Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 726 Everyone's Choice

Chapter 726 Everyone's Choice
"Isn't Your Majesty going to send troops to rescue him?"

Hawkeye looked at Ying Shou, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but say.

The subjugation of Dian Kingdom and Zhao Kingdom seems stupid, but it is actually admirable.

Even Hawkeye admires a group of young men from Zhao Kingdom and Dian Kingdom.

Like Ying Shou, he couldn't bear the death of all the brave fighters in this country of heroes.

So he has been waiting for Ying Shou's order, he wants to save these people.

And this is the best time to conquer the Southwest. As long as Daqin joins the war, and with the help of the warriors from Zhao Kingdom and Dian Kingdom, taking the Southwest is just around the corner.

As long as Han Xin is eliminated, Daqin will be less troubled in the future.This point, as long as anyone with a little knowledge understands it, he doesn't believe that the emperor doesn't understand it.

But the emperor's sudden words, let them go, really made Hawkeye a little puzzled.

"Has any country asked me to send troops?"

Facing Hawkeye's body temperature, Ying Shou got up and walked slowly towards the door.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is no..."

Hawkeye said instinctively.

"Since there is no such thing, why should I send troops? Hawkeye, today you have overstepped your authority, and I will not hold you accountable, but I will teach you one more thing. Subduing others without fighting is the best policy!"

The countries in the Southwest were unable to contend against the Yelang Kingdom, so all the countries abandoned their old lands and came to seek refuge in Great Qin. This was their choice.

It is my kindness and tolerance that I take them in.

"I can tolerate them, and I can also avenge them, because they are willing to fall into my arms and be my people of Great Qin."

"As a lord, I have the right to recover everything for them, but that doesn't mean I have to humbly help others."

"Furthermore, I also admire the heroic feats of Dian Kingdom and Zhao Kingdom. But they would rather subjugate their country than seek me. This is also their choice."

"I respect them, and I can take care of their worries for them. Similarly, because I respect them, I respect their choices even more!"

"They chose to protect the country with death. The country is alive and the people are alive. The country is destroyed and the people are dead. Why should I stop it?"

With that said, Ying Shou had already walked out of the imperial study.

Hawkeye listened quietly, and after a long time, couldn't help but lowered his head, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is wise, I know I was wrong, I will leave!"

With that said, Hawkeye left quietly.

The heavy snow was flying, and the imperial city was shrouded in white at night.

Ying Shou stood outside the imperial study room, and the heavy snow fell all over the sky. In an instant, his black hair was dyed white.

He looked to the southwest, with helplessness flashing in his eyes, took a deep breath, and muttered to himself: "It is said that the battle between the Yellow Emperor and Chi You was a battle between good and evil, but what is right and what is evil in this world?"

"In the struggle of the world, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. What a hero Chi You is, how domineering he is against the Yan and Huang emperors with his own strength?"

"The bloodline of the war god of the Jiuli tribe, known as the demon god, has fallen like this, it is simply a sigh."

"Heroes like Jiuli are admirable after all. Now that you have made your choice, there is nothing I can do. I really want to keep these 20 warriors, but I want to keep Han Xin even more!"

"You are preparing for the war of national subjugation, so why not I? The world is in turmoil, and I have the will but powerlessness!"

Ying Shou slowly gave birth to his palm, watching the heavy snow fall into his palm, and finally melted into water, dripping drop by drop, he couldn't help but a flash of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Some things are like this snow, which can be grasped but not firmly grasped.The only way is to use all the strength to squeeze it into a ball and turn it into ice, so that I can truly hold it in my palm.

But with a firm grip, who knows whether it melted the snow or solidified it in the end?

At this moment, Ying Shou was thinking more about Da Qin.

The next catastrophe is the same for Daqin.Daqin is like the snow falling in the sky, but the catastrophe is the palm of his hand.

In the end, Ying Shou really didn't know whether this palm destroyed Daqin or made him a success.

But for a better Daqin, he can only take a risk, not hesitating to subjugate the country.

In this world, everyone has their own choices.

He respects the choices of the southwestern countries, because he also hopes that one day, future generations will not scold the tyrants and fools of the ages because of his choices today.

Maybe sometimes reputation is not that important, but the feeling of carrying everything alone is really tiring.

The pain in my heart, the struggle and no one to tell, is really hopeless.Even if he wins and defends, he only feels exhausted in his heart!

In Taifu's mansion, in the bridal chamber, Wang Lin led his bride Wu Ya into the room step by step, and sat down on the big red wedding bed.

Wu Ya lowered her head with a shy expression on her face.

At this time, Wu Ya is only fourteen or fifteen years old, and it is the age of cardamom, so she looks very petite, giving people the feeling of a little bride.

"Husband, tonight... are we going to sleep together!"

With a blushing face, Wu Ya asked in a low voice.

Although the children of the prairie are bold and unrestrained, they still can't stop being shy at this time.

"No, getting married today is not Wang Lin's, Wang Lin will not touch the princess, at least not for the time being!"

Wang Lin shook his head and said seriously.


The little princess Wu Ya's face changed, she quickly looked at Wang Lin, and said, "You don't want to?"

Wang Lin shook his head again, and said, "It's not that Wang Lin is unwilling, but Wang Lin is afraid that the princess will not. Even if the princess is willing today, if there is a chance of regret in the future, Wang Lin will not touch the princess!"

"The battle between Da Qin and the Xiongnu is not far away. After the war, if the princess is still willing to follow Wang Lin for the rest of her life, Wang Lin will swear to protect the princess to the death and never let her down."

"Of course, if the princess doesn't want to follow Wang Lin at that time, Wang Lin will definitely do everything to protect the princess and leave safely!"

Hearing this, Wu Ya's complexion improved a lot.

A smile appeared on his small face, and there was a touch of emotion in his eyes.

How could she not hear that Wang Lin has been thinking about her.

"Thank you, husband!"

Suddenly, Wu Ya hugged Wang Lin and kissed him hard on the face.

Then, he turned over and lay on the bed, turned his back to Wang Lin, and said with a smile, "Husband, if you want, Wu Ya is willing to serve your husband at any time, and she will never regret it!"

Wang Lin foolishly reached out and touched his face. Hearing this, a smile appeared on his face. He stood up slowly, cupped his fists in a salute, and said, "Princess, Wang Lin bids farewell!"

As he spoke, he slowly walked out of the bridal chamber and gave up on Chunxiao.

When he came to the outer courtyard, he saw candlelight still burning in his uncle's study from a distance. Wang Lin walked step by step and knocked on the door.


Shu Suntong's majestic voice sounded from inside, and said coldly.

"Uncle, it's Lin'er!"

Wang Lin said loudly.

"Lin'er, on the night of the bridal chamber, what are you doing here if you don't accompany your wife? Come in!"

Shu Suntong's voice came, and said with a touch of fatigue.

Wang Lin opened the door and walked into the study, came to Shusuntong, bowed his hands and saluted, and said, "Lin'er greets uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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