Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 710 The Emperor's Weird Behavior

Chapter 710 The Emperor's Weird Behavior
"Your Majesty, the Hu people did send envoys, and I also feel that there are many things wrong with them."

"At least one thing is certain, Tianmen has already controlled the Hu people, and it is impossible for the Hu people to go to war with the Xiongnu, so there must be something strange about this matter, I wonder how Your Majesty is going to deal with it?"

Hawkeye looked at Ying Shou and said in a deep voice.

"Follow the trend, remember, in the future, no information about the northern border can be disclosed without my permission."

"The news about the Black Ice Terrace can only be known to me. Since the barbarians want to join forces, I will join hands with him!"

Ying Shou shook his head and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, joining forces with the barbarian at this moment, isn't it seeking skin from a tiger? This is obviously a trap!"

Hawkeye was taken aback. As the head of the Black Ice Platform, he had no right to speak out about anything. The only thing he should do was to keep collecting information and report it to the emperor.

But after Ying Shou said these words, even he couldn't help it.

This teaming up with the Hu people is really extremely dangerous for Da Qin at this moment.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was a trap, and he didn't believe that the emperor would foolishly jump into the trap.

"Seeking skin from a tiger?"

Ying Shou sneered, and said: "In the eyes of others, I, Da Qin, are always jackals. Unexpectedly, in your eyes today, I, Da Qin, have become the prey of tigers and wolves. You think you can see the trap, but I will see it." not come out?"

"But even if it's a trap, I still have to jump into it. As for this trap, whether it's a tiger, a wolf or a human will be caught in the end, it depends on the ability!"

"This trap came at a good time. Originally, I expected to set up a chess game and trap that would cover the world within three years. Now that the Hu people have prepared it for me, why should I be timid and hesitant. The opportunity is in front of me. I will never miss it!"

With that said, Ying Shou got up and walked straight outside.

Hawkeye raised his head, looked at the back of the emperor leaving, his eyes flickered, and for a moment, he seemed to understand something.

The emperor has never been a person who lives in the status quo, let alone a person who is willing to be ordinary, or willing to be beaten passively.

But many times, even as the emperor, he couldn't help himself.Daqin, the state of the land, is not so easy to play with.

In many cases, not only could the emperor not use the power of the Jiangshan Sheji artifact, but he was tightly bound by the Sheji artifact, so that there was no hope of sweeping the north.

Now, he obviously wants to take advantage of this trap, completely taboo the artifacts of the Great Qin State, and let the country's community operate independently. Only then can it truly sweep the world.

This is the same as forging a sword. Only after a sword has been tempered and tempered, can it have a chance to become a magic weapon through the ages.

A country can only be powerful if it has experienced endless polishing.Just like the former Qin Dynasty, it was only after hundreds of years of war and baptism that it became invincible in the world.

As a divine soldier, blood sacrifices are needed to unleash the power it deserves.Similarly, as a powerful country, sometimes, it needs the baptism of blood to exert enough strength.

Daqin is a country that hides its strength. It is a divine sword hidden in the scabbard. It must drink blood to be invincible.

The trap that the barbarians set for Daqin and the emperor will be a bloody cave that swallows thousands of souls. As for whether this bloody cave will eventually make Daqin or destroy Daqin, everything will become unknown.

But having said that, it is precisely because of the unknown that it is full of challenges, and the things that are full of challenges are the things the emperor is most willing to do. This is the great Qin Wudi who has always been fearless, Ying Shou.

Thinking about it, Hawkeye took a deep breath, swayed his figure, and left the imperial study room without a sound.

On the other side, Ying Shou came to the side hall.

Regarding this matter, in the side hall, the Six Divisions of the Sangong, Di Renjie, Zhang Liang and others were anxiously waiting there.

Seeing the emperor's figure appear, everyone rushed out of the hall, knelt down on the ground, and shouted loudly: "I wait to pay my respects to your majesty, long live, long live, long live, long live your majesty!"

Ying Shou came all the way, passed among the crowd, and said with a smile: "Stay flat, all my lovers are really in a hurry. I just came back and stepped into the imperial city with your front feet, and you caught up with your back feet. Come in and sit. Come in and sit down!"

While talking, Ying Shou was very enthusiastic, and went directly to sit down on the Dragon Seat.

Everyone stood up and looked at each other, wondering why the emperor was so excited today.

Didn't he see that everyone is in a hurry, and it's obvious that something big has happened?
Usually, when encountering such a situation, the first thing the emperor said was what happened, and he was so flustered.

But today, the emperor is obviously different from before!

Thinking about it, everyone came to the side hall, kowtowed and sat down one after another.

"His Majesty……"

After Shu Suntong sat down, he was the first to speak, and he was about to say something to Ying Shou with his hands clasped together.

However, before he could continue speaking, he was interrupted by Ying Shou before he had time to call His Majesty.

"Teacher, you came just in time, and I have something important to see you. In this way, put aside other things first, and let me talk about my business first!"

Ying Shou stopped Shu Suntong from speaking with a smile, and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to announce!"

Shu Suntong frowned and said hastily.

"What's the big deal, is it bigger than mine?"

Ying Shou stared, a little dissatisfied.

Shusun Tong was stunned. For a while, he was anxious and anxious, but the emperor had said so, so he couldn't say anything more, so he could only say: "Your Majesty misunderstood, I will listen to your majesty's teachings with all my ears!"

Ying Shou laughed and said, "That's right, as a grand tutor, how can you not even understand this bit of rules!"

As he said that, Ying Shou leaned on the armrest, looked at Shusun Tong, and said with a smile, "Teacher, this is what happened. Tell me, is there such a thing in my Daqin law that trespassing on private houses is a crime?" !"

Shu Suntong looked confused, nodded and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, there is indeed such a thing, why did Your Majesty bring it up?"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said with a smile, "There's no reason, there's just one thing that I can't figure out."

"You tell me, in the palace of the imperial city, is it really my home, or a restaurant by the side of the road!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Shusun Tong, but the rest of the people were completely deceived by the emperor.

What did the emperor want to say with one question mark at a time?
Didn't you find that everyone is very anxious? Is there anything that you can't explain clearly?

Thinking this way in their hearts, everyone didn't dare to say it, they could only look at Ying Shou strangely.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the palace in the imperial city is naturally the emperor's home. In fact, roadside restaurants can be compared!"

Shu Suntong frowned and replied in a deep voice.

"Oh, so this is my home... So, this is my private house, right?"

Ying Shou nodded and asked with a smile.

"Of course it's His Majesty's private residence!"

Shu Suntong frowned even tighter, but thinking about it carefully, the palace itself is the emperor's home, or in other words, the emperor's private residence. This cannot be denied, and Shu Suntong replied immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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