Chapter 734 Regret
"Your Majesty, can you continue to let General Yuwen make his own decision on this matter?"

Hawkeye looked at Ying Shou who was muttering to himself, and asked with cupped hands.

"No, this matter is too big. No matter how bold Yu Wencheng is, he doesn't dare to act recklessly. Unless I send an order to send troops, otherwise, he will never dare to act!"

Ying Shou shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Well, Eagle Eye, you should immediately send an order to tell Yuwen Chengdu that no matter what the cost, go to the southwest as soon as possible. Now is the harvest time, and the harvest cannot be reduced!"

Hawkeye heard the words, promised, and left.

After Hawkeye left, Ying Shou looked again at the map that had been spread out on the desk, his eyes focused on the southwest, and he couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Man is not as good as God, maybe this is what he said!"

Looking at the map, Ying Shou couldn't help but muttered to himself, "This harvest is too easy, it's not challenging!"

For Ying Shou at this moment, in fact, the whole world is his plan, and the whole world is his prey.

The land of the Southwest, the Northwest, the Northeast, and even the more distant Western Regions, as well as the Maurya Dynasty, the Roman Empire, etc., are all his prey.

Of course, the land in the southwest, the land in the northwest, and the land in the northeast are what he needs to harvest the most at present.

I thought that allowing Han Xin to make waves in the southwest would bring some difficulties to the harvest, and it could be regarded as a test for Daqin.Unfortunately, Han Xin let him down after all.

Not to mention fighting with him, Han Xin couldn't even fight against King Yelang, so he was not qualified to challenge Da Qin at all.

This is not to say that Han Xin is really useless, but sometimes a strong person always has his own flaws.

In history, there has never been a lack of such evaluations.In a certain dynasty, a certain prince is particularly powerful. If he sits on the throne, he will surely lead the world to glory.

But in fact, anyone who knows something about politics knows that those who are really outstanding in a certain aspect are really not qualified to be emperors.

As the saying goes, the way of heaven is to take more than enough to make up for what is not enough, and the way of man is to damage what is not enough and give what is more than enough.A real emperor pays attention to balance, not to being powerful in a certain aspect.

Let me give you an example, Great Qin Qinwu King, it is undeniable that he is indeed very powerful, but in fact, he is not an emperor after all.

On the contrary, he is more suitable to be a general, or even handsome.Such a person cannot govern the world well.

After all, everything has always been like this, the ruler is shorter and the inch is longer.The more strengths a person has, the more weaknesses he has.

On the contrary, people who have no strengths will not have too many weaknesses.And such a person is more suitable for balancing the world.

Let's talk about Han Xin, Han Xin has been said in history to be miraculous and unparalleled in the country.He also said that Liu Bang's world was basically brought down by Han Xin.

If Han Xin is willing, he can divide the world with Xiang Yu and Liu Bang.

In fact, Liu Bang is basically doomed to rule the world.Because whether it is Xiang Yu or Han Xin, they all have unparalleled flaws, that is, they don't know how to govern the world.

Among them, Xiang Yu's military strengths actually far surpassed Han Xin's, and Han Xin's strategic strengths far surpassed Xiang Yu's.Looking at Liu Bang again, it seems that nothing can be compared with them.

But Liu Bang knows how to balance, he knows how to use everything that can be used.And Xiang Yu never listens to other people's opinions, and Han Xin is also self-righteous.

It's true that these two are very powerful, but when it comes to strategy, Liu Bang's men, Zhang Liang far surpasses Han Xin, and Xiao He completely defeats Xiang Yu and Han Xin in terms of governing the world.Therefore, what Liu Bang lacks is only a marshal.

This marshal can be Han Xin, or someone else.As long as one comes out, it is not difficult to rule the world.

Looking at Han Xin again, in history, after he destroyed Zhao Qi, in fact, it was still Liu Bang's people who governed Zhao Qi.Therefore, he could not escape Liu Bang's palm after all.That's the truth.

Everyone said that Liu Bang was incompetent, and everyone said that Liu Bang was a rascal, but Liu Bang's emperor's talent made even Ying Shou feel afraid, so Ying Shou made a move, and Liu Bang was the first to be eliminated, and he was not given the slightest chance to deal with it.

It can also be seen from this that Liu Bang's status in Ying Shou's mind far exceeds that of Xiang Yu, let alone Han Xin.

After killing Xiang Yu, Ying Shou didn't even think about finding a Han Xin to use or kill for me.It can be seen that Ying Shou doesn't take Han Xin seriously at all.

Until later, when Han Xin made waves in the southwest, Ying Shou finally became interested.But at present, it seems that he still overestimates Han Xin.

Before the real emperor, the so-called handsome talent, no matter how weak, there are ways to control him to death.And all this is all due to Han Xin's shortcomings.

"Guo Shi Wu Shuang, you are indeed Guo Shi Wu Shuang when you meet the right person, but unfortunately, I don't like you, otherwise, how could you end up in this situation?"

Ying Shou muttered to himself, while speaking, he was both disappointed and sighed with Han Xin.

While despising Han Xin's vulnerability, he also had to admit Han Xin's general talent.

After all, what he despises is only Han Xin's shortcomings, just as he thinks, the ruler is short and the inch is long.

Those who have strengths have more weaknesses.And the more obvious the disadvantages, the more surprising the strengths will be.

Being an emperor is actually to balance the good and bad of the people in the world.

Like Han Xin, if Ying Shou is willing to take him in, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are enough to make up for his shortcomings.

For example, Xiao He's talent for governing the world, Zhang Liang's talent for strategy, the backup power of thousands of people in the Great Qin Dynasty, and all aspects of the civil and military aspects of the Manchu Dynasty can completely turn Han Xin into a war machine, gods can block and kill gods, and Buddhas can block and kill Buddha, the glory of life is inexhaustible.

It's a pity that Ying Shou hated Han Xin from the very beginning, and now that he has come to this point, it is impossible for Han Xin to be used by him, so Han Xin must die.

How can Ying Shou not feel sorry for such a talented person who has come to an end like this?
Of course, he just felt sorry for it, and he didn't think that without Han Xin, Daqin would lose too much.

In this world, Han Xin is not the only handsome man, there is still Wei Liaozi in the Great Qin Dynasty, even if Wei Liaozi is no longer good, there is also his sword-making general Wang Lin behind him.

Wang Lin is not worse than Han Xin, on the contrary, he is stronger than Han Xin.This is Da Qin's confidence, and Ying Shou's confidence to challenge the conspiracy prepared by other countries for him.

When Ying Shou sighed, on the other side, the imperial city Tianchi Palace.

This is the palace allocated to Yinyue by Yinyue Yingshou. The courtyard of the palace is already covered with heavy snow and the wind is bitterly cold.

In the cold wind and heavy snow, the guards of the forbidden army were still standing guard.

In the palace dormitory, the door was closed tightly, Nan Yan was sitting on the edge of the bed, still calling for the unconscious Yinyue's pulse.

Almost a month has passed, and Yinyue shows no signs of waking up.But her pulse is normal, which is quite reassuring.

Nan Yan, who was feeling her pulse, suddenly felt sick to her stomach and felt dizzy. She walked aside and retched continuously, appearing very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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