Chapter 725

The influence of Zhou Li on the Central Plains was too profound. Ying Shou respected Zhou Li because it was the foundation of world peace and the foundation of governing the world.

But in this world, everything has two sides, there is a good side, and naturally there is a bad side.

Confucian rituals are suitable for governance, but not for expansion.The Confucian rites of Zhou can unify the hearts of the Great Qin, but eventually lost the ambition to expand the world.

Whether it is right or wrong to use Confucian rituals, this has always been the most troublesome question for Ying Shou.

Of course, Ying Shou is very firm on whether or not Confucian rituals should be used.

After all, although the Confucian rites always restricted the development of Great Qin, in the final analysis, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Not to mention anything else, even if he really continues to expand his territory in the future, if there is no Confucian Zhou ritual to govern people's hearts, all expansion will be in vain.

For example, there was a person in his previous life history, who was the real overlord of expansion.

The so-called Alexander was nothing in front of him.

That man's name was Temujin, also known as Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan's life, and even the expansion of his descendants, can be said to have reached the most in the history of the world.

Three quarters of the world's territory is completely in his hands.

But what if he can conquer this endless mountain and river?Isn't the huge territory torn apart in the end, turned into fly ash, with endless glory, and can only be buried in the dust of history in the end.

This is the consequence of war without governance.

So did Genghis Khan, so did Alexander.

A person can rule the country for a lifetime, at most, for decades, but he can't shock the world for thousands of years, thousands of years.

In this case, the management of people's hearts is very important.

Take Yanhuang as an example, the Yanhuang world, if divided for a long time, it will be united, and if it is united for a long time, it will be divided.

It will never be like the world of those people, the rule is only for a while, but the separation is forever.

Among them, Zhou Li benefited the most.

With thousands of years of Confucian inheritance, Yanhuang Bai has a concept of Zhouli in his heart, no matter whether it is evil or kind, when it really comes to a dead end, the Zhouli in his heart will instantly unite the hearts of the world , Recreate the universe.

Therefore, the Yanhuang Dynasty will never be extinct in the long river of history.

What can be extinct in the long river of history is only an era, not a nation.

Therefore, this nation is called the greatest nation and the oldest civilization in the world.

This is also the only civilization that will never be cut off, and this civilization comes from the inheritance of various schools of thought, and from the inheritance of Confucian rituals.

All of these are the benefits of the Confucian rituals.Therefore, Zhou Li always has more advantages than disadvantages.

Today, in the face of threats, the world is united.Ying Shou was happy, but not too excited.Because he knew that this was just the first step in his plan.

If you want to make up for the shortcomings of the Confucian Zhou Rites, you need endless blood to make up for it.

And this is what hurts him the most, and what he can't bear the most, but he has to leave.

Only by taking that step, turning the world into a world of Yan and Huang, and turning all races in the world into descendants of the Celestial Dynasty, will Da Qin have no enemies, the Celestial Dynasty will have no enemies again, and Yan and Huang will have no enemies.

Perhaps the world will still be in chaos in the future, but this is just a domestic strife. After the chaos, it will be like the three kingdoms dividing the world, and they will eventually be united.

Separate and reunite, there is no talk of rupture.

This night, the three bridegrooms and the bride were not idle, the officials were not idle, and neither was the emperor.

"His Majesty the Emperor, the change in the southwest is a foregone conclusion. Led by the Dian Kingdom and the Zhao Kingdom, unite with the other six countries and cut off all the retreats for Han Xin!"

"The six countries, including the monarchs, all rushed to Bashu, defected to my Great Qin, bowed their heads and professed their vassals, and hoped that my Great Qin would take them in. Now General Yuwen Chengdu has made his own claim and brought them all into Bashu."

"At this moment, Yuwen Chengdu's report is rushing to Xianyang to inform His Majesty. I wonder if His Majesty agrees to this move?"

In the imperial study room, Ying Shou's voice sounded from behind Ying Shou, and said respectfully.

"This is a good thing, how can I not agree?"

"You will send an order to tell Yuwen Chengdu later that he has done a good job. My Daqin belongs to the Celestial Dynasty. Since it is the Celestial Dynasty, it must have a big heart."

"Don't talk about the monarchs and subjects of a few small countries. Even if everyone in the southwest comes and cannot get the territory, people have to tolerate and take them in. My Daqin will not reject anyone who comes, good or bad. After staying, they are all good. of!"

Under the candlelight, Ying Shou looked at the map on the desk in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"No, the minister knows!"

Hawkeye agreed, but did not retreat.

After a while, Ying Shou asked again: "You just said that the Dian Kingdom and the Zhao Kingdom united with the other six countries, why now, only the other six countries have come to vote, what is the meaning of the Dian Kingdom and the Zhao Kingdom? Don't plan to invest in my Daqin?"

While speaking, Ying Shou seemed to be calm, but in fact, these news, for him, were comforting and exciting.

He has already made a layout in the southwest, but his layout has not taken the last step until now.

But even so, such a big piece of cake was harvested abruptly.

This was beyond his expectation, but it was also reasonable, and it made him rarely happy.

He will not let the Southwest land be left alone, but he cares more about people than a piece of land.

There are too few people in this era. The entire Great Qin, including the southern border, only has tens of millions of people, which is absolutely not enough for him.In order for the world to prosper, the population must first increase.

If one had to choose between the land of the southwest and the population of the southwest, he would choose the population of the southwest without hesitation.

This southwest population bloodline, that is the real fighting bloodline, is what he needs most at present.

As for the land, if the people's hearts are obtained, what's the difficulty in taking the land?
"Reporting to Your Majesty, the other six countries chose to survive, while Zhao Kingdom and Dian Kingdom chose to perish!"

Hawkeye replied.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

Ying Shou frowned, a little surprised.

"The people of Zhao Kingdom and Dian Kingdom have been sent to Bashu, but Dian Kingdom and Zhao Kingdom are iron-blooded countries that are rare in the southwest!"

"The monarchs of the two countries will not surrender, the courtiers will not submit, and the soldiers will not retreat."

"All passionate people are unwilling to take a step back. After entrusting their wives, children, and children to Daqin, eighty thousand soldiers gathered in the small land of Zhaoguo, vowing to fight to the death with Han Xin's army!"

"There is also the Dian Kingdom, which suffered heavy losses in the previous war, only 4 to 15 people. Now it has gathered an army of [-] people, and almost all young and middle-aged people are on the battlefield, preparing for the war of subjugation!"

Eagle eyes flickered, and as he spoke, admiration could not help appearing in his eyes.

"What, the Kingdom of Dian and the Kingdom of Zhao are so determined?"

Ying Shou's heart moved, he couldn't help bitterness, and said: "It's a pity, it's a pity. It's a pity that so many hot-blooded men can't be used by me."

"However, this move is admirable enough. Since they have made a choice, I will not force it, let them go!"

(End of this chapter)

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