Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 730 One person's performance

Chapter 730 The Performance of Two People
"So, Han Xin really turned against him?"

King Yelang pretended to be unbelievable. They had already discussed this scene, and their plan can be fully implemented when Wu Sheng returns from serious injuries.

It's just that no one thought that Wu Sheng never thought of surviving in order to pave the way for a better plan.

Even if he is seriously injured, he can lay the foundation of the plan, but if he dies and then implements the plan, Han Xin will have no room for reversal.

At this time, King Yelang and others followed Wu Sheng's foundation and prepared to commit crimes against Han Xin in one go.

"My lord, can't you see it? In Yelang Kingdom, Han Xin is already the uncrowned king, but in Han Xin's eyes, the king is just a crowned puppet!"

"Nowadays, almost all countries in the southwest have been destroyed by Han Xin. How can he still care about you, the king?"

Li Jiang and King Yelang sang together: "Look again, my lord, now he has even killed his envoys, the next step, maybe it's time to aim the blade at the king!"

"My lord, Han Xin wants to rebel. Now that he has a strong army, we are no match at all. Let him go, no, give him the throne. No matter how bad it is, at least one life can be left!"

While speaking, Li Jiang came to King Yelang and knelt down, with two lines of tears in his eyes.

At this moment, she seemed to lose everything in an instant, and she couldn't bear to fall from the high queen position to the altar.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the surrounding Rongming people trembled, although King Yelang had given them a lot of food for disaster relief.

But in their view, that is charity, the winner's charity for the loser.

If it wasn't for saving their lives, they would never have accepted it.Although they accepted all of them in the end, it didn't mean they didn't have any hatred for King Yelang in their hearts.

After all, it was the Yelang Kingdom who invaded them, and as the king of the Yelang Kingdom, who would he not blame for the crimes of the Yelang Kingdom?
But following the conversation between the queen and King Yelang, everyone felt trembling.From these words, even a fool can hear another meaning.

This war was not initiated by King Yelang at all.

He didn't even have the right to stop it, just because the treacherous ministers of the Yelang Kingdom were in power, and the Yelang King no longer had any rights.

He can only do his best to save the world and make up for everyone.

But now, Han Xin has destroyed all the kingdoms, and the next target may be King Yelang.

Inexplicably, a feeling of sadness over the death of a rabbit and a fox filled everyone's hearts, making their eyes flushed.

They no longer have a king, and from the moment they surrendered to Yelang, King Yelang was also their king.

They used to hate this new king, but now they realize that this new king is worthy of respect. On the other side, a crisis is approaching, and the new king is about to lose his life.

Could it be that even this king who can protect everyone in the end is about to be destroyed?
At that time, who else can they rely on?
Let Han Xin be king?
Han Xin has not yet become the king, he can take away everything from everyone, I let him be the king, there is still hope in this world, can everyone still have a chance to survive?

Countless thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, and all of them looked at King Yelang with red eyes.

Ji Tianhou didn't know the languages ​​of other countries, so he stood quietly aside at this moment, and gave the stage of the performance to King Yelang.

On the other side, the seven masters from Jixia Academy had already brought Wu Zi's body aside together with Mo Xia Xu Zi and the farmer's master.

Now that the winter is frosty and the night has passed, Wu Zi's body has not had time to change.

But the few of them are all good friends, watching their companions walk into the underworld like this, feeling sad for a moment, how can they care about this Southwest matter anymore?

In this way, the scene became a stage for King Yelang and Queen Li Jiang to perform.

"You mean, let this king abdicate and let him be the king?"

Listening to Li Jiang's words, King Yelang looked at Li Jiangdao incredulously.

"My lord, I have no choice. You and I have always known that Han Xin has always been a wolf with ambition. The reason why he kept the lord was because he didn't dare to move the lord before he unified the southwest, but now, the war is almost over! "

"Then Han Xin will never let the king go, so there is only one way for the king, and that is to let him be the king. Only in this way can he let the king go. Otherwise, the royal family will be wiped out and completely disappeared under Han Xin's iron cavalry Down!"

Li Jiang came to King Yelang on his knees, grabbed the palm of King Yelang tightly, and said with tears streaming down his face.

"Is there only one way out?"

King Yelang whispered to himself, at this moment, they seemed to have really reached a dead end.

"No, you can't...Queen, haven't you noticed yet, this Han Xin is a wolf, a wolf that eats people but doesn't spit out bones."

"Now that he has not yet become king, he has already put everyone in the world to death. If he becomes king, will there be anyone in this world who can survive?"

Suddenly, King Yelang clapped the armrest and shouted loudly.

"Look around, these are the people of Rongming. At the moment of Rongming's destruction, they were the people of Yelang Kingdom, but how did Han Xin treat them?"

"It was Han Xin who robbed them of everything with his own hands. It was Han Xin who shut them down. If there is no more food and grass for the winter, everyone will die by then."

"Han Xin didn't care about their life and death at all. If I let Han Xin be the king, if I hand these people over to Han Xin, what will happen in the end?"

"This king can't do it. I don't want to see people in the world being shamelessly harmed by Han Xin. If I want this throne, I can give it to him, but I want these people to live!"

While speaking, King Yelang had a gloomy expression on his face, as if he had made a huge determination, which made it impossible to resist.

When the people around heard the words, they couldn't help being moved.

They also knew that if they really fell under Han Xin's rule, under the hands of Han Xin, who only had soldiers and horses in his eyes, they would never be able to recover, and could only suffer all kinds of hardships and die.

But what can they do?
When they were asking themselves what could be done, Li Jiang also looked at King Yelang and said, "Your Majesty, my concubine knows that His Majesty cares about the world and does not want all sentient beings to suffer, but has His Majesty thought about it? No matter how much you think about it, Han Xin How can you let the king go because of this? Then Han Xin was born a devil, how can he do what the king wants?"

"You can't save the people in the world. Your Majesty can only protect yourself first. I beg your Majesty, don't be obsessed!"

As he said that, Li Jiang lay down on King Yelang's broken leg, with a look of grievance, desolation and fear on his face, and said: "I beg you, my lord, even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about it for your concubines, for the whole night." The royal family of Lang should think about it, I beg the king, I beg the king. The blood of the royal family cannot be extinguished!"

(End of this chapter)

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