Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 724 The Reader

Chapter 724 The Reader

The bright red was dyed through the snow white, and a generation of Confucian heroes fell slowly.

No one expected that he would not dodge at all.

"Wu Zi..."

Two voices sounded at the same time, and two fast horses galloped forward.

In an instant, he rushed to the front of the camp, one of them got off his horse, hugged the Confucian man's body, flew up, turned his horse's head and rushed out, leaving the place.

This scene happened so fast that the guards didn't even react when they reached the barracks.

In a blink of an eye, the men on the two fast horses had already led the Confucian man around a corner down the mountain and fled away.

The two war horses separated slowly, one in front and the other behind, the Confucian knight in front with thousands of arrows piercing his heart left, and the one behind was on guard against the army chasing and killing.

The person in front rushed several miles away, stopped abruptly, and led Confucian Xia off the horse, wrapping it in his arms, with an anxious expression on his face.

In just a short moment, the blood on the Confucian man's body could not help but stain the Confucian robe red and seep through his clothes.

"Wu Zi, what are you doing? Didn't you agree that enough is enough? How could you be like this?"

That Confucian Xia, named Wu Sheng, was the younger brother of Wu Hua, the Minister of Rites of the Great Qin Dynasty, known as Confucian Xia Wu Zi.

The man holding him was dressed in black, as black as ink, he was a Mohist.

They all knew what the purpose of coming this time was, but they had already discussed that enough was enough, but they never said that they would risk their lives.

This Wu Zi's actions completely made it too late for him who was guarding the rear to react, and he couldn't accept it.

"Cough cough cough..."

Wu Sheng coughed lightly, and blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth.

He reached out and took out a bamboo slip from his pocket, and the two arrows fell off immediately.

It was an arrow aimed at his heart, but it happened to be blocked by the bamboo slip.

Otherwise, he would have died on the spot, how could he still breathe until now?
"Hehe... Yan'er... This... This is... Is this your... Your most... puff... your last respect... your last... last protection... for your teacher...? "

He looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, only thinking that this was his disciple's protection of his life. For a moment, moved tears flowed from his eyes.

This is the case for real scholars, who only see beauty in their eyes, the beauty in books, and the beauty of human nature.

As for the chaos outside the book and the darkness of human nature, they never take it to heart. The only thing they have to do is to use their bodies to resist the erosion of darkness to beauty.

Scholars are easily moved, and any year related can make them burst into tears.

Before he died, he was even more grateful to the heavens and the earth, to the world, for allowing him to live this beautiful time.

As for the so-called tribulations and the so-called death, they are just some foreshadowing before experiencing the beauty.

If there is no burden, how easy is it?Without misery, how can there be sweetness?
This is the truth that scholars must understand in their lifetime.

Wu Sheng is grateful and grateful to his parents for sending him into this world.

Wu Sheng was grateful, thanked heaven and earth for being kind to him, and gave him a successor disciple.

Wu Sheng is grateful, thankful that he still has inheritance.

"Wu Zi..."

On the side, the Mo Xia had a face full of back pain.They do not belong to the same faction, but they belong to Daqin.He spent his whole life fighting methods and discussing Taoism all his life, and no one would obey anyone.

Now that they came to the southwest together, how could they have imagined that heaven and man would be separated so soon?
"Cough cough cough... Xu Zi don't want to... be sad... cough cough... death is just another beginning... Wu Sheng died today... and Wu Sheng's apprentice continues Wu Sheng... there is no need to be sad... ..."

"Today, Wu Sheng lied for the first time. In fact...Actually, also know that Wu Sheng's death is more useful Wu Sheng must die..."

"You guys... take... Wu Sheng to King Yelang and tell him... Wu Sheng has paved the way for him... let him rest assured... do it..."

As he spoke, Wu Sheng, who was in unbearable pain, put the fallen two sticks in the hands of the ink man Xu Zi, and said, "Don't tell hurts...I...I have no strength, help me!" Wu Sheng, get rid of the pain!"

After the words fell, Wu Sheng's face was covered with veins.

The severe pain made his blood spurt all over his body, and he tried his best to resist, but his body became weaker and weaker.

"Wu Zi, you are too stubborn!"

Mo Xia Xu Zi was crying, and tremblingly grabbed two arrows.

He knew that Wu Sheng was bound to die, but the most fatal part was not hurt, so he could only die in pain.

The only way to get him out of pain is to die instantly.

Xu Zi raised the arrow, closed his eyes, and stabbed blindly.


Wu Sheng spat out a mouthful of blood, with relief in his eyes, and fell down slowly.

The war horse came galloping behind him, and on top was a man in the costume of the Yelang Kingdom.

He was a farm master, and when he saw the dead Wu Sheng, he shouted loudly: "Wu Zi!"

After the words fell, he quickly got off his horse and rushed over.

"Let's go, go back to work..."

Xu Zi shook his head, hugged Wu Zi, got on his horse, and rode away.

"Wu Zi, you are so stubborn!"

In the back, the farm master looked up to the sky and screamed, yelled exactly the same words as Xu Zi, tears rolled down, got on his horse, and galloped away.


Daqin, Xianyang.

The lights are brightly lit this night, and all families are happy.

Accompanied by the wedding ceremony, the voice of worshiping the heaven and the earth and the son of heaven fell, the wedding banquet unfolded, and the whole world celebrated together.

The imperial city opened up, and the usual rules of marriage were changed.

Before entering the bridal chamber, the bride sat on the wedding banquet in the imperial city.

The emperor is drinking with his officials, and the queen and concubine are entertaining the wives and concubines of the officials. The scene is very lively.

But today's Great Qin is full of dangers, and many courtiers can't get the emperor's definite will. Everyone is trying their best to face the coming crisis. How many people can really drink to their heart's content?

A banquet lasted until midnight before disbanding.

During the banquet, the officials had no intention of drinking with each other, and after leaving, the officials had no intention of sleeping, and they were all focused on the outside world, thinking of various ways.

This is the power of unity, and it is also the scene that Ying Shou has been looking forward to.

If in the past, when he proposed the strategy of going north, these courtiers could be so single-minded, he would be happy to win.

But now, although he is also happy, he is not that excited after all.

These people are unanimous to the outside world, it is because they feel threatened and afraid.It's not that they are planning for a rainy day and actively preparing for the war.

This is a problem that has always existed in Ying Shou's heart, and it is also a problem that Confucian rituals have brought to him.

Hundreds of schools of thought seem to be different from each other, but in fact they are inseparable from each other. There are ties between each school and each school, and they all share the shadow of mutual ideas.

For example, Taoism governing by doing nothing seems to be different from the ideas of other schools and schools. In fact, the ideas of each school and school include ruling by doing nothing.

Similarly, governance by doing nothing also contains the ideas of various schools and schools.

Another example is the Confucian rule of law. The best comparison is the Legalists. The Legalists say that they have severe punishments and strict laws, which is inconsistent with the Confucianism.

But in fact, Confucian law, is it not to restrain people's bad habits and make everyone treat each other with courtesy?
Therefore, Confucian rituals and legalist laws formed the Daqin ritual law.

(End of this chapter)

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