Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 733 Underestimating and Overestimating

Chapter 733 Underestimating and Overestimating

"It's done!"

"Shen Xingnan, next, it's your turn!"

King Yelang looked at Shen Xingnan and said solemnly.

"Okay, don't worry, Your Majesty, even if I try my best to give up this life, I will definitely take Han Xin to death without a place to bury him. All efforts will be in vain!"

Shen Xingnan cupped his hands, fell to his knees suddenly, and said loudly.

"Okay, Shen Xingnan, with your words, this king will feel relieved. Believe me, from now on, there will be no more wanted articles about you in Qin State. If you return to Qin in the future, this king will assure you , Emperor Qin must reuse it!"

King Yelang nodded, patted Shen Xingnan on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to make such a promise. Shen Xingnan will not go to Qin as an official in the future. Now, the reason why Shen Xingnan backed Han Xin is really an act of abandoning the dark and turning to the bright."

"At the beginning, the king misjudged Han Xin, and the minister also misjudged Han Xin!"

"He is indeed full of talent. However, this man is ambitious, a man of tigers and wolves, and cannot work together. If he does not die, the world will eventually be in trouble, so I must let him die!"

Shen Xingnan raised his head, and when he spoke, his eyes were full of anger.

His betrayal of Han Xin was actually doomed when Han Xin fought with King Yelang.

After Han Xin sent troops to attack the southwestern countries, Shen Xingnan used to be a civil servant, the only one under Han Xin who had the ability to govern the country.

So Han Xin kept Shen Xingnan beside King Yelang, not only to stabilize the rear for him, but also to monitor King Yelang for him.

However, civil and military are at odds, and cultural relics are at odds. This is a truth that has never changed in the world since ancient times.

A civil servant who governs the world, and a general who is on the battlefield, one is governing and the other is killing. They have different ways and do not conspire with each other.

If there is a powerful enough king sitting in the middle, the situation can be slightly changed.

But between Han Xin and Shen Xingnan, there is no such person.

Moreover, what Han Xin did was no longer fighting or expanding the territory. He was plundering, plundering wildly.

How could such an act be recognized by Shen Xingnan?

At the beginning, Shen Xingnan saw Han Xin's talent above all else, so he could do anything to help him complete his hegemony.

But when Han Xin's banditry behavior was exposed again and again, what was left to Shen Xingnan was no longer a manageable world, but a dilapidated ruin.

This is a dead end, a road that cuts off the world.

No matter how much Shen Xingnan was willing to follow Han Xin, he couldn't stand it, and eventually fell to Shen Xingnan's side.

He knew that Han Xin could be stronger for a while at most, and the land in the southwest would have two results in the end.

One, the king of Yelang regains control of the whole world in order to bring peace to the world.Furthermore, the land in the southwest fell into the hands of Daqin.

Now that he also knows the development of the Great Qin Southern Territory, it is undeniable that it will be millions of times better if this southwest land falls into the hands of Great Qin than it is in the hands of Han Xin.

Therefore, no matter what the result is, he can accept it. It is a bright road in the southwest, but he cannot accept it if it falls into the hands of Han Xin.

Because it fell into the hands of Han Xin, this place will always be shrouded in the shadow of death.

In the end, he betrayed Han Xin and chose his own path.

He wants to kill Han Xin, and he is more willing to follow King Yelang than Han Xin.

In any case, in his heart, the current King Yelang can be regarded as the Mingjun of the previous generation. Even if King Yelang handed over the country to Daqin in the future, it would be King Yelang's choice.

And his choice is King Yelang.

"Okay, Shen Xingnan, I will give you a chance to put Han Xin to death!"

Facing Shen Xingnan's firm gaze, King Yelang nodded, satisfying him.

"Also ask the king to order!"

Shen Xingnan cupped his hands.

"Shen Xingnan listened to the order. There are [-] people in the city at this moment. You immediately lead [-] people away, disperse them everywhere, and spread the news of Han Xin's rebellion as quickly as possible. I don't think I need to order the content of it. Bar?"

King Yelang gave an order, looked at Shen Xingnan and said.

"The minister knows, the minister bids farewell!"

Shen Xingnan nodded solemnly, and while speaking, got up and left.

Seeing this, King Yelang didn't talk nonsense, and said: "Mr. Ji, I can still buy another half a month. In this half month, you first pass the news back to Qin."

"It's too late to pass it to Xianyang, but I still hope that General Bashu Language will make a decision. This is the best time to take down Han Xin in one fell swoop. I hope General Yuwen can make a decision himself if he can!"

Standing behind King Yelang, Ji Tianhou cupped his hands and said, "No one in Daqin can go against His Majesty's will. Of course, so far, no one has dared to make a claim without His Majesty's approval."

"How all of this will proceed depends on how General Yuwen chooses!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the news will reach General Yuwen soon!"

King Yelang nodded, and said: "That's it, it's almost there. If there are no accidents, the land in the southwest can be flattened. This will be the biggest event in my life, and it will also be my last gift to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor."

"After this incident, if I don't die, I should rest. I have seen through the intrigues in the world competition, and I am tired of playing. I hope that Daqin will have a place to rest, so I can rest for this king!"

While speaking, King Yelang looked up at the sky, with endless exhaustion in his eyes.

The monarch who was slowly awakening, after a struggle, he was afraid and tired, and really wanted to rest.

At this last moment, he only hoped to make up for the regrets of his life and shatter all hopes of Han Xin.

Ji Tianhou didn't speak, but turned and left silently.

Soon, a message began to be sent to the land of Bashu at the fastest speed.

The news hadn't reached Bashu yet, on the other side, Ying Shou in Xianyang had already known about it first.

For those ancient fast horse delivery methods, although it is safer, but at the speed of the Black Ice Platform, it is too slow after all.

The dark net of Daqin's Black Ice Platform has already covered the Daqin Empire, and even the surrounding areas in the southwest, Xiongnu in the northwest, Donghu in the northeast and other places.

In these places, any news will be collected as soon as possible.Anything related to Daqin will be sent to Xianyang immediately.

Even though the Northeast is very far away from Daqin, the news will be delivered within three days, not to mention the southwest, which is not too far away from Daqin, and it only takes more than a day to reach Xianyang.

"King Yelang, oh King Yelang, I underestimated you! I didn't expect you to be so capable. When I deployed the Southwest, I really wanted to reap the benefits of fishermen, but you were really unexpected. Afterwards, such a big situation was laid out, which I never thought of!"

"And Han Xin, I overestimated you a little too. You disappointed me after all. After all, you are only worthy of being a bandit. Letting you rule the country is simply wishful thinking."

"I also hope that you can bring some pressure to Daqin and be my Daqin's whetstone. Nowadays, you don't even have the qualifications to be a whetstone, so you'd better die!"

In the Xianyang Palace, in the Imperial Study Room, Ying Shou was filled with admiration when he received Hawkeye's report.Sometimes surprised, sometimes disappointed, unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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