Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 711 New Rules

Chapter 711 New Rules
"Okay...Okay...Since the Taifu said that this is my private house, it will be easy to handle."

"So, Taifu, can I ask for one thing, not only for the Taifu, but also for the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty!"

Ying Shou nodded, and looked at Shusuntong with a smile on his face.

After all, Shusun Tong couldn't stand the emperor's yin and yang side, clasped his fists and said, "What is your majesty's order? In short, I will fulfill my mission!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "Hey, don't be so serious, it's not a big deal, and there is no order."

"It's just that I want to trouble the Taifu. Since this is my private house, can the Taifu come without saying anything in the future, and leave as soon as he wants?"

"Not only the Taifu, but also the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty!"

"This ordinary family's private house, even the government is not allowed to come and go privately. Could it be that my home is a tavern on the side of the road, and anyone can come and leave whenever they want? Can I still have a little freedom?"

While speaking, Ying Shou changed the subject, saying that he shouldn't be too serious, but he spoke more seriously than anyone else.

When everyone heard the words, there was a black line all over their heads for a while, and the Emperor of Emotion circled around for a long time, just to say these words?

"His Majesty……"

Shu Suntong's expression turned ugly instantly, the emperor's words were extremely rude.That's right, the imperial palace is indeed the emperor's home, but the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty can't let the emperor go to the courtiers' mansion to discuss matters early, right?According to the emperor's statement, if the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty do not enter the imperial city, where can they go to discuss matters with the emperor?

"Teacher, listen to me first. Everyone in this world should have their own private space. I am also a human being. My three palaces and six courtyards, and concubines in all palaces are also human beings. Don't tell me they should live in everyone's private space?" Under surveillance?"

"I have decided that from today on, no one will be allowed to enter the important place of the imperial palace, otherwise, I will definitely kill you. Grand Tutor, from now on, you and Wu Hua, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, will record this item in the book of ceremonies together!"

"Let's write this article like this. The important place of the palace, the officials are not allowed to enter, and the people are not allowed to trespass, otherwise they will be regarded as assassins."

"Concubines in the harem, empresses, palace maids, eunuchs, and guards, etc., the officials must not touch, and the people of the world must not touch, otherwise it is a rebellion!"

"With such regulations, on the one hand, I want to ensure the quietness of the palace, and on the other hand, in order to prevent the harem from interfering in politics, eunuchs disturb Chaogang."

"So, the ministers are not allowed to contact the people in the harem, and while meddling in the affairs of the harem, the people in the harem are also not allowed to contact the courtiers, so as not to disturb the court. Do you understand this statement?"

While speaking, Ying Shou watched everyone look at each other, his face turned livid, and he couldn't help sneering in his heart.

This group of guys, who have nothing to do all day long, come to the palace to annoy them. He has long wanted to suppress their arrogance, but he has never had the chance.

Taking advantage of agreeing to the queen this time and giving her a quiet place in the future, Ying Shou didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he made his own court rules when he opened his mouth.

"His Majesty……"

Shu Suntong clasped his fists again, and was about to correct the emperor's words.

However, just as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Ying Shou again.

"Teacher, I've said it, listen to me first. I know exactly what you are thinking now. You must be thinking, if you can't enter the imperial city again, how will you go to the court to discuss things in the future? Bar?"

"I've thought about this too. Although I think about the situation a bit, as the saying goes, the people are the most important, the community is second, and the king is the least."

"As the emperor, I can't disregard the world because of my own selfish desires. Therefore, in the future, everyone can enter the imperial city, but in the imperial city, I must leave a dividing line!"

"Just take Xianyang Palace as the boundary. From now on, if I have to deal with official business, I will go to Xianyang Palace. My dear friends will also meet you in Xianyang Palace."

"After the Xianyang Palace, one step is not allowed to step in, otherwise it is a violation of the Daqin etiquette. Before the court, all the loves are waiting outside the Xianyang Palace. I will let you go to the court, and all the loves will go to the court again!"

"Record all of these for me. Listen clearly, I don't want to say it a second time, and I don't want to hear any advice, understand?"

Ying Shou interrupted Shusun Tong, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly without giving anyone a chance to object.

For a moment, an inexplicable danger swept through everyone's minds, and people couldn't help wondering if they really wanted to raise questions at this time, would it bring any danger.

This made everyone a little dissatisfied, but dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction. First, everyone saw that the emperor was determined and it was difficult to refute. Moreover, all these things were trivial now, and there were bigger things to discuss.

"Remember, Your Majesty, is there anything else you need to order?"

On this matter, Shu Suntong was too lazy to argue with the emperor on these trivial matters. Even if he wanted to discuss it, it would be a matter for the future. The most important thing is to talk about the general situation of the world first, and take proper precautions.

Immediately, Shusun Tong didn't talk nonsense, and nodded directly in agreement.

"Well, the Taifu has no objection, and it seems that he also agrees with this proposal very much. It's so good, Daqin needs such a monarch and ministers to be of one mind."

"But there is one more thing. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. I wonder how you are preparing!"

"This year is a year of peace and prosperity, and the year of peace in the world must be celebrated by the whole world, not sloppy. Taifu, you have to hurry up and help make arrangements for it! Also, how is your little nephew Wang Lin's wedding going?"

"I said before that it must be done before the Chinese New Year. Now that I am back, I hope to have results within three days. Do you understand?"

Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, with a smile on his face, he paused, and said: "Okay, I have explained what I should explain. These are important events, so don't be careless. Wait for the three publics and six departments, hurry up and make preparations , don’t waste time here with me!”

As he said that, Ying Shou actually issued an order to evict the guest directly.

From the beginning to the end, everyone was not even given the chance to perform.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to report!"

Shu Suntong's old face darkened, and he said hastily.

This emperor is too abnormal today. In the past, he would talk about the business first, but today he came to talk about a couple of nonsense, and then directly drove people away. Isn't this a joke?

How can national affairs be trifling with?How can the king of a country treat the world like this?

"What's the big deal with you, you can't let people rest, right? I just came back, and you can't wait, tell me, what happened!"

Ying Shou frowned, and said with a feigned displeasure.

The ministers were stunned, is this really what the emperor said?

But now is not the time for everyone to slowly think about these things, only to hear Shu Suntong take the lead: "Your Majesty, this matter is about the safety of the Great Qin. Now the land in the north of the Great Wall is in chaos. Not long after His Majesty left, there was news It is said that the land of the northern part of the Great Wall is in full swing, and the battle is fierce."

"The Xiongnu and Donghu continue to expand, and now they are both powerful and powerful countries, and they are also eyeing our Great Qin!"

During the conversation, everyone interfaced with each other, and reported the news from various places recently.

(End of this chapter)

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