Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 712 Proposals

Chapter 712 Proposals
Ying Shou at this time already understood what everyone said, but he still listened quietly to the performance.

After everyone finished speaking, all eyes focused on him, as if they were waiting for him to set an example.


Ying Shou looked at the crowd strangely and asked.

"It's over!"

Everyone looked at Ying Shou with puzzled faces. At this time, shouldn't the emperor discuss the possible crisis with everyone? Why does it look like it doesn't matter?

At this time, although everyone knew about the wars in various places, because of the lack of information, they did not know that the Hu people intended to join forces.

Therefore, they only know that dangers are coming from all directions, but they don't know that an invisible net has actually engulfed the entire Qin Dynasty.

"Now that I've finished talking, all my lovers, go back first. I've been traveling day and night, and I'm tired. It's time to rest!"

Ying Shou got up and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, this is not a child's play. Your Majesty doesn't think about how to deal with it?"

Seeing that Ying Shou was about to leave, Mo Shang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, couldn't help shouting.

Ying Shou paused, looked at Mo Shang, and then at the crowd, seeing that everyone was staring at him suspiciously, he couldn't help but look strange, and said, "You mean, let me handle this matter? "

The officials frowned and nodded at the same time, only listening to Shusun Tongdao: "Your Majesty, in your opinion, is this just a trivial matter?"

Ying Shou smiled, sat back on the dragon seat, and said, "Why do you hear your tone, if I don't deal with this matter, it's my fault!"

"Could it be that in your opinion, this is some great event? I remember once, I mentioned this matter more than once or twice, but at that time, all the lovers didn't take it to heart!"

"Why, when I said it, it was a trivial matter to you, but now you mention it, it is a big matter, and I still need to do it myself?"

"If I don't make a move now, it's my fault, right?"

While speaking, Ying Shou's voice suddenly turned cold.

The hearts of the ministers suddenly burst, and for some reason, an inexplicable tension suddenly came to their hearts.

Ying Shou said again: "Not to mention whether this matter is big or small, I just want to know that after such a long time, as soon as I return to Xianyang, you will come to me and talk about various crises."

"But I have waited for a long time, and you have no solution except to ask the problem. I am very surprised, don't I have to come up with a solution for these things?"

"If that's the case, dare to ask me what use you are for!"

As he said that, Ying Shou slapped the table beside him suddenly.

The table and case shattered in response to the sound, and the violent sound made everyone tremble in fright, and only felt a ringing in their ears.

Everyone lowered their heads in unison, their faces filled with shame and panic in their hearts.

Ying Shou got up, pointed at everyone one by one with his big hand, and said coldly: "My dear friends, there are some things that I don't want you to reverse. I support you, Daqin supports you, not for you to find faults and ask questions Yes, it is for you to solve the problem!"

"To put it bluntly, you should wipe my ass, not me to take care of your funeral."

"Back then, if my army had wiped out the Xiongnu and conquered Donghu again, why would I be in trouble today? However, it was you who made it difficult for me to move forward at all costs."

"Not only did you disobey the king's will, but you disobeyed the king's orders everywhere. Now that the price has come, you don't want to deal with it, but want to be the first to push me out!"

"Why, tell me the matter, and the matter will be resolved? Now that I know about it, the danger is no longer dangerous?"

"I remember what I said that day, that battle will be my last. What is my purpose? Isn't it just to let you wait for the so-called peaceful and prosperous world, and there will be no more threats? Now, I have nothing to fight, and the rest , solve it yourself."

"Listen clearly, I can protect you for a while, I can protect Daqin for a while, but I can't protect you forever, and I can't protect Daqin forever!"

"Today, if you have something to do, you come to me at every turn. In the future, if I am a hundred years later, who are you looking for? Do you have to run to my grave and dig me out in front of you if something happens?"

Having said that, Ying Shou paused for a moment, and looked again, only to see that everyone's faces were red, their heads were lowered, and they were speechless.

Seeing this, he smiled again and said: "My dear friends, do you know that in my heart, this Daqin is still too young, leaving the former Qin aside, so far, it's only been a year."

"And you are all the children of the Great Qin Empire, my children. As the emperor, I have already paved the way for you. There are some things that you should face yourself, instead of seeking my protection for everything! "

"Even if the eagle soars nine times after nine deaths, what should I do to sweep the world? This is not something I can decide. It is you who can decide, it is the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty, and the people of the world!"

"Of course, if you bring this up today, if I do nothing, it would be too much. In this way, I will give you a proposal, and you can see what you think!"

When everyone heard the words, they quickly raised their heads to look at the emperor.

Facing the crisis coming from all directions, the officials cannot deny that they were still a little upset after all.

It's not that they're not strong enough, or that they don't have the ability to face danger.

It's just that today's crisis is no longer an ordinary danger.

The ancients said that Mount Tai collapsed in front of it without changing its color. This is just a metaphor.People who really want to stand in front of Mount Tai and face the collapse of Mount Tai without changing their expressions, unless they are dead, even saints cannot do it.

The situation that the ministers are now facing is even more terrifying than the collapse of Mount Tai.

According to preliminary calculations, if the crisis comes to a close, Daqin will face at least a 300 million army.

How many people can fight in Daqin now?Full fight and full calculation, no more than 30 people, facing 300 million troops, encircled and suppressed from all directions, Daqin must be destroyed if it is not destroyed.

Under such a crisis, it is really difficult for everyone to maintain their calmness in the past.

"Also ask Your Majesty to give instructions!"

Everyone bowed their hands and said respectfully.

Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, he leaned on the dragon chair, looked at the crowd, and said with a smile: "In the face of a crisis and surrounded by powerful enemies, my Daqin has never sat still and waited for death. Since you are worried."

"It might as well be like this, send troops immediately, destroy the Hun Empire, the Donghu Khanate, and finally wipe out the southwest. In this way, the crisis will naturally be resolved. What do you think?"

When everyone heard the words, their faces changed, and they looked strange.

Today's Great Qin, it's too late to avoid the capital, and it's even going to take the initiative to start a war?
What's the joke?
The Xiongnu now has an army of one million, with fierce generals like clouds.

Then Donghu didn't give up too much, who can beat him?
With Great Qin's 20 Great Wall guards, can you fight head-on with two big countries with millions of mercenaries?

This is simply putting Daqin to death. If he is not careful, Daqin will be wiped out in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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