Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 723 Confucian Hero

Chapter 723 Confucian Hero
The current situation in Yelang Kingdom is that King Yelang dare not take action at will, because Han Xin can kill him at any time.

Similarly, Han Xin did not dare to make a move, because King Yelang's layout could make him lose everything, even his life, at any time.

If Han Xin was awake at this moment, he would never give the order to kill the envoy.

But Zhu Baotong couldn't empathize with his situation, and neither could Weng Lixin, so Zhu Baotong gave the order, but Weng Lixin hesitated for a while, but didn't stop him.

In this way, the balance that has been maintained will eventually be broken under Zhu Baotong's order.

Outside the camp, a figure stood quietly.

He has long hair and a crown, wearing a white Confucian robe, with one hand behind his back and a roll of bamboo slips in the other, he is fascinated by it.

"Confucianism, etiquette!"

"Rites, respect to heaven, earth, ruler, relatives and teachers!"

"To the heaven and the earth is respect, to the king is loyalty, to parents is filial piety, to teachers is courtesy, to friends is righteousness!"

"Whoever disrespects the heaven and earth, who is not loyal to the king, who is not filial to his parents, who is disrespectful to his teacher, and who is not a righteous friend, is a villain who is disloyal, disfilial, disrespectful, righteous and respectful!"

"The villain will be punished by heaven and earth, destroyed by kings, loved by parents, teachers and friends, and even abandoned by the world!"

Seeing the happy place, the man couldn't help singing loudly, with a look of enjoyment.

It seems that what is in his hands is not a book, but delicious food from all over the world, countless gold, and beautiful women like jade.

He is a Confucian, a scholar, a real scholar.

He loves books, he likes reading, he likes the rules in the book, the order in the book.

What he was reading at this moment was a very straightforward book, written by a child himself.

That child is his student, and he is still studying at Daqin Jixia Academy, and he did not come to the southwest with him.

The books written by the child are very straightforward, even a little childish, but it is this childishness that really makes him like it differently.

So much so that now he rushed to the southwest to complete the emperor's order, he couldn't take the child with him, but he still took this bamboo slip with him.

From the very beginning, he knew that whether he could return to Daqin after rushing to the southwest this time was already unknown, so he made a choice. If he took a funeral with him before he died, he would like to take this bamboo slip as a funeral .

"Hehe, Yan'er, you are a gift from heaven to my teacher, and you are the continuation of my life."

"Today, I read your book again as a teacher. I love this book once again for my teacher!"

"After today, I can no longer teach you as a teacher. I hope you can always remember the content of this bamboo slip and follow it for the rest of your life. Don't forget your original heart!"

The man put away the bamboo slips, put them in his arms, and stroked them tenderly.

With a faint smile on his face, he regarded death as home, and moved forward without hesitation.

He is a master of Confucianism, he would rather be defeated than surrendered, adhering to the Confucianism, loyal to the king, filial to his parents, and repaying his family and country.

When he was ordered to come to the Southwest, his life and death were unpredictable, and when he rushed to Han Xin's barracks, he had already issued an order to die for himself.

Today, he may not die, but this trip will be in vain.

The Southwestern world has reached extremes, and it's time to break the balance.And his life is the first step for soldiers to break the balance.

After taking this step, Daqin will have the opportunity to break through the threat from the southwest, and then have the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

It is said that every time a dog is slaughtered with a sense of righteousness, most of them are scholars with a negative heart.

But in fact, a real scholar will always straighten his spine and face the world proudly.

Those who are unwilling are just those who seek benefits in the name of studying.In the eyes of a real scholar, apart from benevolence, righteousness and morality in the book, how can he tolerate any fame, wealth or filth?
Real scholars, they can give their lives for the loyalty, benevolence and filial piety in the book, without asking for anything in return.Because the book is their belief, the book is their truth.

Just like ordinary religious believers who can sacrifice their lives for the God in their hearts and think that they can return to the embrace of God, this is the real scholar.

Now, he came here to sacrifice his life for his loyalty, to seek greater development for his country, and to seek greater well-being for the people of the country.

He stretched out his hands to straighten his hairstyle, and then straightened his clothes.

He hadn't worn a Confucian uniform for a long time when he came to this southwest, but before he died today, he put on the Confucian uniform again and tidied his hair crown.

As the saying goes, the head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the appearance cannot be destroyed. This is also a Confucian ritual.

Facing people with the best appearance is the greatest respect for people.Facing death with the best appearance is the last gift to death.

When he was finishing his appearance, a figure came quickly from the camp and shouted coldly: "The general has an order, no matter who comes, get out immediately, if you dare not follow, you will be killed without mercy!"

The Confucian man smiled slightly, took two steps forward, and said: "Oh, your marshal seems to be from the Central Plains, isn't he so rude?"

"Because your majesty sent a servant, do you know that today, if you are rude to your majesty, you are being rude to your majesty? responsible?"

While speaking, the Confucian man smiled even more, but his words were filled with a sense of grandeur, his words were plausible, and his voice was like thunder, which made the followers of Han Xin who came from the southern border of the Great Qin stunned for a while.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you tell me to go away, just go away. Where did you talk so much nonsense?"

The messenger was stunned for a while, then reacted, flew into a rage, and pointed at the Confucian man's nose and cursed.

"Hehe, if I leave, what can you do?"

Confucian Xia narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly.

"court death……"

The messenger's voice was cold, and he shouted: "The general has an order. If this person dares to trespass in the barracks, he will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as the words fell, someone on the guard posts on both sides drew a bow and set up an arrow, aiming at the Confucian man.

Seeing this, the Confucian man shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "Okay...okay...then I'm going to see today, are you listening to the so-called general's order, or the king's order!"

As he spoke, he took out a piece of Yelang Wangling, held it in his hand, and walked towards the barracks step by step, completely ignoring all the threats around him.

"Okay, since you're looking for death, I'll fulfill you!"

Seeing this, the messenger snorted coldly.

In today's military camp, only the orders of the marshal and general are known, but not the will of the king.

As soon as the messenger gave an order, dozens of arrows came overwhelmingly.

Seeing this, the Confucian man didn't look away, and his body didn't back away. Instead, he opened his arms suddenly to welcome the arrival of dozens of arrows.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Puchi puff puff..."

The sound of cutting through the void and piercing the flesh sounded one after another.


That Confucian man spat out a mouthful of blood, as a first-class expert, the dozens of arrows in this area should not even touch his clothes, but at this moment, they all shot and killed him.

A white Confucian uniform was dyed snow red in an instant, and dozens of blood holes appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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