Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 718 Targeting Han Xin

Chapter 718 Targeting Han Xin
Rongming is successful, all over Rongming, and even the entire southwest, almost all the places that have been trampled by the war of the Yelang Kingdom, Yelang King will go there once. Wherever he goes, he will give food and disaster relief. I don’t know how many free people he saved Victims of war between life and death.

In the next visit, Yelang Wang Dailin's team of thousands of people opened up almost all the granaries accumulated nearby, not only for disaster relief, but even for distribution of all the grain.

These grains were all accumulated by Han Xin along the way, and they were used for future marches.

However, King Yelang made a move, which is really a rich man.As much as you have accumulated in Han Xin, I will send you as much as you want.

This seems to have formed a cycle. Han Xin became a black hole that never refused to come. He swallowed as much money and food as he had, while King Yelang turned into a white hole. He spit out as much as the black hole swallowed.

Gradually, Han Xin became anxious and angry, so much so that now, Han Xin didn't even dare to store these grains locally. In the army, he could bring as much grain as he could.

This approach also gradually led to a great reduction in the food provided by King Yelang for disaster relief.

What's more, when King Yelang dug up all the food in the entire Rongming City, he found that the food was hardly enough to feed the entire Rongming City for a month.

This also shows that even if these people get some food and clothing temporarily, they will still face the end of starvation and death after a month at most.

"My lord, the statistics are over. The entire Rongming attacked 38 people. There are still more than 6 people in this capital."

"As for the distribution of food in Rongming, we are already very frugal. The food distributed to the people in Rongming is actually enough for three or four months, and the seeds left behind are only enough for more than three months. .”

"If it is paired with some wild vegetables and the like, it may be able to last for half a year. But in this Rongming capital, the food allocated to the people in the capital is not enough for even ten days. With the addition of outings and leaf picking, at most Can last a month!"

"This Rongming can be considered rich among all the countries. There is no reason for this. It seems that Han Xin should either take away the rest of the food or hide it!"

In front of the Rongming capital, there was a long queue, everyone was burning, cooking porridge and sharing food.

Everyone, after getting a bowl of porridge, will also get a certain amount of food.

Li Jiang, who has been guiding the stabilization of the food distribution work, finally took some time to come to the top of the city and stood beside King Yelang and said.

At this moment, King Yelang was sitting in a wheelchair, standing on the top of the city, looking at the scene below, listening to Li Jiang's words, his face was still indifferent.

"So, there's not enough food?"

King Yelang turned his head and said.


Li Jiang nodded, and said solemnly: "If things go on like this, I'm afraid that the number of hungry people in various places will increase. At that time, everything Your Majesty has done before will be in vain!"

King Yelang raised his mouth slightly, and said with a sneer, "Really? This king said that Han Xin is asking for his own death. The more he does this, the more happy this king will be."

"In this way, the rations should continue to be distributed. This king will send an order now to ask Han Xin to send the rations in the army!"

Li Jiang was stunned, and said: "Your Majesty, the food is the life of the army. Even if you go there in person, Han Xin would not be so generous. If you let people go, wouldn't you be humiliating yourself?"

King Yelang shook his head and smiled, and said, "Are you taking your own humiliation? This king really wants to take it on himself. Queen, go get busy first, this king will take care of it!"

Seeing this, Li Jiang didn't say much, bowed and said: "In that case, my concubine will leave!"

With that said, Li Jiang turned and left.

"Your Majesty, let the foreign minister arrange someone to go to this matter!"

Just as Li Jiang left, behind King Yelang, a figure slowly stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

This person is dressed in a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat.Originally a weird outfit, logically, many people should have noticed it at first sight.

However, he stood quietly not far behind King Yelang. Anyone who passed in front of him would instinctively ignore him, as if he was transparent and no one else could see him at all.

If he doesn't make a sound at this moment, it seems that he is just a decoration.

"Oh, what is Mr. Ji going to do?"

King Yelang's eyes flashed, and a rare smile appeared.

This guest in coir raincoats was none other than Ji Tianhou, the successor of Guigu who was specially sent by Emperor Yingshou of the Great Qin Dynasty after the little prince of Yelang Kingdom arrived in Xianyang of Great Qin to protect King Yelang's final safety.

Today's Ji Tianhou's cultivation is many times more advanced than when he fought against the Xiongnu in Huishui City.

When he was in Huishui City, he was still a bitch, but now he doesn't have any sword aura or murderous aura in his body, and he looks like a ghost.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to stand up, that invisible aura is enough to make anyone ignore his danger and his existence.

In the past, Ji Tianhou could only be regarded as a first-class expert, but when he made a move and deliberately targeted him, even if he was a top expert, a top fighter would surely die.

But now Ji Tianhou has reached the pinnacle, he can be called a real top expert.

Under his command, even the top famous generals in Daqin would hardly be able to match him.

Including Yuwen Chengdu, Lieyang, Shi Potian and so on.

"Is Your Majesty testing you?"

Facing King Yelang's question, Ji Tianhou's voice was indifferent but ethereal, without any trace of human spirit, and said:

"As an envoy of Great Qin, I have to put the interests of Great Qin first. Now that the king has decided to contribute to the country, and now he will do anything to isolate Han Xin for my great Qin. How can I stand by and watch?"

"Today, it doesn't matter if we can get enough food. The important thing is to let the people in the world know your determination."

"And this determination, not everyone can show it, and the foreign ministers can just do it!"

While speaking, Ji Tianhou beckoned, and ten figures leaped up behind him, clasped their hands and said, "I've seen King Yelang!"

These people are experts from all schools and factions who accompanied Ji Tianhou this time, and each of them is top-notch. Their duty here is the same as Ji Tianhou's, which is to protect King Yelang. At the same time, they also He had to obey Ji Tianhou's orders.

"Okay, since Mr. Ji is ready, leave this matter to Mr. Ji!"

Seeing this, King Yelang didn't talk nonsense, nodded in response, and said: "Send one person to ask for food, and two people to watch. If you can get food, it's fine, if you can't get food, you have to work hard to get it."

"Of course, if the people in the military camp dare to attack, if they hurt someone, they will come back immediately, and if they kill someone, the people behind the surveillance should also rush back immediately. Everyone in the world must know everything that happened in this military camp!"

While speaking, King Yelang looked towards the direction of Zhao Kingdom, which was the direction where Han Xin's army left.

Today's game, he wants to see how Han Xin can deal with it.No matter how Han Xin responds, the one who suffers in the end can only be Han Xin himself.

(End of this chapter)

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