Chapter 719

"Drive by..."

In the snowy plain, in the mountains and forests, three war horses galloped past, bringing a howling wind.

There are hundreds of schools in the Great Qin Dynasty, and three first-class masters are galloping on horses, and the speed is much faster than the marching of the army.

Rongming and Zhaoguo are neighboring countries. It takes three days for a large army to march from the capital of Rongming to the border of Zhaoguo, but one day is enough for a fast horse.

In today's southwest land, it can be said that there are endless wars and bloody killings. Under the increasing oppression of the Yelang Kingdom, many people are living in nightmares day and night.

There are even a few monarchs who have chosen to give up resistance and submit letters of surrender as soon as Han Xin's army approached the city.

They were really terrified. The land Han Xin passed by was like a tiger and a wolf ravaging the land, without any kindness at all.These people only hope that after surrendering, at least one life can be saved.

Although Han Xin was ruthless, he did not kill all the enemy monarchs or nobles who surrendered.

After all, although Han Xin is not a great talent in governing the country, as a great talent in commanding troops, he knows better than anyone else that subjugating soldiers without fighting is the best strategy.

If the surrendered monarch and nobles are really driven to death by him, wherever he goes with his swords and soldiers in the future, he will face endless resistance.

On the contrary, by keeping these people, he will benefit more in the future.Weighing the pros and cons, everyone knows what to do.

Human nature is like this. Only by giving others a glimmer of hope can you reap the full rewards of yourself.

Of course, there are those who surrender without a fight, but not all countries in the southwest are like this. Among them, there are also those who resist desperately.

In the past, Ying Shou gave such an evaluation to all parts of the Southwest.

The Southwestern countries are the birthplaces of true warriors.

The power of various countries here seems to be vulnerable, but in fact all of this is an illusion, just because this place is too balanced, so balanced that everyone is a rare warrior, but in the end it is difficult to find a talented person.

Otherwise, if these southwestern countries fall into the hands of a great talent who knows the world, even if they are as strong as the Great Qin, they will have to retreat in front of him.

And this place will also become one of the most threatening areas to Great Qin, far surpassing the threats of the Xiongnu and Donghu.

These remarks are not groundless. In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor and Chi You competed in the Central Plains. Although Chi You was defeated in the end, the reputation of Chi You and the Jiuli tribe did not deteriorate because of this.

After Chi You's death, the Jiuli people retreated to the southwest, away from the Central Plains, and the land they lived in was the southwest.

It's a pity that after Chi You, the Jiuli people have never met any monarchs who are world-class, so they gradually degenerate, so that in the end, even the instinct of the fighting nation has been forgotten.

Their bloodliness was hidden to the point where they didn't even know about it, and eventually they gradually split up and became the 23 countries today.

Now, in the face of Han Xin's attack everywhere, some people choose to surrender, but some people are completely crazy.

For example, Zhao Kingdom, and Dian Kingdom.

In the past, where Han Xin's army passed, all countries trembled.

Therefore, Han Xin has gradually gotten used to the trembling posture of looking at the world, and even this posture has made him somewhat forget what is a taboo in marching and what is precaution.

After Rong Ming was destroyed this time, he rushed to Zhao country excitedly, but he didn't send scouts to check for news about Zhao country.

So much so that on the first day when I came to Zhao Country, I planned to rest for a day and launch an attack immediately.

However, before he could even take a breath, he saw an army of 40 troops rushing out from the territory of Zhao Kingdom, and everyone entered Han Xin's army of [-] troops in a way of dying together.

That's really crazy, like a wild wolf, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Many people don't actually have much fighting power, but these people have red eyes, and even if they die, they will forcefully drag an enemy to die together.

Even if they kill the enemy, they will pounce on them before dying and bite the enemy hard.

This style of play is really crazy, so crazy that a big battle ended in less than half an hour.

That's 8 people. Even if you stand there and let Han Xin's 40 troops keep hacking, it will take a lot of time to kill them.

However, each of these people died on the way to the impact.

They were not killed by the enemy, but committed suicide by rushing onto the enemy's weapons.

The consequence of such a suicidal style of play is that the entire army of the Zhao Kingdom was wiped out.

However, Han Xin looked back and saw that his side suffered even more heavy losses.

The 40 army he had built up with great difficulty was over 14 killed by the Zhao Kingdom in the First World War.

The 14 people were dead, and besides the 14 people, there were 8 people with serious or minor injuries.

In this battle, Han Xin won, but he was also defeated. The defeat was a great shame and humiliation.

Casualties are twice as high as those of Zhaoguo. If every battle is like this, what face does Han Xin have to stand between heaven and earth?
"Kill... to enter Zhao Kingdom, men, women, old and children, not one will be left behind, this commander will slaughter the city and destroy the country!"

The strong humiliation and fierce anger made Han Xintong's eyes turn red. With a wave of his long sword, the army crossed the border of Zhao State and entered the territory of Zhao State.

In the end, when they looked up, my good fellow, in the territory of Zhao Kingdom, where they passed, there was already no one there.

"Marshal Qi, there is no one in the three border towns of Zhao Kingdom!"

Soon, someone will report.

Han Xin was furious when he heard the words, and shouted: "What? Bastard, these people want to escape, can they escape? Chase me, even if I search the entire Zhao Kingdom, I will make sure that there is no tile left in Zhao Kingdom, and there will be no dogs or dogs. Keep!"

"No way, Generalissimo... Our army has just arrived at the border of Zhao Kingdom. We were already a tired army. Now we are attacked again with heavy casualties. We can't continue marching. We must settle down and rest for a while!"

Beside Han Xin, Weng Lixin frowned, stepped forward and said.

"That's right, Marshal. Zhaoguo has tried everything possible, just for this final blow. Zhaoguo's army is actually no more than 3 people, less than [-]."

"This time, we were able to organize an army of [-]. It can be seen that this is the state of Zhao's efforts to govern the country, and has exhausted all the young and middle-aged men of the state of Zhao. With such a blow, how could the state of Zhao have no backup. Looking at this, the king of Zhao is not even himself. The country is gone."

"Leave after fighting. The three border cities are now empty cities. Maybe the entire Zhao Kingdom is empty!"

On the side, Zhu Baotong is also a general on the march, and at this moment he clasped his fists and spoke.

"According to what you say, is this the commander-in-chief who should bear today's humiliation and not pursue it?"

Han Xin's eyes were cold, and he looked at the two of them.

While talking, without waiting for the two to reply, at this moment, a messenger hurriedly came, knelt down in front of Han Xin, and reported: "To the Generalissimo, a person came in front, saying that he was brother Zhaowang, and he wanted to see the Generalissimo. marshal!"

This messenger was a follower who had followed Han Xin to various countries in the southwest, so what he spoke was the official language of Qin State that had been passed down from Qin State to the south, and Han Xin could understand it without translation.

(End of this chapter)

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