Chapter 717

"Han Xin is digging his own grave!"

Sitting next to Li Jiang was King Yelang, who also saw the scene in the Rongming capital.

There was no change in his expression, only indifference.

After hearing Li Jiang's words, he gave such an evaluation.

"Dig your own grave?"

Li Jiang's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice.

"That's right, digging your own grave. Retribution may be late, but it will never be absent. Today's Han Xin only sees the Southwest, and only his army!"

"This king does not deny that Han Xin's talent is hard to find through the ages. However, he is just a handsome talent. He will never know what governing a country is!"

"The strength of a country not only depends on defeating it, but also depends on governance to stabilize it."

"The current Han Xin is insane and insane, and has planted the root of the disaster for his future defeat, and this king will be the one who completely pulls out the root of this disaster!"

King Yelang nodded, his voice was indifferent, but a wise light flashed in his eyes.

Compared with half a year ago, King Yelang has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He lost a pair of legs, and now he has lost almost all the power of the king. However, after losing all these, he seems to have gained boundless wisdom, and many things can be understood at a glance.

The more this is the case, the more he has no hatred for the emperor of Daqin, but more respect.

He gradually discovered that the heroism of the Great Qin Emperor was simply beyond imagination.

Only such a heroic emperor can govern a powerful country like Great Qin.

It is also because he sees many things more and more clearly, and he has gradually accumulated a set of experience in governing the world.

Now that Han Xin has seized power, he is known as the King of Yelang, but in fact, he has been completely excluded in Yelang Kingdom and has no real power.

But even so, he can still control everything in Yelang country, so that until now, he has become Han Xin's strongest opponent secretly.

Now, Han Xin dare not do anything to him, so Han Xin can only bear it.What's more, Han Xin not only didn't dare to touch him, but also had to offer him up anytime and anywhere. He did countless things against Han Xin openly, but Han Xin could only tolerate it.

All this seems incredible, but in fact this is the truth. After a person transforms, it brings about a different scene.

If King Yelang is still the same as before, agreeing with Han Xin's play of humiliation and sacrifice, then he will only end up being swallowed by Han Xin, emptying his rights, and now he will even be imprisoned by Han Xin.

It wasn't until Han Xin squeezed out all the value in him that he finally understood.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world.

After seeing through Han Xin, after his rights were completely emptied, King Yelang saw through everything.

He no longer seeks perfection through humiliation, and no longer pursues self-determination.Instead, he is learning Ying Shou.

He is imitating Ying Shou's dominance and learning Ying Shou's fearlessness.

In his mind, the words Ying Shou once said often sounded: "The so-called recklessness is just a villain's act. You don't respect yourself, and you want others to respect you, it's ridiculous!"

"As a king, you should have the aura of a king. If you come to see me as a king, even if I destroy your Yelang country, I will respect you."

"But now you are seeing me as a prisoner. If I don't humiliate you, I'm sorry that you have painstakingly arranged for me!"

Now King Du Yelang naturally knows that what Ying Shou said back then was actually trying to sow discord between him and Han Xin.

But all of this, the current King Yelang doesn't care about it anymore, what he pays more attention to is the content of Ying Shou's words.

It was because of these words that he learned a lot, so he admired Ying Shou.Similarly, he also changed because of Ying Shou.

Today's Han Xin can take away his kingship, but so far, Han Xin doesn't have the strength and enough guts to take away his position as King of Yelang.

Regardless of the fact that the army of the Yelang Kingdom is almost all Han Xin's people, no one dares to disobey Han Xin's orders.

But in the final analysis, King Yelang is orthodox. Once Han Xin abolishes King Yelang, or kills King Yelang.

At that time, no matter how powerful Han Xin is, he will not be able to hold onto it, and countless people will avenge King Yelang.And Han Xin's army will fall apart in an instant.

This is why Han Xin did not dare to move King Yelang for the time being.

If it was the Yelang King who was willing to suffer for himself, he would naturally not be able to see through these things, and even if he did, he would never dare to fight against Han Xin in such a situation where he has no right.

But the current Yelang King has already transformed, he sees the situation clearly, not only that, he doesn't buy Han Xin's account at all.

Now, the person he should have sent away has already been sent away, so there is nothing to worry about.When dealing with Han Xin, he used a conspiracy strategy to completely destroy all of Han Xin's plots and tricks.

Han Xin can use thousands of ways to deal with him, but he has a set of tactics to deal with it, but Han Xin has nothing to do.

Han Xin emptied his rights, but Han Xin didn't dare to kill him, or even imprison him.Even if a king dies, he will never suffer such humiliation.

Therefore, he let Han Xin know that imprisoning him is tantamount to killing him.In the end, Han Xin didn't dare to imprison him, so he had to set him free.

Not only that, Han Xin would not dare to disobey too much as long as he made a firm decision on anything.

He has only one life, the worst is to die with dignity, so as not to disgrace the dignity of the king.

But it was easy for him to die, and the consequences after his death were not something that Han Xin could deal with in a short while, so Han Xin did not dare to disobey him in many cases.

In the final analysis, this is the threat of Chiguoguo, an open conspiracy.

The difference between yangmou and conspiracy is also vividly reflected here.

The conspiracy is to make people fall into the trap unknowingly, and finally go to a dead end.

On the other hand, Yangmou is to let people know that it is a trap, but they have to jump into it. This is called Yangmou.

Han Xin knew what the wolf king was thinking, but he had to obey.

At least so far, as long as it is not about life and death, he will not disobey King Yelang.

This is not for King Yelang, but for himself.

This is the difference in treatment between a strong king and a cowardly king when they face a dead end.

The cowardly king is weak and can be bullied, and he is at the mercy of others.A strong king will arrange everything, as long as it is not the last moment, no one will confront him head-on.

"Pass down the order to immediately mobilize food and grass from various places to relieve the victims. If there is not enough, go to Han Xin's military camp to carry it!"

Suddenly, the Wild Wolf King gave an order to the outside.

"Your Majesty, this is not the first time we have come to provide disaster relief. In the past, we only collected food from granaries in various places, but now, Your Majesty intends to snatch it from Han Xin. Can Han Xin agree?"

"You know, for these grains, Han Xin also snatched them at all costs!"

When Li Jiang heard King Yelang's order, he couldn't help but change his face.

"Hmph, if he promises, he has to agree, and if he doesn't agree, he has to agree. This king said that the root of the disaster he planted, this king will personally pull it out for him. At that time, this will become his fatal crisis!"

King Yelang snorted coldly and said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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