Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 713 Disagreement

Chapter 713 Disagreement
"Your Majesty is sure... this... is not a joke..."

Du Tao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, frowned, stared at Ying Shou, and said word by word.

"Du Tao, do you think I'm kidding you?"

Ying Shou's eyes turned cold, and he said, "If you think there is something wrong with my proposal, you can speak up on the spot!"

With that said, Ying Shou looked at the rest of the people, staring at them with chills.

"Think twice, Your Majesty, if a war really starts at this moment, I, Da Qin, will have no room for recovery!"

Yan Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward.

"That's right, Your Majesty, once the great war breaks out, Daqin will never have a peaceful life. Between Daqin and other countries, either you will die or I will die. Such a major event cannot be determined with a single sentence!"

Even Di Renjie walked out hesitantly at this moment, speaking solemnly.

During the conversation, Taifu Uncle Sun Tong, Prime Minister Xiao He, Minister of War Zhang Liang, Minister of Households Situ Feng, Minister of Rites Wu Hua, Minister of Industry Mo Shang, etc. also spoke one after another, and they all felt that it was inappropriate to start a war at this moment.

I only heard Zhang Liang finally say: "Your Majesty, I have carefully calculated the strength of both the enemy and us."

"Don't look at the fierce fighting in Saibei, but whether it is in the eyes of the Xiongnu or in the heart of Donghu, the real fat is for the Great Qin, and the land of the Central Plains is what they must seize."

"Now, it's a good thing that the army hasn't left the customs. Once the war breaks out, the two countries will definitely target Daqin!"

"My Great Qin's capable army is less than 30, and the remaining 30 recruits are still training in the Lantian camp. Not to mention whether the recruits can go to the battlefield, even if they do go to the battlefield, our Great Qin army will not exceed 60."

"With 60 fighting against two millions, and the enemy's fierce generals are like clouds, my Daqin's chance of winning is less than [-]%. At that time, Daqin will have no chance to stand up against the sword!"

"Please, Your Majesty, think twice!"

While speaking, Zhang Liang knelt down on the ground, everyone also knelt down quickly, cupped their hands and said: "Your Majesty, please think again!"

Looking at this scene, Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and said, "You have done a good analysis, it seems that you have put in a lot of effort. But since you have already analyzed thoroughly and have no plans to start a war, then let it go with you."

"As I said, I'm just giving you a suggestion. Since you don't want to, then you can figure it out yourself!"

"Don't always tell me to think twice, it's you who should think twice!"

"In your opinion, I, Great Qin, can't fight. I used to have all the advantages and couldn't fight, and now I can't fight when I have all the disadvantages. But in my opinion, as long as I want to fight, I can fight at any time!"

"I have given you the opportunity. If you are not willing to seize it, I will not force you. I can only tell you that I am here to support you today. No matter how bad the result is, I will support you."

"In the future, if there is no Zhen behind you, at that time, you will truly have no way out. Fight or not fight, it will no longer be up to you!"

With that said, Ying Shou was too lazy to talk nonsense, stood up, and walked straight outside.

The faces of the officials changed, and they looked at each other. They never thought that the emperor would take such an important court matter so lightly.

This is a major event related to the life and death of Daqin. If there is a slight error, Daqin will disappear in history forever, and the Central Plains will forever be reduced to the land of others.

They looked at the back of the emperor leaving, and saw that when the emperor came to the gate of the side hall, he suddenly stopped and said, "Go back, too. There is no need to report this matter in the future. It's the same sentence, you guys You have to figure it out yourself.”

"If you still want me to solve it, I will say the same thing, either fight, or you can find a way yourself!"

After the words fell, Ying Shou waved his sleeves and left.

"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable!"

After all, Shu Suntong was old, and for a while, he felt dizzy, short of breath, and a sharp pain hit his head, and he sat down on the chair.


"Too much..."

Everyone rushed to greet them, only Di Renjie, Xiao He, and Zhang Liang frowned, looked at the Tai Tuo, then at everyone, and finally looked at each other.

Shu Suntong took a deep breath, rubbed his temples, looked at Di Renjie, and said, "Master Di, you are the most important person of His Majesty the Emperor. How do you feel about this?"

Di Renjie frowned tightly, and said: "Before that, I have calculated everything. With the power of Daqin today, not to mention competing with other countries, even if it is a single country, Daqin is no match for me. But let's do everything. , but seems to have missed the emperor!"

Shu Suntong was puzzled, and said, "Master Di, what do you mean by this?"

Without waiting for Di Renjie to speak, he just listened to Zhang Liang: "Everyone, don't forget that Your Majesty never fights uncertain battles. Since the founding of our Great Qin Dynasty, His Majesty the Emperor has never been afraid of challenges. He has won many battles with the few, and defeated the strong with the weak. , the emperor did not fight once or twice."

"Since His Majesty asked me to fight now, I believe His Majesty must have a reason!"

On the side, Xiao He echoed: "That's right, the truth also has a hunch, maybe we should listen to His Majesty the Emperor!"

The words of these three people were heard in everyone's ears, and they were immediately speechless.

"Lord Di, Prime Minister Xiao, and Shangshu Zhang, so you also think this battle should be fought?"

Wu Hua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, was a little dissatisfied.

"My lords, please think about the consequences first. It doesn't mean that I don't dare to fight. If the situation permits, if the emperor orders me to die for the country, I will never hesitate. But the consequences of this battle, It’s not as simple as whoever dies for the country, but the entire Great Qin Dynasty will be wiped out, and there will be no more chances!”

Situ Feng, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, also said coldly.

"That's right, it's about the life and death of my Great Qin, and we must not be sloppy. The three adults said that we should listen to His Majesty the Emperor and be able to fight."

"Do you dare to ask the three adults, even if His Majesty the Emperor makes a move, I, Daqin, can really win? Or, what chance does Daqin have for surviving?"

Finally, Yan Xun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, said in a deep voice.

Di Renjie, Zhang Liang, and Xiao He bowed their heads at the same time.

Although the three of them felt that maybe they were right to listen to the emperor, but when it came to the odds of winning, the three of them couldn't say for sure.

After all, when manpower is limited, no matter how powerful the emperor is, how effective will it be among millions of troops?

The building is about to fall, even the emperor, how can he turn the tide?

Although there was such an effort to turn the tide, the emperor has done it more than once or twice.

But those crises in the past are nothing compared to the crisis facing Daqin today.

So no one can believe that in the face of the current crisis, once the Great Qin is defeated, will the emperor really be able to save the building from falling.

"It seems that the three of you are not sure. In this case, no matter what, you can't take my Daqin at risk."

"It would be best if we don't have to fight this battle. Even if we want to fight, our Great Qin must first make sufficient preparations to fully meet the enemy. We must always ensure that our Great Qin has the power to protect itself!"

Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Shu Suntong suddenly spoke, speaking solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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