Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 708 Mrs. Bamboo Garden

Chapter 708 Mrs. Bamboo Garden
"Your master is General Shi Potian?"

Ning'er was startled, and almost immediately thought of Shi Potian.

"Well, the general is the owner of the bamboo garden."

"The general is also an indomitable hero, and he will repay the favor. This time, the lady saved the general. The general said that even if the whole world abandons the lady because of this, the general will take care of the lady!"

The maid nodded, bowed and said.

"General... did he really say that?"

Ning'er's heart trembled, and a burst of warmth passed by for no reason.

This wonderful feeling made her a little inexplicably sweet, as if she was hugged and protected by someone, she no longer had any fear, only a sense of security.


The maid nodded and replied softly.

"Where is the general now? I... When can I see the general?"

Ning'er hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help asking.

"The general is recuperating now. When the general returns, he will come to see the young lady!"

The maid replied.

"All right!"

Ning'er was a little disappointed. For some reason, at this very moment, she especially wanted to see that man with a bearded face who was criss-crossing among thousands of troops, killing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

In the past, she hated blood and blood very much, but now, she found that only the person who made blood and blood could give her enough sense of security.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of the queen's appearance before she got married, looking forward to it day and night.

She has always wondered, isn't it just to get married and change a new home, why is it necessary to be so anxious?
Now, she vaguely seems to be able to understand the mood of the queen back then.

With the stay in the bamboo garden, the inexplicable fear, the endless loneliness, and the almost crazy loneliness finally dissipated.

In the bamboo garden, everyone respects her, as if she is really the master here.

Time flies, half a month has passed.

In the middle of the night, Shi Potian's injury improved a lot, and he was finally able to get out of bed and walk. He left Tanhai City immediately.

No one deliberately restricted his freedom.

After all, although the emperor said that he would rebel, there was no evidence after all.And the emperor didn't say to imprison him, so he is free to go wherever he wants.

In the middle of the night, when Shi Potian came to the bamboo garden, he was already greeted by someone at the door. The moment he saw him, a group of more than a dozen people knelt down at the same time, clasped their fists and said, "Meet the master!"

Shi Potian waved his hand, his face was still pale and his breath was very weak, but the first thing he said was: "Where is that woman?"

Before the crowd, the leader was Xu Feng. Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Return to the master, Miss Ning'er is resting in the south wing, she must be fast asleep!"

Shi Potian nodded and said: "Understood, you guys go down first!"

With that said, Shi Potian walked straight towards the room where Ning'er was resting.

The bamboo door opened, and the lights in the room flickered, and the waste surrounded the candlelight continuously, and finally fell on the flames and burned out.

Under the illumination of the candlelight, Ning'er was quietly lying on the bamboo bed, sleeping soundly, surrounded by incense and smoke.

Shi Potian walked towards the bamboo bed step by step, came to the edge of the bed and sat down, looked at Ning'er who was sleeping soundly on the bed, looking very peaceful, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a smile on his face.

"I haven't noticed before, but the maid next to the queen is so charming!"

He murmured in a low voice, and couldn't help stretching out his hand, and gently stroked Ning'er's smooth forehead.

"Don't worry, I, Shi Potian, am a principled person. I will repay my kindness and revenge."

"The so-called loyalty does not serve two masters, and the only one who can be the son of my Shi Potian master will always be His Majesty the First Emperor!"

"Back then, the First Emperor died and Qin II was incompetent. I originally planned to retreat behind the scenes. When the Great Qin perished, I would win the world with one sentence."

"But at the last moment, it was Ying Shou who took my country, he was the first to strike first, I am not willing to!!"

"So I have to take back my own country from Ying Shou. I can betray Ying Shou, but since you saved me, you will be mine from now on. So what can Ying Shou do? From now on, I will make you become this The noblest woman in the world, the brightest pearl!"

As he spoke, Shi Potian slowly bent down, and kissed Ning'er's smooth forehead lightly.

Ning'er seemed to be tickled by him, and opened her eyes suddenly. Seeing the scene of being kissed, she was shocked, exclaimed, and quickly sat up.

After waiting to see clearly that it was Shi Potian, Ning'er was surprised and shouted, "General, it's you!"

Shi Potian grinned and said, "Who do you want?"

Ning'er blushed pretty, she never expected that Shi Potian would come in the middle of the night.

And he did this to himself while he was asleep.

For a moment, Ning'er didn't know whether to be happy or to blame.

"General... Maid... Maid doesn't mean that!"

Ning'er secretly swallowed her saliva and said in a low voice.


Shi Potian made a gesture of silence, and said: "Don't talk nonsense, you will no longer be a servant, you are the general's woman, you are the wife of Zhuyuan."

"From today onwards, up to the Emperor of Qin, who scares the common people, no one can pay you back half a cent!"

"come over……"

As he said that, Shi Potian said in a tone of exclamation and command.

Ning'er's delicate body trembled, she asked puzzledly, "What are you doing?"

Shi Potian smiled and said: "The general is tired, come here and undress the general!"

Hearing this, the Ning'er Overseas Chinese Federation became popular again.

"What do you mean? His woman, does he mean to marry himself? And he wants to undress him? What is this for?"

"Lonely men and widows, alone in a room, undressed, isn't it just like the emperor and queen going to bed?"

Although Ning'er is not considered a woman, she has been serving the emperor and empress in the palace for a long time, so she understands everything.

For a while, I couldn't help thinking wildly in my mind.

Thinking wildly like this, she seemed to be instinctive, but she actually stepped forward slowly and undressed Shi Potian.

Soon, Ning'er's exclamation came from the room.

This night, it suddenly seemed like a dream. It was not until the next day when Ning'er woke up and felt the warmth of her side that she stopped. Everything that happened last night was true.

So far, Ning'er has become the wife of this mysterious bamboo forest, and Shi Potian, because of his serious injuries and has not yet recovered, does not need to rush back to the court to return to his life, so he quietly accompanied the only one who had saved him, and protected him with his life. his woman.

While the two of them were warming up here, Ying Shou returned to Xianyang City early this morning and entered the imperial city.

"Report to Your Majesty, Lord Di Renjie Di please see me!"

"Report to Your Majesty, Grand Tutor Uncle Sun Tong to see you!"

"Report to Your Majesty, the prime minister, Xiao He, is asking to see you!"

"Report to Your Majesty, six ministers from the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Industry have come together to seek an audience!"

Ying Shou's journey back to Xianyang was relatively hidden, so there were no courtiers to greet him today.

But after he entered Xianyang City, he was immediately noticed by all parties.

It was only then that they returned to the imperial palace, the three princes and six departments, and many court officials asked to be summoned almost at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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