Chapter 735
"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

On the side, the two maids who had been serving behind Nan Yan saw this, hurried forward to support Nan Yan, gently stroked her shoulder, and asked worriedly.

Now, Ning'er, the dowry maid in Nanyan's family, was expelled, Chunxiang was married, and neither of the maids could serve Nan Yan, only these court ladies could take care of her.

Fortunately, Nan Yan was always known for her gentleness and kindness in the palace. These people knew that the empress was kind-hearted, and they were not so afraid. They took good care of him, so there was not much change.

"It's okay, it's okay... Maybe I'm a little tired... I don't know why, I always feel back pain and retching all the time!"

Nan Yan waved her hands, calmed down, and said helplessly.

"Your Majesty, it's so late, and you still don't rest, it's no wonder you have back pain. Otherwise, Madam, let the imperial doctor come to diagnose Yinyue Empress in the future, so don't always work so hard. Not to mention Your Majesty, even slaves We all feel distressed when we see it!"

On Nanyan's left, a maid named Mei'er said softly.

"Yes, empress, all the slaves know that empress is kind to people in the harem, but sometimes you should pay attention to your body."

"I did this by myself, and if others don't talk about it, the slaves and servants all feel sorry for the empress!"

On the right, a maid named Yu'er followed suit.

"My palace said it's all right, why do you two girls feel distressed?"

"If you want to feel sorry, you should also feel sorry for His Majesty the Emperor. Your Majesty is tired all day long, worrying about the affairs of the world."

"Now that Empress Yinyue is unconscious again, His Majesty is always worried about her. If I don't share His Majesty's worries in person, who can relieve His Majesty's worries?"

Nan Yan interrupted the words of the two maids, and looked at Yinyue not far away with a bitter face.

She even wondered if it was because of her own reasons that caused Yinyue's current situation.

Before she went to the southwest, she didn't know Yinyue, but it is said that Yinyue had always had a deep love for His Majesty the Emperor, and for His Majesty, she did everything by herself and gave everything for His Majesty.

But when she was married to the emperor, something happened to her, and after that, she always felt strange to the emperor.

So far, disasters have come one after another.

People in this era admire the gods of heaven and earth very much. Even the old master Confucius once said that ghosts and gods should be respected and kept at a distance. It can be seen that they believe in this kind of numerology.

Therefore, Nan Yan occasionally couldn't help wondering whether it was because she took everything that should belong to Yinyue that she was in such a catastrophe.

Therefore, from the beginning, she only took care of Yinyue for His Majesty the Emperor out of her status as the master of the harem. Gradually, this kind of care turned into a kind of guilty care.

These days, she would run here two or three times almost every day, and she would only stop when the emperor came to her Jingquan Palace.

Occasionally when she came here, she would find that the emperor was also here, looking at the unconscious Yinyue with a silent expression on his face.

She knew the emperor's worries, and even knew that the emperor had faced so many difficulties recently that he was haggard all over, which made her want to wake up Yinyue earlier.

But there is nothing wrong with Yinyue's body, even the cold air in her body has been dispelled, she should have woken up a long time ago according to reason, but now she is still unconscious, which makes Nanyan even more puzzled, and the number of times she runs here gradually increases .

"The empress, the servants all know that the empress wants to share the worries of your majesty, but now the empress can't do anything about it, why not leave it to someone else?"

The girl named Mei Er looked at Nan Yan with respect.

"There is never a shortage of troubles in this world. There is no way. We should find a way instead of evading it, understand?"

Nan Yan shook her head and said softly.

"The empress is the most reasonable, but the empress, the servants are also concerned about the empress's body, the empress has retched badly in the past two days, can this be happy?"

On the side, Yu'er suddenly thought of something and stared at Nan Yandao.

As soon as these words came out, Nan Yan shuddered all over, as if thinking of something.

"How is it possible, the empress is known as the little doctor fairy, and the empress doesn't know if she is happy or not!"

Mel retorted.

"Why is it impossible? Your Majesty also said that doctors don't heal themselves. Whoever stipulated it, the little fairy doctor will definitely be able to check her own body?"

"And I've heard that people who are pregnant are particularly prone to fatigue, and they always vomit. If it is more serious, they are prone to back pain. Look, these symptoms are not the same as the current situation of the empress. Is it exactly the same?"

Yu'er was dissatisfied.

"Well, what Yu'er said is correct. If a doctor doesn't heal himself, why didn't I expect to be happy? There is a possibility, there is a possibility!"

At this moment, Nan Yan suddenly spoke, agreeing with Yu'er's statement.

"Your Majesty also agrees?"

Yu'er said happily.

"Well, this matter can't be sloppy!"

Nan Yan nodded.

"Your Majesty, so to speak, do you want to go to the imperial doctor to diagnose your Majesty now? After all, if there is a happy event, it is a major event related to the prince, and everyone in the world is looking forward to it!"

On the side, Meier's expression also turned serious, and she asked quickly.

"You're right, this is a major event that concerns the world, and it must be confirmed as soon as possible. In this way, Mei'er, you should immediately summon the imperial doctor and let the imperial doctor come to see this palace!"

Nan Yan looked at Mei'er solemnly, and hurriedly gave instructions while speaking.


Mei'er was also happy, she quickly responded and turned to leave.

Looking at Mei Er who left, Nan Yan became inexplicably nervous.

She has long wanted to give birth to a son for the emperor. This is not to say that a mother is more expensive than a son, but the royal family is sparsely populated. As a queen, she must give birth to a prince as soon as possible to stabilize the country.

This is the only thing she can do for the emperor. Now, she really hopes that there will be some movement in her stomach.

"Hee hee, I didn't expect the empress to be so nervous when the prince was mentioned. Alright, empress, come and do it first."

"If you are really pregnant with the prince, you are so nervous, it is not good for the prince, relax first!"

On the side, Yu'er giggled and helped Nan Yan to sit on a chair beside her.

Regarding the Queen's body, no one dared to be careless, especially when it involved the Prince, no one dared to hesitate at all.

Nan Yan didn't have to wait long, Mei Er had already brought over the imperial doctor who was disheveled and obviously asleep.

At this moment, the imperial doctor was holding clothes in his hands, but he was wearing very thin clothes.

An old man was shivering from the cold, and as soon as he entered the bedroom, he quickly knelt down in front of Nan Yan and said loudly: "The old minister will see the empress, the empress will be a thousand years old."

"I heard that the empress has a sign of great joy. I didn't care about etiquette and came here in a panic. I hope that the empress will make amends!"

(End of this chapter)

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