Chapter 729
Survival is a biological instinct.

Whether it is human beings or all things, they are all seeking to survive in life.

In order to survive, some people can kill wildly, some people can do everything at all, and some people can be as humble as ants.

No amount of hatred, no amount of unwillingness, can compare with a hope of survival.When reaching a dead end.

Even if they are enemies, as long as they say "I can give you the hope of survival", most people can finally let go of their obsession and hatred in their hearts.

There is no good or evil in this world, but there is one I can give you the hope of survival, and the other one I will deprive you of the right to live, and finally form good and evil.

Maliciousness, no one can accept it, but kindness, anyone will be happy to accept it.this is the truth.

Rong Ming was in charge, under the heavy snow, everyone was shivering.

At the city gate, countless bonfires were raised, and everyone gathered around the bonfires to keep warm, their eyes full of hope.

"Is there really any food left?"

"Why don't you come?"

Everyone was trembling all over, looking in the direction of Zhaoguo, talking to each other, eyes full of doubts, and unwilling to survive.

"Don't worry everyone, this king is the king of Yelang. This king promises everyone that as long as I have something to eat this winter, I will never starve everyone!"

"Everyone, wait with peace of mind. The envoys sent by the king will return soon. I believe that the food and grass for the army will arrive soon."

"This winter, everyone can't die. This king will definitely protect everyone to survive this winter safely!"

As the voices of everyone's discussion became louder, under the urging of Li Jiang, he came out from a group of guards and said loudly.

After hearing what King Yelang said, everyone finally calmed down a lot.

In this harsh winter, keeping warm is very important, but food is more important.

Without warm clothes, everyone can live, but if there is not enough food, no matter how big the fire is, it will not be able to keep warm, and eventually they can only die of hunger and cold.

Previously, although King Yelang provided food for disaster relief, the food was really too little. If wild vegetables could not be found, it would be consumed within ten days at most.

Ten days is really too short for the long winter months.

In this season of heavy snowfall, there are no wild vegetables and other things to dig, which means that after ten days, everyone will have to face months of hunger and cold.

By then, no one will survive, so they need food, more food.

King Yelang also promised that he had sent people to dispatch food to reassure everyone, so everyone gathered here early in the morning, waiting for what King Yelang called grain.

This is a kind of survival instinct, and the upcoming food and grass is the hope of everyone's survival.

While everyone was talking, someone suddenly noticed two figures approaching at a high speed on the distant horizon.

"Look, someone is coming..."

The man yelled, and then everyone stood up and looked around at the same time.

King Yelang and Ji Tianhou, who was silently protecting behind him, and the others also looked in that direction, only to see two galloping horses galloping towards them.

The moment he saw the two people, King Yelang narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself, "Mr. Ji, three people go, two people return!"

Ji Tianhou put his hands in front of his body. Hearing this, he was silent for a moment, and said, "Your Majesty, everything has been laid out. The matter in the Southwest should come to an end!"

King Yelang nodded silently, and took out a piece of cloth from his bosom.

On the cloth were news from Ji Tianhou's people from all over the place.

According to the news, the Southwest War has now come to an end, and the remaining countries have fled to Daqin.

At this point, the end of the Southwest War is announced, and the decisive battle between him and Han Xin will come completely.


"It's time to draw an ending!"

King Yelang nodded, his voice was a little low. After all, he who led the wolf into the house still came to this step.

At the beginning, Ying Shou had warned him that keeping Han Xin behind would be a serious disaster in his life.Although he had doubts at the time, he didn't think much about it.

Now that the facts are in front of us, Han Xin is not only a major problem for the Yelang Kingdom, but also the destroyer of the Southwest countries. He is the one who cut off the millennium inheritance of the Southwest countries.

" drive..."

The figure in the distance kept approaching, and finally, the sound of the royal horse came to everyone's ears.

Two fast horses galloped forward and stopped before King Yelang.

On the horse, the farm master and the Mohist Xu Zi got off their horses at the same time.

Xu Zi was holding a large handful of arrows in his hand, upon closer inspection, he found dozens of arrows tied together.

Behind him, there was a man covered in blood on his back. It was none other than Wu Zi, a Confucian man whose robes were dyed blood.

"Wu Zi..."

"Wu Zi..."

In all directions, figures came one after another, there were seven of them in total, all of them were first-class masters who came from Jixia Academy this time and followed Ji Tianhou to protect King Yelang.

Previously, apart from Ji Tianhou, there were ten first-rate masters, and now, among the ten, Wu Zi was the first to be buried in the southwest.

"Wu Zi..."

"what happened?"

The voices were full of grief and indignation, they all used to play chess with each other and get together as friends, and suddenly lost one of them, everyone only felt grief from the heart.

Tens of thousands of people around also rushed up at this moment. When they saw the bloody Wu Zi, everyone felt a very bad premonition in their hearts.

"Han Xin refused?"

Sitting in a wheelchair, King Yelang stepped forward slowly, with cold eyes.

"Report to Your Majesty, when Han Xin heard that we were envoys sent by His Majesty himself, he ordered to shoot and kill us!"

"Han Xin has the heart to establish himself as a king. He no longer takes the king seriously, and he no longer takes the king's will at heart."

"I'm desperately trying to obtain food and grass to tide over the difficulties for the people of the world. However, Han Xin's soldiers are strong and strong, and there is really no other way!"

Mo Xia Xu Zi and the farm master bowed and clasped fists at the same time, and said indignantly.

His words were translated by the translator behind King Yelang. Immediately, King Yelang changed color, and everyone around him changed color at the same time.

"What? Han Xin dares to..."

King Yelang was furious, and he slapped the armrest, furious.

Seeing this, the surrounding people also had expressions of grief and indignation.

Just at this moment, a voice sounded: "Your Majesty, because of his prestige in the army, Han Xin has long ignored His Majesty. At the beginning, His Majesty strictly prohibited him from sending troops, but he imprisoned His Majesty in the deep palace. Lead an army to attack the world alone!"

"Your Majesty finally got rid of the shackles, but when he came out, the world was already in chaos, the people of all countries were in dire straits, dead bodies were strewn all over the fields, and starvation was everywhere!"

"Your Majesty disregarded Han Xin's stop and released food to relieve the disaster. Han Xin was already dissatisfied. Now, the Majesty has no food to relieve the disaster, but wants to snatch it from him. How can Han Xin agree?"

After the words were finished, everyone turned their heads to look at the same time, only to see Li Jiang, Queen of Yelang, slowly walking out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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