'er's situation is different from each of them.

Ning'er was truly abandoned, truly passive and alone.

There is not even one person to accompany her, so lonely, the loneliness brought about has already made her fall into deep fear and helplessness.

The Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven, it is God's will to say what you say.

The ancients said that the state owns the state law, and the family has family rules.

The home is a small country, and the country is everyone.

In a family, parents are the real power holders. When children make mistakes, most of them are just beaten up. After all, there is family affection in the family rules.

As a last resort, parents usually do not throw their children out of the house until the parents are completely disappointed.

Of course, it is not impossible to get to that point and be expelled from the house. This is the abandonment of the child by the parents, and the abandonment of a person by a family.

This kind of thing is the same in the country.

The country does not need to be small, the small family has love, and the country has righteousness, but it must not have love.

The so-called extrajudicial favor is all bullshit.In a country, there is no law but no heart, and there is no love if there is love.Therefore, there is only one end for violating the national law, which is to be punished.

Among the countless criminal laws, there is one called distribution.

This distribution is okay, it's hard work, hard work is common, but at least it hasn't been abandoned.

And the abandoned ones will have no place to stand.

Just like Ning'er at this moment, with the emperor's words, the world has abandoned her, and all people have abandoned her. She is a lonely ghost, and no one will care about her feelings.

The cold wind swept across, and the shadows of the trees outside the door swayed, as if ghosts were floating, which made Ning'er's heart couldn't help but lift up.

He wanted to focus all his eyes on the bonfire, but he couldn't help but look towards the darkness of the door.

Invisibly, a strong fear came to her heart, making her feel a chill down her back, and the wounds on her body ached, as if there were countless ghosts tearing at her body.

Such an inexplicable feeling made her want to fall asleep in the dark, but she couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

The whole night was spent in fear like this.

When the sky brightened, the fear dissipated, and the bonfire went out. After being tortured all night, she was finally exhausted and fell asleep slowly.

In the afternoon, a loud noise sounded, Ning'er suddenly opened her eyes, and quietly walked to the door, only to see a dozen men had already arrived not far from the door.

She hid in the stone house and looked at these people vigilantly. She saw these people getting closer and closer, searching in every stone house, as if they were looking for someone.

In the end, these people came to the stone house where she was. In this matter, she had nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, and could only watch these people enter the house.

Everyone entered the stone house and saw him immediately.

The first person was handsome, dressed in white, and said with a slight smile, "This is Miss Ning'er, right?"

Ning'er was disheveled and looked like a lunatic. She looked at the crowd timidly, and said in a hoarse voice with a hint of fear, " are you?"

The man shook his head and smiled, and said: "My name is Xu Feng, I am here to welcome Miss Ning'er by the master's order."

"Xu Feng will be Miss Ning'er's servant from now on, please ask Miss Ning'er to follow Xu Feng out of here!"

"Miss, servant?"

Ning'er was taken aback, a little puzzled.

"Hurry up, go and call the maids and let them wait on the young lady to board the boat!"

Xu Feng didn't say much, and as soon as he gave an order, someone went to bring four maids to serve Ning'er, and dragged Ning'er to the seaside.

There was a big ship parked by the sea.

After boarding the boat, everyone left the place.

Finally, the big boat stopped on a deserted shore, and everyone went ashore, where there were already carriages waiting.

Ning'er was brought into the carriage and walked for another night, finally stopping at a bamboo garden in the mountains.

There are green bamboos all over the mountains and plains in front of you, and a trickling stream beside it. A bamboo forest courtyard covering an extremely large area is here, which can be said to be surrounded by mountains and rivers, so elegant.

In the courtyard, there are maids and servants, nearly a hundred of them in total, busy all the time.

As soon as Ning'er got out of the car, before she understood what was going on, she was pushed into the bathroom by the maids. After burning incense and taking a bath, she put on a new set of dresses, and her face was radiant for a while, showing a different charm.

She was a beauty in the first place, although she could not compare to her former master Nan Yan, she could still be called a top-notch beauty.

It's just that she rarely shows it on weekdays, but now that her face is so radiant, her whole body seems to have changed from an ugly duckling to a white swan.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

Looking at herself in the mirror, Ning'er couldn't believe it, and couldn't help asking.

"The master has an order. Miss Ning'er saved the master's life. From now on, Miss Ning'er will be the mistress of the bamboo garden. After the master recovers from his injuries, he will come to visit Miss Ning'er!"

A maid who had been serving Ning'er said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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