Chapter 727
Shusun Tong was flipping through the memorials in his hands. Following Wang Lin in, he put down the memorials in his hands, looked up, and said with a smile, "Lin'er is here at this time, are you afraid that your little wife and children will be unhappy?"

Wang Lin shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "Uncle, great courtesy is in the heart, and small courtesy is in the form. The real courtesy is to consider others and choose for others."

"Back then, Confucius traveled to various countries to find a few people who would bless all living beings. Even if he did not succeed in his life, his integrity should be passed on to my generation. Therefore, walking out of the bridal chamber today is Lin'er's choice, and it is also an opportunity for the princess."

"Lin'er doesn't want the princess to have no chance to regret it in the future, so uncle please don't blame Lin'er!"

Uncle Suntong nodded and said, "Okay... Lin'er has really grown up, and Lin'er has really learned how to be polite. There is no right or wrong in this world, so how can you be harsh?"

"Everyone has his own choice, as long as he thinks it is in line with etiquette and in line with his heart, how can uncle blame Lin'er!"

"Besides, Lin'er is becoming more and more sensible now. If Lin'er's mother saw what she did today, she would definitely agree with it."

"In the future, Lin'er will also be a family member. Uncle won't be harsh anymore. Lin'er should be responsible for his choices and actions!"

"Lin'er doesn't want the princess to regret, but my uncle is just like Lin'er. I hope Lin'er will not regret what he did today, and for the rest of his life, he will not regret every decision he makes!"

While speaking, Shu Suntong looked at Wang Lin with a look of doting.

He had no children in his life, and Wang Lin was like his own child to him.

He can give this child everything he has, but he can't think about his whole life for this child after all.

"Thank you uncle for your understanding. These days, Lin'er knows that in order to let Lin'er get married with peace of mind, uncle never mentions the content of the previous palace discussions in front of Lin'er."

"However, Lin'er can't see that uncle is very tired and conflicted. Today, Lin'er still wants to ask uncle what's worrying. Can Lin'er share his worries?"

Wang Lin bowed again and said seriously.

"Hehe, what a worry, didn't Lin'er know about it long ago? It wasn't the battle in the north of the Great Wall. Could it be that Lin'er gave up the wedding ceremony for this matter?"

Shu Suntong shook his head and smiled. He didn't mention what happened in the palace that day in order not to distract Wang Lin.

Now that the wedding ceremony has passed, he no longer hides it.

"Uncle, the battle between the Great Qin and the Xiongnu was already expected. Lin'er wants to know what happened after uncle and the ministers met His Majesty the Emperor in the palace that day?"

"Recently, in Xianyang City, all the officials are worried. They have long lost their excitement when they talked about the new year. This is very wrong."

"Lin'er can believe that His Majesty must have made a decision to cause such a change. Please sue my uncle!"

Wang Lin cupped his hands and continued to ask questions.

"Has His Majesty decided?"

Shu Suntong's eyes flickered, recalling the emperor's changes that day, he said: "The emperor didn't make any decisions, he just gave a proposal, that is, to use troops against the Huns."

"But now is the time to use troops against the Huns? Seeing that the officials disagree, the emperor has already let the officials decide."

"Lin'er, the old man found that His Majesty has changed, really changed. He is getting farther and farther away from the officials and the world. I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse!"

Hearing the words, Wang Lin suddenly realized, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and he said with a wry smile, "Uncle, you shouldn't reject His Majesty's proposal! His Majesty has not changed, but as uncle said, everyone in the world has their own choice." , the ministers make a choice, how can the emperor not choose?"

Shu Suntong's eyes flashed, and he said, "Lin'er, what do you mean by that?"

Wang Lin shook his head and said, "Did you forget what uncle said just now?"

Shu Suntong frowned and said, "Which sentence?"

Wang Lin said with a smile: "Uncle said, Lin'er has grown up, Lin'er has learned manners, and Lin'er should have his own choice."

"From now on, my uncle will not criticize Lin'er any more, I only hope that Lin'er will live the rest of his life, and don't regret every decision he makes!"

"Uncle's words to Lin'er are the expectation of the parents and the letting go of the mentor!"

"Don't uncle feel that what His Majesty has done to the officials is actually the same as what uncle has done to Lin'er?"

Shusun Tong's heart tightened. These days, the changes in the emperor had been bothering him. At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

"You mean..."

He stared at Wang Lin and couldn't help but hesitate to speak.

"That's right, when Lin'er's family was ruined and there was nowhere to go, it was my uncle who saved Lin'er and raised Lin'er."

"Now that Lin'er has grown up, Uncle let go, Lin'er can ride the world. Uncle only hopes that Lin'er will not regret any of his decisions!"

"Just think about it, isn't this the case with Great Qin? The country is ruined and the family is destroyed. His Majesty turned the tide, saved Great Qin, and protected Great Qin from developing to this day with his own strength."

"Now that Daqin is barely in power, His Majesty often has no power to restrain him, so His Majesty should let go!"

"Lin'er is my uncle's child, Daqin is the emperor's child, and all people in the world are the emperor's children."

"His Majesty the Emperor gave a proposal to the ministers and the world, but the ministers rejected it. With their own choice, how could the emperor criticize and oppose it?"

"It's the uncle's decision to let go of the uncle, and it's the emperor's choice to let go of the emperor. There is a reason for the ministers to make decisions."

"It's still the same sentence, everyone in the world should have their own choices."

"His Majesty the Emperor has not changed, and he also wants to protect Great Qin as before. It is the officials who have changed, the people of the world have changed, and Great Qin has become powerful. It is time to break away from His Majesty's protection!"

Wang Lin shook his head and sighed, very helplessly.

He can understand that the ministers rejected the emperor's proposal.But if he was present that day, he would definitely agree with the emperor's proposal at all costs.

Today, the world is full of dangers, and everyone can't believe the emperor's arrogant words, and dare not take Daqin's risk easily.But Wang Lin always believed that the emperor was still the wise and mighty emperor.

Everyone in the world can worry about this emperor, but he, Wang Lin, can always rest assured.

"Lin'er, uncle understands what you said. Uncle shouldn't blame His Majesty the Emperor, and shouldn't be depressed."

"Unexpectedly, after living for so many years, my uncle is not as clear as Lin'er!"

"But Lin'er, why do you say that the ministers shouldn't reject His Majesty the Emperor?"

Shu Suntong smiled wryly, and then couldn't help asking.

"Because Your Majesty will never be wrong. Accepting the choice he gave to the officials is the best result, and rejecting it will become the decision of the whole world, and in the future, the officials will regret it!"

Wang Lin said solemnly.

"Regret, why?"

Shu Suntong was startled, he didn't expect Wang Lin to respect the emperor so much.

In his opinion, this is a good thing, and it is the loyalty a subject should have to the king.But being so sure can sometimes turn into something bad.

After all, in this world, no one can do wrong things, even saints are no exception. Who can guarantee that the emperor will never make mistakes?

(End of this chapter)

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