Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 716 Ai Hong everywhere

Chapter 716 Ai Hong everywhere

Late autumn is over, the cold wind hits, the sky is frosty, the snow is flying, the world is wrapped in cold clothes, what a white and snowy world.



However, in this white and flawless world, a small country named Rongming in the southwest, is covered with blood.

The bright red and snowy white echo each other, turning into a miserable yet majestic portrait between heaven and earth.

This is a portrait of blood and tears in the history of Jiangshan. In this portrait, Rongming Capital City is desperately resisting.

However, Rong Ming's army was no more than 30, and the guards in the capital were no more than [-]. Even if they resisted desperately, under the iron cavalry of Yelang's [-] army, it would be difficult to resist for a while.

When the city was broken, blood was all over the city wall, and under the city head, corpses were scattered all over the field, and blood flowed like a river.

The hot blood melted the snow on the ground.

A figure stood at the top of the city, wearing a blood-red cloak, wearing a golden armor, holding a long sword, reaching to the sky, and shouted in a deep voice: "Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish. Anyone who kneels and surrenders will survive!" "

This person is none other than Han Xin, Grand Marshal of the Yelang Kingdom.

As his words fell, tens of thousands of people in the city knelt down and surrendered, daring no longer to resist.

A big battle came and went quickly, and it calmed down without much effort.

"Report to Marshal, Rong Ming has surrendered!"

Soon, all the generals gathered and knelt behind Han Xin at the same time, respectfully reporting.

"Very well, everyone in the city over the age of 16 and under the age of 30 will all be exiled to the army, but those who dare not follow will be killed without mercy. Rongming treasury granaries will all be refilled into my Yelang treasury!"

"Now that Rongming is gone, don't make any preparations. Three days later, the military law will be Zhaoguo. Zhaoguo must be taken within half a month, and Dianguo will follow!"

Han Xin's eyes were sharp. As he spoke, the countries in the Southwest were like ants in his eyes. They could be destroyed with a wave of hands, and no one could escape.

But in fact, this is also true. Han Xin was originally a military genius. History called him a soldier fairy, and his military talents far exceeded ordinary people's imagination.

In just a few months, more than a dozen countries have been destroyed in succession. The army has grown from less than a hundred thousand at the beginning to more than 30 to nearly 40.

His strength is like a snowball, getting stronger and stronger in the endless wars.

Now, the Southwest countries have long been out of his eyes, and only Daqin can be regarded as an enemy by him.

However, he is very clear that Daqin seems to be weak in strength now, but there are fierce generals like clouds, and it is by no means an easy task to take it down.

After all, as the old saying goes, a thousand soldiers are easy to get, but a general is hard to find.

With his current military strength, he is already enough to compete with Da Qin, but this is only an advantage in military strength. In terms of fierce generals, Da Qin can kill him at any time.

Great Qin generals include Ren Xiao, Tu Shi, Li Yuanba, Xu Chu, Yuwen Chengdu, Lie Yang and so on.

Each of these people, even the weakest one, can be regarded as one of the strongest generals in the world. Every one of them is a top expert. Standing in the army, one man is in charge of the other!

Looking at him, Han Xin, his generals are barely considered good in the southwestern countries, but if they are compared with such fierce generals as Daqin, it is a joke.

So he doesn't dare to touch Daqin yet, and he still needs to increase his strength continuously. Therefore, the countries in the southwest have completely become the targets of his plunder.

He still needs more powerful power, and at the same time, he has to wait for an opportunity. Outside the Great Qin Great Wall, Tianmen will bring him an opportunity.

According to Han Xin's original plan, after taking down the countries in the southwest, he would have enough power to immediately unite with the countries in the north of Qin to launch an attack on Great Qin.

After all, whether it is the Xiongnu or Donghu, they are all truly powerful countries.He wants to unite, and only by unifying the Southwest can he barely qualify.

However, just a while ago, he suddenly received a message from the so-called Tianmen, and soon, secret envoys from the Huns and Donghu came one after another, and they took the initiative to join him.

At this time, Han Xin knew that Daqin had a more powerful enemy, Tianmen.

Tianmen's plan against the Great Qin has come to an end, and when the time comes, the coalition forces in the southwest, northwest, and northeast will be no less than 300 million. No matter how strong Qin is, there is only one way to destroy it.

Now, the opportunity is getting closer, and Han Xin's time is getting tighter and tighter. Before this time comes, he must completely rule the southwestern countries, seize the power, and kill Qin.


Down below, the generals moved in response to the sound and began to loot wildly, almost looting the entire Rongming.

All the young and middle-aged men were completely taken away and exiled to strengthen Han Xin's army.

This approach worked very well. After completely absorbing all the young and middle-aged people of Rong Ming, Han Xin's army finally broke through 40.

Of course, no one knows how many of these 40 troops will survive in the next battles.

Han Xin raised his soldiers by fighting, and raised them by fighting. This way of training soldiers, all the elite soldiers were trained, and for the small part of the elite, the price he paid in the end was very heavy.

There are almost ten soldiers, and two or three out of ten soldiers can survive.

Those who are alive are elites, and those who are dead are the price.

After Han Xin's army passed, there was only a mess left, and the people were in dire straits and suffered unspeakably.

Han Xin is a very powerful military genius and a natural marshal, but that's all.

He can lead troops to fight and is invincible in the world, but he is not good at governing the country.

Therefore, along the way, besides plundering, he plundered, and what was left in the end was nothing but messes and curses from countless people.

On this day, the army continued to march towards Zhaoguo.

However, after the army left, another team followed in less than half a day.

Even though Rong Ming is in the southwest, it is not considered a big country, but its level of wealth is not ordinary, even some big countries are slightly inferior to it.

Therefore, Rong Ming's people are living fairly well.

However, after Han Xin's army left, there is no longer the prosperity of the past, there are only mourners everywhere, in all directions, either the lives destroyed by the war, or the famine victims who are starving to death.

Han Xin's army not only raided Rongming's treasury and granaries, but also took away all the food stored in Baixin's homes, leaving nothing behind.

In addition, all the young and middle-aged people have left, and the remaining people, with a little luck, may survive the catastrophe, while most of them can only be starved to death in the cold and starved to death.

The team that came to Rongmingdu Chengzhong couldn't help frowning deeply when they saw the desolate scene in all directions and the scene of dead bodies everywhere.

"Crazy, crazy, this Han Xin is really crazy. Your Majesty, have you seen that Han Xin is becoming more and more deranged, he has completely given up on human ethics and morality, to the point of being desperate!"

There was a carriage in the procession, on the carriage, Li Jiang, Princess of Yelang, looked at this scene with a look of indignation on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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