Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 714 Worst Plan

Chapter 714 Worst Plan

"Teacher is right. Although I still have to fight at the last moment, it's best to stop it if I can. At least, I can't do anything recklessly until I, Daqin, have enough strength or have an absolute chance of winning!"

Hearing Shu Suntong's words, Xiao He nodded slightly, and he had to agree with Shu Suntong's point of view.

It's not that civil servants are afraid of death, it's just that the more they think, the greater the burden, and the less they can easily make any decisions.

A country that fights recklessly does not mean it is strong. It is truly powerful if it can grasp the overall situation and stand firm in the ups and downs of history.

It's like after a normal man has a family, even if he can fight, he can't be considered a real man, but a most useless cripple.

This is like some courtiers who remonstrate with death at every turn.Some courtiers remonstrated with death because it was a matter of national importance, and they hoped to exchange their lives for the king's sobriety, the country's prosperity and people's peace, and eventually his name will go down in history.

However, there are some courtiers who are purely joking. For the sake of fame and history, they don't think about solutions to major and minor issues, and they always remonstrate with death.

This kind of courtiers are those who want to fight recklessly after they have a family.

They think they are not afraid of death and can accomplish anything, but they are actually a bunch of jumping clowns.

A real man carries a family on his back, even if he can be beaten, sometimes he would rather be beaten, as long as he can protect a family, damage to his reputation is nothing, loss of face is nothing, this is a real man.

In the same way, a truly loyal and capable minister, even if he has the determination to sacrifice his life for the country, must not always talk about dying.

Die for the empire, although generous, but death is easy, the most difficult thing is that life is worse than death.

For the sake of the empire, the true loyal ministers can only give up their generosity and righteousness, bear the burden of humiliation, bear the eternal infamy, and move forward with heavy burdens.

Their decisions sometimes seem cowardly and not heroic enough, but they are often such unheroic decisions, which can usually save the building from collapse and save the lives of thousands of people.

"It's easy to say, but when will my Great Qin's current strength be able to compete against the current Xiongnu, Donghu, and even the Yelang Kingdom that is gradually growing in the southwest?"

As soon as Xiao He nodded in agreement, Zhang Liang poured cold water on everyone, saying: "When the two countries completely take over the countries in the northern part of the Great Wall, at that time, there will be at least 250 million coalition forces in one place."

"Combined with the gradually growing Yelang Kingdom, there will be an army of 300 million. Even if our Great Qin has well-equipped soldiers and horses, to contend with such a large army, we need at least 150 million troops!"

"Except for the veterans guarding the Great Wall, there are only 30 recruits still training in Daqin."

"If each batch of 30 troops is calculated, a batch of three years will take 15 years for Daqin to have enough strength to compete with other countries. Even at all costs, recruit 150 million troops in one go. Don't say it to me Daqin Will the burden be too heavy, but it will take at least three years to become popular!"

"That is to say, it will take at least three years for Daqin to compete with the other countries. These three years are not guaranteed."

"At least the Xiongnu and Donghu, each of which needs to support more than 100 million troops, will be difficult to maintain with their strength. The only thing they can do is plunder!"

"And Great Qin will be the best target for their plunder. Therefore, the war between these two countries against our Great Qin will be imminent. Let alone three years, even one year, there will be no chance to squeeze out. This is a fact, and it is also the current situation. Great Qin's biggest catastrophe!"

Zhang Liang, as the minister of the Ministry of War and the former great military advisor of the Great Qin Dynasty, has always seen the world war more clearly than anyone else.

Why to fight, what the general situation is, etc., no one can see more clearly than him.

According to common sense, Zhang Liang at this moment, without knowing that Tianmen has firmly controlled the northern countries, judged from his experience that the Xiongnu and Donghu are both powerful countries in the north.

Both countries are frantically devouring the world, and both are frantically expanding their military strength.

But at the same time as the strength of the army grows, with the productivity of the two countries, these soldiers cannot be supported at all.

In other words, the usual number of troops of the two countries is basically maintained at around 80 million. This is already the largest force they can afford. The reason why they have not withdrawn their troops is to guard against each other.

Nowadays, the army is expanding wildly, and when it cannot be supported, plunder, war, and soldiers are the best way to maintain this army.

Only by plundering wildly can there be enough food.Only with enough food can we continue to support this army.

This is a cycle, and outside the cycle, it is often the prey who suffer.For example, the Great Qin that is about to be plundered.

Daqin couldn't bear it, but he had to resist it, otherwise there was only one way to go: destruction.

"Master Zhang is right. Daqin is facing too many difficulties now. But no matter how many, this is not the reason for me, Daqin, to give up resistance."

"Of course it's irrational to start a war desperately, but you have to prepare for what you should. Take one step at a time. It's really the end, and it's never too late to try your best!"

Regarding Zhang Liang's proposal, Shu Suntong nodded slightly and said undeniably.

"Well, let's think about other ways. Besides, Mr. Mo Shang, you are the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, so let's put other things aside for now."

"From now on, the Ministry of Industry does not have to produce anything, but all strategic equipment must be built at the fastest speed. As much as it can be built."

"Although I don't have enough soldiers and horses in Daqin, but at the last moment, even if this old man fights this old bone, I will take all the students of Daqin to put on armor and fight against the enemy!"

While speaking, although Daqin hadn't ushered in the worst result yet, Shu Suntong had already prepared for the worst.

"That's right, it seems that there is only this way. In addition, Mr. Xiao He, you and Mr. Situ Feng, Minister of the Household Department, are also ready."

"From today onwards, the treasury granary will become Daqin's last lifeline. If this battle breaks out, how long my Daqin can last, and whether I have a chance to survive it all depends on how long this last lifeline can last!"

Di Renjie nodded and agreed.

"Don't tell me, I almost forgot. Since some time ago, the 30 army equipment needed by His Majesty was rushed out and sent to the Lantian Camp, the Ministry of Industry has not made any more equipment."

"I thought that it would not be too late to make preparations when I build up an army in the future. As a result, now that the crisis is approaching, I almost forgot to prepare for a rainy day!"

"Now that the Grand Tutor has mentioned it, everyone can rest assured. As long as Mo Shang is still in the Ministry of Industry, Mo Shang can provide as much armor as Daqin needs!"

"Mo Shang can take out as many weapons as Daqin needs, and they are guaranteed to be excellent!"

Mo Shang cupped his hands and said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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