Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 732 Follow Yelang King

Chapter 732 Follow Yelang King


"My lord, how dare Han Xin assassinate your lord?"

King Yelang hadn't finished speaking, but the surroundings were already full of grief and anger, and the crowd was excited.

They never thought that the actions of the Yelang Kingdom were all led by the fugitive Ying, let alone that this person even wanted to kill the king who was so kind to him. Is this still a human being?Simply beasts.

People in the Southwest countries do not have as many etiquettes as Daqin, but as long as they are human, they always have a steelyard in their hearts, and anyone can tell clearly whether it is right or wrong.

King Yelang's words are [-]% true and [-]% false, making it difficult to tell the truth from the false. These people can only stand on his point of view to distinguish right from wrong, and naturally they can only be guided by him.

"It doesn't matter, just assassinate. Anyway, it's all my fault, and I have to pay the price for it. I don't have any complaints!"

"Furthermore, this king's queen is from Qin, so Qin sent many experts to protect her, the princess of Qin."

"Because of the existence of these people, this king is still alive, which is considered a blessing among misfortunes!"

"But what I can't bear the most is that Han Xin's army is full of fish and meat all day long, but look at the people of my Yelang Kingdom, and look at all of you, you don't have enough clothes to cover your body, and you don't have enough to eat. "

"Where does their food and clothing come from? Isn't it robbed from the people of my Yelang country?"

"They are the army of the Yelang Kingdom, what are they now, bandits, robbers? This king really wants to make up for it, but now, this king is powerless!"

As he said that, King Yelang leaned on the wheelchair and looked up at the sky, only to see heavy snow falling suddenly and the cold wind blowing, making people feel chills all over his body.

An inexplicable despair emanated from King Yelang, making the surrounding air even colder in an instant.

Despair can't help but emerge in everyone's heart.

"Why should your majesty be discouraged, your majesty still has us!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, now that Rong Ming is gone, you are our King, Your Majesty must not be discouraged, otherwise who else can we rely on?"

"Rely on Han Xin, he must torture everyone to death, my lord, cheer up, everyone needs you!"

Suddenly, someone spoke, and immediately after that, everyone looked at King Yelang with piercing eyes.

At this moment, in the hearts of these people, King Yelang is their only hope of survival, the only life-saving straw they can grasp.

If there is really only one person to choose between Han Xin and King Yelang, at this moment, any fool would know how to choose.

Even though Yelang Kingdom is a heinous crime to all countries, in the end, Yelang King's rescue of the victims along the way is real.

Looking at Han Xin again, his crimes are real.

So this seems to give people a choice, but in fact, no one has a choice. Their only choice is King Yelang.

"Do you really need this king?"

King Yelang sat upright slowly, looked at the crowd and said.

"That's right, Your Majesty, we need you!"

Everyone nodded and said seriously.

For a moment, the voices of tens of thousands of people seemed to disperse the cold wind, making people unable to help but feel warm in their hearts.

"Okay... okay... Now that's the case, today, I will tell you my decision, everyone, let's make another decision!"

King Yelang nodded, as if he was moved and couldn't help crying again.

Taking a deep breath, trembling all over, he only heard him say: "I distributed food for everyone before, but this food will last for ten days and a half months at most."

"After this, everyone will no longer have any hope of survival. So now, this king is going to rush to the barracks in person to forcefully transport food!"

"Going this time, we will either take away the food or lose our lives in the barracks. It is still unknown what the result will be."

"If you are willing to follow this king, you can leave some of them to follow me, and some of them leave here immediately, and tell the world where the war has swept, and let everyone know that this king will live and die with them!"

"If this king unfortunately dies in the barracks, at that time, this king will no longer be able to protect you, and you must rush to Qin State immediately."

"This king has sent people to inform the Qin State, and the Qin Emperor has agreed. If you enter Qin for the people of Yelang, Qin State will protect you!"

"Of course, if you don't want to take risks with this king, you can also go to Han Xin, maybe you can get enough food and clothing, and you won't be so desperate. What do you think?"

"Choose it!"

At the end, King Yelang lowered his head slowly, as if he didn't want to influence other people's choices because of himself.

Of course, he's said so much, who has any so-called choice?

Now everyone has only one choice, and that is to follow him.

After all, Han Xin's heart is cruel and merciless, and everyone can see it, so go to seek refuge with Han Xin?

What a joke, what Han Xin wants is young adults over 16 years old and under 30 years old, the rest, he can't wait to kick them all away, isn't it courting death to hug his thigh?

Besides, King Yelang, who paid so much for everyone, even prepared to deserve his life.People have hearts, who can abandon such a king?And once defeated, they still have a way out, and that is the Great Qin Road opened for them by King Yelang.

One is a choice with a way out, and the other is a cliff with no way out. As long as you have a good mind, you will know how to choose.

Sure enough, the crowd didn't even stay silent, didn't think about it, and heard someone shouting loudly: "Your Majesty, we are willing to follow your Majesty!"

"Yes, I am willing to follow the king!"

"I beg your majesty to take me in..."

While speaking, everyone around knelt down on the ground with pleading expressions on their faces.

Seeing this, King Yelang exchanged glances with Ji Tianhou who was behind him. Ji Tianhou closed his eyes and nodded slightly, as if to tell him that enough was enough and the time was ripe.

"Okay... Since you are willing to follow me, I will never let you down even if I risk my life. Get up, everyone, I will make arrangements later!"

King Yelang nodded, deeply moved, and asked everyone to stand up.

After everyone got up, King Yelang asked someone to push the wheelchair, saying: "Everyone wait a moment, let me think about what to do first!"

As he said that, pushed by the guards behind him, King Yelang entered the city.

The people around originally only wanted to receive food here, but now they didn't get the food, and no one chose to return to the city, but all gathered here, waiting for King Yelang's order.


"My lord, what's the matter?"

King Yelang returned to the city, which used to be the palace of King Rongming. Immediately, Queen Yelang Li Jiang and a man came to meet him.

If Han Xin was here at this moment, he would be pleasantly surprised to find that this person was none other than Shen Xingnan, the right hand of the Southwest Land who fled with him.

"My lord, do you want to do something?"

Shen Xingnan came to King Yelang and asked urgently.

While speaking, he had already betrayed Han Xin and chose to follow King Yelang.

It's a pity that Han Xin has been kept in the dark so far, otherwise I don't know how anxious he would be.

(End of this chapter)

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