Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 715: A Consensus

Chapter 715 Consensus

"Well, there is no problem with the Ministry of Industry, and there is no problem with my Ministry of Household Affairs. Starting today, this official will immediately start a strict investigation of household registration taxes for this year, and collect all owed money into the national treasury, as well as food. Transfer them all to the granary, and promise not to reveal the meaning!"

"Just like Master Mo Shang, as long as I, Situ Feng, are in the household department for a day, I can provide as much food as Daqin needs."

"As much money as Daqin needs, I can make Daqin have as much money as I do. At least I won't drag Daqin down here!"

As Mo Shang's words fell, Situ Feng, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, also cupped his fists, speaking solemnly.

"Since the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households have made up their minds, Xiao He will take full control of the rear of the Qin Dynasty, and he will definitely not disappoint everyone!"

"Starting from today, Xiao He must strictly investigate any expenses of Daqin to ensure that Daqin will survive this calamity safely!"

Xiao He cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"Well, since everyone has made up their minds, after three days, the wedding ceremony will be over, and I will go to His Majesty the Emperor in person to talk about the expansion of the army."

"Everything is ready, I will leave this last medicine to the old man. As the Tai Bao, the old man should protect me forever!"

Seeing this, Di Renjie also smiled slightly, and continued.

While speaking, the Sangong and the Six Divisions represented the Great Qin Daqin Sheji artifact, which began to run slowly, and the speed was getting worse and worse.

Daqin's artifact of the country, from the previous farming and ruling the country, has gradually entered the mode of war.

This is the magic of a country's society. In many cases, it is not that a country does not act, nor does it not plan for a rainy day. It is just that the situation it faces is different, and the direction of operation of this country's artifact will be different.

But in the final analysis, the country is the country, the country is the people, and the people are the world.

No matter how the Saji Artifact rotates, the final purpose is for the world after all.This is the will of all peoples, the will of the world.


After some discussion, everyone realized that they were still in the palace.

The emperor had been away for a long time, and they were still staying here, obviously rude, they immediately got up one by one, left the palace, bid farewell to each other and left.

On the other side, Ying Shou returned to the study.

Every word and deed of these people fell into his ears almost without distinction.

Hearing the report from the eagle eye who had been watching everyone behind him, Ying Shou sneered and said, "It's really unnecessary. A mere Xiongnu, Donghu, can be wiped out in front of me with a wave of his hand."

"However, each one of them has to face a big enemy. It's really embarrassing to me!"

Hawkeye raised his head, looked at Ying Shou, and said, "Since your majesty has the ability to fight, why didn't you speak out in front of all your ministers?"

"Now, Your Majesty has recruited 30 troops in the southern border, and another 30 troops in Tianfu, plus 20 new troops from the Lantian camp, and more than 30 troops guarding the Great Wall, and my Great Qin has nearly a million troops. It’s where people’s confidence lies.”

"But now, in the eyes of the ministers, besides the more than 20 troops guarding the Great Wall, there are only 30 new recruits from the Lantian Camp. They also have no confidence, so they can only choose this way."

"Otherwise let the ministers know that Daqin has a million-strong army, and they won't appear so powerless!"

Upon hearing this, Ying Shou smiled wryly and said, "You think telling them all this will give them confidence? You haven't understood what they mean. It takes at least three years for recruits to fight."

"So, they put their hopes on the recruits, but this hope can only be carried by the army trained in the future."

"As for the present, let alone 100 million recruits, even if 300 million are in front of them, they will not pin their hopes on recruits. Therefore, this cannot be their confidence!"

"Of course, there is nothing wrong with what they did. The Sangong and Six Ministries are the pillars of the imperial court. As important officials of the imperial court, they should be the leader. Everything should be under their control, instead of pinning all hopes on others."

"Thus, although I am not happy with their choice, it does not mean that I do not support them. Not only do I agree with their actions, but I will spare no effort to give them a push!"

"It's still the same sentence, I can protect the Great Qin for a while, and protect the peace of the Great Qin, but I can't protect the Great Qin forever. This Great Qin community should not be protected by me, but should be protected by myself."

"From now on, unless Daqin really comes to the last moment of life and death, otherwise, I will not make another move."

"The method chosen by the ministers seems to be struggling for survival, but it is indeed the best choice after breaking away from my protection."

"I was very disappointed with them before. As for now, although I am dissatisfied, at least they have given me hope for the future!"

"Under the violent wind and rain, after this catastrophe, I believe that everyone will be alone. The Daqin at that time will be the Daqin I want most!"

While speaking, Ying Shou changed the subject and agreed with the ministers' decision very rarely.

It's just this recognition, the officials will not know that what they have to do is not only to resist the pressure of foreign enemies, but also the pressure from Yingshou.

"Your Majesty is right, forgive me for being stupid, and now I understand His Majesty's painstaking efforts!"

Hawkeye heard this, and couldn't help cupping his hands, full of admiration.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. You heard it too, then Xiao He is going to start checking the treasury and the granary now."

"Some time ago, in order to allow Ren Xiao and Yuwen Chengdu to secretly train troops, I have blocked back all the taxes and grains handed over in the southern border, and I have also returned a lot of Bashu, so that the two of them can use it first."

"Once Xiao He seriously checks it now, it will be a big loophole. I don't want them to know about the military training in the southern border yet!"

"In this way, you immediately change the record in the account about the taxation of grain in the southern border and Bashu, and change it to hide the grain in the hidden grain warehouse behind the Lantian Camp."

"I dug this hole, and I have to fill it in. As for the southern army, I will leave it to them as the biggest backup in this calamity. I hope that at the critical moment, I can relieve their pressure!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, changed the topic, and while speaking, he had already laid aside all Daqin's tricks.

When the trap from Donghu is opened and he jumps in, the game is fully activated, and the world has taken on a new look ever since.


After hearing the words, Hawkeye clasped his hands and agreed, and after a while, he disappeared into the imperial study room without a sound.

After Hawkeye left, Ying Shou took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted: "Come here, pass the decree to the world. Three days later, on a good day, I will personally preside over the wedding of the three generals Li Yuanba, Xu Chu, and Wang Lin, and let the three of them Put down everything in your hands and prepare early!"

After finishing speaking, Ying Shou took up his pen and wrote three imperial decrees in succession, which were immediately delivered to the Taifu's mansion and the new general's mansion bestowed on Xu Chu and Li Yuanba.

This scene seemed to tell Shusun Tong and the others that he really didn't care about the war between countries.Relatively speaking, he is more concerned about an insignificant wedding ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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