Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 709 The World Situation

Chapter 709 The World Situation

"It came so fast!"

Ying Shou was sitting in the study, listening to the reports from below, the corners of his mouth could not stop slightly raised, and muttered to himself.

"It seems that the world is not peaceful these days!"

Thinking about it, Ying Shou narrowed his eyes, waved his hands, and said, "Order Di Renjie, Shusun Tong, Xiao He, Wu Hua, Situ Feng, Zhang Liang, Mo Shang, Yan Xun, and Du Tao to wait in the side hall. Go back and wait for orders, and we can talk about it when we can go to court!"

The nine people that Ying Shou pointed out are the chief officials of the current Daqin, the Sangong and the Six Ministries, and they are the pillars of the Daqin.

As he was in power for a long time, Ying Shou was too lazy to care about other small things, and he would only get involved in big things that these few people couldn't handle.


The guard who came to report responded and turned to leave.

Ying Shou did not immediately leave the study and go to the side hall, but continued to sit here quietly.

He didn't wait for long, and saw a black shadow slowly gather behind him.

"Hawkeye of the Black Ice Terrace sees my Majesty, Long live, Long live, Long live, Long live!"

The black shadow condensed and turned into an eagle-eyed figure, kneeling down to worship.

"Be flat, I haven't been paying attention to the general trend of the world recently, and I just returned today, and the civil and military officials came very quickly."

"If I'm not mistaken, the world isn't peaceful these days, right?"

Ying Shou leaned back on the chair quietly, without turning his head, and said indifferently.

Hawkeye got up, cupped his hands and said: "Reporting to His Majesty, the world today is in chaos, and it is indeed not peaceful!"

Ying Shou's eyes flashed, and it was exactly as he expected.

"How chaotic?"

Ying Shou reached out and grabbed a wolf hair from the table, and kept playing with it in his hand.

"Very chaotic!"

Hawkeye blurted out, followed by a moment of silence, and then said: "Let's talk about the 23 countries in the Southwest, which have been fighting in full swing recently. The Yelang Kingdom sent troops a few months ago. Up to now, eight countries have been wiped out in a row, and more than [-] troops have been gathered. Ten thousand!"

"These armies fight day and night, the survival of the fittest, the bigger the braver, it can be called a powerful army."

"And the leader is Han Xin. Han Xin has a deep resentment towards my Great Qin. Once he is allowed to take down the 23 countries in the Southwest, he will establish a great Southwest country, and he will fight against our Great Qin. He will never die!"

"Then there is the Xiongnu in the Northwest, who are also plundering the countries in the northern part of the country. Now, more than ten countries have been wiped out in a row."

"Originally, the Xiongnu had an army of 80. Although 100 were wiped out by the Huben army, there were still more than [-]. Now, the Huns have an army of more than [-], a total of more than [-] million!"

"At the same time, Donghu seems to be guarding against the Xiongnu. In order to prevent the Xiongnu from getting bigger, and then deal with Donghu, Donghu is also desperately expanding."

"The two countries have almost wiped out the remaining countries in northern Serbia. Today, the Donghu army has more than 100 million!"

"The war is still going on, except that Daqin is still recuperating, whether it is in the southwest or the north, they are all using troops everywhere. The level of chaos has never been seen before, far surpassing my Central Plains Warring States!"

With a few words, Hawkeye directly displayed the chaos in the world today in Yingshou's mind.

Ying Shou could even imagine the chaos in this world.

"Hehe, the great chaos in the Southwest has long been expected, but the war in the North of the Great Wall, isn't it a bit artificial? I already knew that the kingdoms in the North of the Great Wall extend from the Great Wall of Yan in the east to the land of the old Qin and Zhao in the west. The country is under the control of Tianmen."

"The so-called Haotian, if you really want the Xiongnu Donghu to be in power, you can just order the Donghu Xiongnu in the cities of the countries under him. Why send troops to attack? Isn't this place without 300 taels of silver, and it was deliberately done for my Daqin to see?"

Ying Shou sneered and said ironically.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I also feel this way. Just a few days ago, Donghu sent envoys to Daqin."

"According to what they mean, this is to join forces with my Great Qin to fight against the Xiongnu. However, I did not get my Great Qin customs clearance document, and now the envoy is still outside the Great Wall, being detained by General Lie Yang."

"And General Lie Yang has already dispatched a fast horse, and is rushing to Xianyang to inform His Majesty about this matter. Presumably, the messenger will arrive in the next year!"

Hawkeye nodded and said solemnly.

In this era of inconvenient communication, it has always been like this.

The land in the northeast is where the Great Wall used to be.

The former Yan Kingdom was so far away from Great Qin that it was daunting.

For ordinary merchants, if they want to do business across the country of Yan and Daqin, they will have to travel for almost a year or two.

There is no way, the army is in chaos, and thieves are buckled to death. Everyone has to be careful.Many people even lost their lives on the peninsula.

Even now that the Great Qin has unified, strengthened the control of the world, and built Chidao, the long road is hard to change after all.

Even if the messenger wants to cross this long distance back to Xianyang, it will take a lot of time.

In this case, the source of information from the Black Ice Platform is extremely important.

The black ice platform has a special communication tool, which is specially provided by Yingshou, which is faster than the information collection of the Daqin black ice platform that surpassed the six countries.

So, the messenger had just set off over there, and Eagle Eye, who was sitting on the Black Ice Terrace, had already received the news.

Of course, only the emperor can know the news about the Black Ice Terrace.Unless the emperor allows it, the Black Ice Platform cannot summon anyone.

Therefore, even though he has just returned now, he has more information than the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

"Hu people sent envoys?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and couldn't help but think of what the old man said to him that night: "I have said everything I can say, how to do it, I believe that your majesty has a plan, or that sentence, how about your majesty?" Think about it, just do it."

"It's convenient for others, and it's also convenient for myself. Of course, the premise is that Your Majesty must have enough strength and courage!"

These words came to Yingshou's mind, causing Yingshou's heart to throb once again.

"Okay, it seems that you have already grasped my shortcomings, no wonder you dare to challenge me. You are really digging a hole for me, and I have to jump into it as you like! "

Ying Shou smiled wryly, and couldn't help thinking to himself.

That day, although the old man did not fully reveal his identity, in fact, Ying Shou had already guessed about it, and he had always suspected that the old man might be Tianmen Haotian.

Apart from Haotian, he couldn't imagine anyone else in this world who could easily snatch someone from Shi Potian.

Moreover, the old man keeps saying that he has no relationship with Tianmen, but in Ying Shou's view, this is the 300 taels of no silver here.

Of course, whether he is Haotian or not is still in Yingshou's conjecture, he is not sure.

The only thing that is certain is that even if the old man is not Haotian, he definitely came from Tianmen.

As for how powerful Haotian is, at this moment, Ying Shou is also doubtful.

Thinking of the war letter that the old man invisibly issued that day, coupled with the current situation, for Ying Shou, the general trend of the world has become clear.

(End of this chapter)

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